MSA telegram files, FRC Acc. No. 54 A 298, “Paris Circular Repto”: Circular telegram

No. 243
The United States Special Representative in Europe (Draper) to the Mutual Security Agency


Repto circ 40. 1. Paris agric integration mtg ended Mar 281 with agreement hold plenary Conf Paris between June and Oct. Fr to organize Conf behalf all countries represented prelim mtg rather than in original role sole sponsor. Agreed plan expert comite representing all countries to prepare agenda and discussion materials for plenary mtg.

2. Preparatory Conf fell short hopes Fr and Dutch in that failed reach agreement minimum six Schuman plan countries create high auth and go forward with its development, leaving question relationship to auth those not joining be resolved subsequently. Positions these six as divergent as those of 15 with exception UK, Switz and Sweden which clearly not willing join any high auth. Hence least 12 countries will continue discussions on basis equality.

3. Absence any specific plan integration resulted full opportunity expression all shades opinion and special interests commodity group. Mins agric dominated mtg naturally reflecting producers viewpoint, especially since preparations for mtg in capitals apparently based mainly on general proposals put forward by countries interested expanding exports. This gave one some misgivings on part food deficit countries and extremely cautious tactics which wld not run risk criticism from constituent producer groups whose interest at stake.

4. On positive side mtg served develop broader interest poss integration convinced all countries that full opportunity exists take account their viewpoints in evolution plan as contrasted having accept or reject plan any single country.

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5. This prelim appraisal Conf probably need be supplemented basis further reactions fm participants.

  1. Delegations from 15 European nations (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland, and Turkey) met in Paris Mar. 25–28 for meetings concerning European agricultural integration (Green Pool). Embassy officials reported on these meetings in telegrams 5860 and 5886 from Paris, Mar. 26 (840.20/3–2652); officials of the Office of the United States Special Representative in Europe summarized these meetings in telegrams Repto circular 36 and 38 from Paris, Mar. 26 and 28, respectively. (MSA telegram files, FRC Acc. No. 54 A 298, “Paris Circular Repto”) Documentary materials supplied to Embassy officials by the French Foreign Ministry were transmitted to the Department of State in despatch 2574 from Paris, Mar. 29. (840.20/3–2952)