No. 794
Editorial Note
The Foreign Ministers of the United States, the United Kingdom, and France held several conversations concerning Austria while in London for a series of meetings from February 13 through 19, and in Lisbon where they were attending the Ninth Session of the North Atlantic Council, February 20–25. On February 28, following the conclusion of these meetings, the three Foreign Ministers issued a joint declaration expressing their serious concern with the failure of the Soviet Deputy to attend the meeting scheduled for January 21, 1952, and noting that they were examining new proposals which would enable Austria to regain full independence. For [Page 1743] text of this declaration, see Department of State Bulletin, March 10, 1952, pages 579–580.
As a result of the agreement reached during these tripartite meetings concerning Austria, the three governments issued a proposal to the Soviet Union on March 13, 1952, which included the draft text of a new abbreviated Austrian Treaty of eight articles. For text of the abbreviated draft treaty, as well as the accompanying note to the Soviet Foreign Ministry of March 13, see ibid., March 24, 1952, pages 448–450. Documentation concerning the drafting and issuance of this note and abbreviated treaty is in file 663.001.