100.4 PSB/7–1153
No. 39
Memorandum by the Special Assistant
to the President (Jackson) to the Members of the
Psychological Strategy Board1
The President has instructed me to advise you that he would like PSB to work out a plan to institute a food program for the satellites similar to the current one for East Germany.
He appreciates that it may not be possible to do it for all the satellites—for instance, Rumania might be difficult. He is particularly interested in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland.
I would like to add Bulgaria to the President’s list if they are reasonably hungry.
The President also thought that we should explore the possibility of buying Danish cheese, say a million dollars’ worth, as part of this program. Mr. Allen Dulles will be pleased to hear that the President thought the million dollars could come from him.
The President is most anxious that this be done immediately, while matters are still hot.
I am asking Mr. George Morgan to put this on next Wednesday’s agenda, when the President would like to have this matter buttoned up.
- Copies of this memorandum were sent to W.B. Smith, Allen Dulles, Kyes, Stassen, Morgan, and Cutler.↩