No. 325
Editorial Note

At the initial session of the Greek-Turkish-Yugoslav political discussions in Athens on February 20, the Yugoslav representatives presented a draft of a friendship treaty which included the following as Article 4:

“The agreements or recommendations concerning military collaboration, accepted by common accord by the chiefs of the general staffs (or their plenipotentiaries), shall, after being approved by the governments of the Contracting Parties, form part of this treaty.”

This draft treaty, transmitted in telegram 2507 from Athens, February 20, was countered by a Greek draft which recognized in the preamble the importance of organizing for common defense, but which provided only for consultation in the event of hostilities directed against one of the parties and which specifically reserved for Greece and Turkey the right to avoid action which might be deemed to be in contradiction of the United Nations Charter or the North Atlantic Treaty. This draft was transmitted to the Department [Page 624] of State in telegram 2508 from Athens, February 20. (668.811/2–2053)