United States Assistance to European Defense Efforts Through the Mutual Security Program1

1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1951, vol. iii, Part 1, pp. 1 ff.

[288] No. 288
Memorandum by the Secretary of State

S/SNSC files, lot 66 D 148, “NSC Memos”

[291] No. 291
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Turkey

700.5 MSP/3–1654: Telegram

[292] No. 292
Foreign Operations Administration Record of Action

DMS files, lot W–1444, “Procurement, Offshore, 1954”

[294] No. 294
Current Economic Developments

E files, lot 70 D 467

[297] No. 297
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in France

740.5 MSP/9–2154: Telegram