750G.00/10–654: Telegram

No. 294
The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Butterworth) to the Department of State1

1764. From Thompson. There follows list of oral assurances given by Italians and Yugoslavs in connection with negotiations Trieste memorandum of understanding as we and British understand them.

By the Italians: [Page 574]
They will give special consideration to certain former inhabitants of Sezana area now resident Trieste whose citizenship changed from Italian to Yugoslav by virtue of peace treaty and who Yugoslavs fear may be expelled or denied certain civil rights by Italians.
Recent Italian law which appears discriminate against persons Zone A who have shown themselves to be anti-Italian will be brought into line with relevant article memorandum of understanding either through application or revision of law.
Italians take note of Yugoslav desire extend border traffic arrangements along Italian-Yugoslav frontier specifically in neighborhood Gorizia.
Italians will consider quarry border rectification near Monrupino in connection with attempts settlement outstanding border demarcation questions Gorizia area. This may be combined with preceding point.
Italians take note of Yugoslav hope in connection with Article 2(F) of special statute that Italian laws relating to disabled veterans will be interpreted liberally and provision made if necessary reopen registration.
Italian observer on AMG group for provisional demarcation will be member AMG staff.
By Yugoslavs:
Border traffic agreement extends to inhabitants down to and including community of Buie.
In connection with financial settlement Yugoslavs will make no difficulty about allocation by Italians of total payment among various claimants.
Yugoslavs will give publicity to one year’s grace in which inhabitants may change homes, with a view prevent mass exodus.
Yugoslavs take note to Italian hope that branch offices in Zone B of Cassa di Risparmio will be left undisturbed as they are now.
There will be present on AMG group participating in provisional boundary demarcation Italian observer who is member AMG staff.
  1. Repeated for information to Belgrade, Rome, and Trieste.