840.20/2–152: Telegram

No. 238
The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Department of State


4662. Ref: Deptel 4238, Jan 22,1 and Embtel 4461, Jan 25.2 Latest info indicates invitations Eur agricultural integration mtg will be mailed next week through diplomatic channels. After considerable discussion within Fr Govt circles re number countries to be invited at outset, believe final decision will be to include 18 countries so none will feel left out. Arrangement will give all early opportunity to express views and show extent of interest. Date prelim mtg probably around middle March, to be confined to discussion agenda and general plans for first plenary session late April or early May. Group contacted believes agricultural pool discussions shld not wait consummation other Eur integration measures but move ahead immediately.

Realizing large group difficult to handle, plans indicate Schuman chairman prelim mtg. Invitations will state Fr to be represented by Pflimlin, Min of State for Council of Eur, and Laurens, Min of Agric. Way thus left open for any type representation other countries desire.

To prepare for mtg Fr have constituted govt comite including Monnet, Pflimlin and agric reps. Laurens also creating agric advisory comite of farm leaders, legis reps and MinAg specialists. This [Page 424] comite, divided into 6 subcomites, (cereals, wine, fruits and vegetables, meat, dairy products, sugar) will be directed to study problems and report Laurens prior March mtg.

Fr have open mind on number commodities to be included but prefer limited number at outset because obvious complications. Feel complete coverage at outset wld doom plan to failure and too few wld be ineffective.

Fr agree discussions will inevitably lead to consideration lessening restrictions on movement farm production items such as tractors, farm machinery, fertilizer, etc. Although plan admittedly preferential to Eur, informant stated that Fr envisage no additional restrictions imports from countries outside Eur.

At Jan 20–30 annual mtg Fr Federation Nationale des Syndicats d’Exploitants Agricoles clear not all Fr farm leaders agree with Fr Govt present integration stand. Speakers ranged from recommendations for full integration to simple bilateral agreements or direct opposition. Some Fr farm groups realize outside competition will be serious shock to certain archaic sectors Fr agric. On this point govt officials state plan must take effect slowly but believe such competition will eventually reduce production costs and raise efficiency level of Eur agric.

This joint report prepared by Emb, Mission and MSA/E.

  1. Not printed; it requested information from the Embassy concerning developments in agricultural integration. (840.20/12–2951)
  2. Not printed; it briefly summarized French thinking concerning the possibility of future meetings to discuss European agricultural integration. (840.20/1–2552)