No. 200
Robert G.
Hooker of the Bureau of European Affairs to
the Chief United States Negotiator in London (Thompson)
Dear Tommy: The United Nations boys were somewhat concerned at the abbreviated reference to the UN aspects of the proposed settlement as raised in the tripartite confidential memorandum.1 They have therefore asked me to pass on to you one or two thoughts which they believe should be kept in mind.
To begin with, they think that none of us should have any illusions that when we report to the Security Council that the Trieste dispute has been settled the Council would simply let the matter rest there. They believe we and the others concerned should recognize that there will probably be a move from some quarter, at least by the Soviets, to discuss the agreement. In any case, they do not think we can take it for granted that there will not be any such move.
[Page 441]They also believe that it would be difficult for the Security Council to take note of the proposed territorial change without some effort being made to divest it of the responsibilities toward the Free Territory of Trieste which were assumed by the Council decision of January 10, 1947. They think that even if it is inadvisable to seek some appropriate positive form of UN endorsement, it would nevertheless be better for the US-UK to be prepared to ask the Council to set aside its responsibilities toward the FTT rather than leave to others the initiative of making this or possibly less welcome proposals.
The above considerations, in their view, are facts of UN life which we should not ignore, as perhaps we might be tempted to do in our desire not to embarrass the Italians.
Sincerely yours,