747C.00/11–954: Telegram

No. 392
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Greece1


1073. Key today discussed Cyprus in UNGA with Scott UK Embassy. Stated we recognized our commitment to UK to oppose any resolution2 but were concerned that despite our joint efforts mild resolution such as one calling on UK to carry on discussions with Cypriots looking toward self-government would receive two-thirds majority. We therefore sought UK reaction to arrangement for moderate statement by Greeks and we would hope by British, to be followed by passage of simple postponement resolution preferably sine die. Alternatively we might seek conclude moderate Cyprus debate without passage any resolution though this extremely difficult in view general UN practice concluding discussion each item by some sort resolution. If British-Cypriot talks made progress before next GA session matter might not then be placed on its agenda.

Key stated if British agreed we would explore possibility such an arrangement.

Scott said proposition would be put Foreign Office but doubted would be accepted. Stressed depth UK feeling this subject comparing it with US attitude on Guatemala. Said UK wanted item taken up and killed, so matter would be disposed of in GA once and for [Page 723] all. Contrary to indication London’s 21323 repeated Athens 40, stated UK would not sit in Political Committee during consideration item. Laid great weight on effect active US lobbying on item through Key cautioned re overestimating our power combat emotional anti-colonial sentiment in Assembly even among Latins.

  1. Drafted by Popper and cleared by Key and Baxter. Also sent to London and USUN.
  2. That commitment was made in Document 385.
  3. Telegram 2132, Oct. 29, stated that the United Kingdom had indicated it would vote but not participate in the debate on Cyprus at the United Nations. (747C.00/10–2954)