No. 805
Editorial Note
On June 22, Secretary of State Acheson left Washington for a visit to the United Kingdom, the Federal Republic of Germany, Austria, and Brazil. He arrived in Vienna on June 29 following a 2-day stay in Berlin and met with Austrian officials and attended official ceremonies until his departure on July 1. For summaries of Acheson’s numerous conversations in Vienna during this time, see telegrams 8 and 23, infra and Document 807. A detailed 23-page report of Acheson’s visit to Vienna was transmitted to the Department of State in despatch 56 from Vienna, July 10. (110.11 AC/7–1052) For text of Acheson’s remarks concerning his trip upon his departure from Washington and following his return, see Department of State Bulletin, July 7, 1952, page 6, and ibid., July 28, 1952, page 132. In a letter to President Truman, transmitted in Actel 3 from Vienna, June 30, Acheson reported that “Vienna is lovely. The weather has been beautiful and I have enjoyed seeing the city. We have had a very warm spontaneous welcome from crowds wherever we go even in the Soviet Zone as we passed through on the train from the airport. We have transacted no business whatsoever but have had a very heavy schedule of official calls, receptions and the like.” (711.11 TR/6–3052) For Acheson’s account of his trip, see Present at the Creation, pages 658–670.