Bruce Mission files, lot 57 M 38, “CSCOEEC Relations”: Telegram

No. 163
The United States Special Representative in Europe (Draper) to the Mutual Security Agency1


Repto 2812. Washington pass State. Subj.: Relations between OEEC and European Coal and Steel Community.

[Page 298]

The OEEC Council at official level meeting March 202 adopted resolution providing for closer working relationship with High Authority.3 Austria and Portugal accepted ad referendum. Main point of resolution invites HA to send observer to OEEC meetings of Council and Exec Comite, when discussions in HA judgment have bearing on CSC activities. Observer also invited to meetings Coal, Iron and Steel, Inland Transport, Manpower, and Joint Trade-Payments Comites, and any bodies engaged in study questions relating investment. Attendance at meetings other technical comites to be decided by Exec Comite after discussion with Chmn comite concerned. Documents relating to work those groups whose meetings observer will attend are to be made available to HA.

Non-members of CSC, led by Bartels of Den, again stressed “one-way street” aspect of relationships with HA and found resolution unsatisfactory in that no exchange of views provided for. Cattani, Italy as Chmn of working party concerned with preparing resolution stated that present draft was best that could be arranged for present.
On urging from Bartels that Min Council on Monday not be faced with necessity debating draft resolution, because of difficult political position in which non-members CSC would be placed, it was agreed that Ministers would merely be informed of action which had been taken at official level.
  1. Repeated to Luxembourg.
  2. The minutes of this 208th meeting of the OEEC Council, which took place in Paris on Mar. 20, are in OEEC files, lot 56 D 217, “C/M(53)1 through 10”.
  3. The text of this resolution, which was circulated as Council document C(53) 86(Final), is in OEEC files, lot 56 D 217, “C(53)86”.