740.5/8–2652: Telegram

No. 93
The United States Special Representative in Europe (Draper) to the Department of State1


Polto 204. Subj is Eur coal steel community.

Monnet has told us that he is very satisfied with outcome his London talks with Makins and Dixon. He found the Brit in a most cooperative mood, and clearly desirous to establish close practical assoc as rapidly as development of community activities permit. He [Page 166] verified accuracy of press reports that London discussions were in gen terms and that Brit permanent del to community will have task of elaborating concrete working relationship with high auth.
After conversation with Makins on assoc, Monnet held several informal talks with Dixon at latter’s request concerning Eden proposals and relations between community and Council of Eur. Monnet explained in terms similar those reported Polto 1902 why high auth cld not go along with any interpretation of Eden proposals which wld give 14 countries in Council of Eur any control over activities of supra-national community to which 6 of the 14 countries had transferred their sovereign powers over coal and steel. (See also Embtels 305, 306 and 10153). Monnet’s impression was that Dixon had not previously considered fully the implications of this interpretation of Eden proposals and according to Monnet, Dixon expressed complete understanding of this point of view. In order to avoid embarrassment on either side, Dixon suggested that when subj is raised at next mtg of Council of Eur the Brit shld propose that specific action on Eden proposals be held up until high auth has been in operation for some time, at which time relations between community and Council of Eur wld be fully worked out.
Monnet told Dixon he was satisfied with this proposal, but that it wld be no easy matter to postpone the issue if Paris (Council of Eur Sec Gen) continued to use Eden proposals as peg on which to hang his efforts to control arrangements for first mtg of Schuman Plan assembly (see fol Polto on this subj4). If issue cannot be postponed, high auth wld have to take a firm stand in opposition.
  1. Repeated to London and Bonn.
  2. Document 88.
  3. Documents 63, 64, and 87, respectively.
  4. Infra.