747C.00/10–254: Telegram
No. 387
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom
(Aldrich) to
the Department of State1
1690. From Secretary.2 At luncheon today Eden raised Cyprus. He said suggestion had been made that Greeks, Turks and British might sit down together. Eden said that was impossible. They could not sit down with Greeks. Upon questioning, the British had no clear plan of campaign for handling matter in General Assembly, although Eden expressed pleasure at quality, if not quantity, of [Page 718] vote on inscription in plenary.3 He welcomed my suggestion that we would try to keep Cyprus at the end of the list so that perhaps it might be forgotten in the desire to get home by Christmas.
- Repeated for information to New York.↩
- Dulles was in London, Sept. 26–Oct. 3, for the Nine-Power and Four-Power Conferences, Sept. 28–Oct. 3. For documentation, see vol. V. Part 2, pp. 1294 ff.↩
- For the results of votes by the U.N. General Assembly on inscription of Cyprus on the General Assembly’s agenda, Sept. 24, see Document 410.↩