- Abel, Elie, 498
- Acheson, Dean G.:
- Austrian Treaty, 133–134, 164, 277, 278
- Azores agreement, 129
- Balance-of-payments situation, 132
- Churchill, meetings with, 571n–572n
- Denmark and Norway, 126–128
- Drees, meeting with, 589–593
- Elizabeth II, audience with, 77–78
- European Defense Community:
- Benelux position, 580–583, 586–594, 667n –668n
- British membership, 131–132
- British-U.S. guarantees, 41–42, 46–47, 54, 57, 78–79, 84, 113, 124, 677–678
- Eisenhower statement, 700–701
- NATO relationship to, 46, 51–52, 67, 81–82
- Paris conference, 571–572, 663–665, 669–671, 676–677
- Treaty:
- Tripartite declaration, 647–649, 677–680, 682n
- France, U.S. aid to, 272–273
- George VI, funeral of, 29n, 36, 45
- Germany, Federal Republic of:
- Greece, political situation, 148–149
- Lisbon Foreign Ministers meetings, 128–129
- London Foreign Ministers meetings:
- North Atlantic Council:
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 39, 134, 148, 155, 174, 293–294
- Paul, King of Greece, meeting with, 44
- Saar settlement, 41, 47–48, 58, 85
- Soviet foreign policy, 121, 129–130
- Travel restrictions on Soviets, question of, 290
- Visits to Europe, 36, 301, 672n, 675, 1543–1545
- Yugoslavia, 168, 173–174
- Achilles, Theodore C., 469, 491–492, 674–675, 753–755, 865–868, 880n, 1094n, 1240, 1280n, 1410, 1554, 1557n, 1559n, 1602–1603, 1718–1720
- Adair, Charles W., Jr., 432n, 485n
- Adenauer, Konrad, 263, 652, 654, 683, 753n, 1382, 1568, 1728
- Allied occupation of Germany, 1190, 1300, 1589
- Berlin Conference, 1587–1588, 1606–1607, 1618, 1691, 1776, 1798, 1837n
- Brussels Treaty Organization, German membership in, 1185, 1188n, 1194
- Chancellor, reelection as, 455, 800, 865
- European Defense Community:
- Alternatives to, 1123–1124, 1181–1183, 1190–1191
- French rejection of, 1072n , 1103, 1105, 1131
- French treaty protocols, 729–730, 741, 858n , 1055–1056, 1063, 1569
- French treaty ratification problems, 791, 1061
- German prospects for ratification, 605, 742, 767, 831–832, 1569
- Importance of, 573, 577, 578n , 607–608, 650–651, 865–868, 1113, 1569–1571
- NATO relationship to, 67, 77
- Treaty, 630, 684, 971
- Germany, Federal Republic of:
- Brussels Treaty Organization membership, 1185, 1188n , 1194
- Contractual arrangements, 640n , 649–651, 1130, 1138–1140, 1141–1142, 1188
- Contribution to Western defense, 15, 171–172, 175, 264, 575–576, 605, 676, 1210–1213, 1221–1222, 1299, 1303, 1306, 1307, 1318, 1319, 1323, 1569
- NATO membership, 77, 1152, 1200, 1313
- Security controls, 68, 69, 75–76, 166, 574, 1306, 1307, 1318, 1323, 1408
- Sovereignty, 1153, 1167, 1181, 1300–1301, 1319
- Tripartite declaration re, 1312
- Unification of, 651, 1312, 1385
- U.S. aid to, 437–438, 1419
- War criminals, 60–61, 67–68
- London Foreign Ministers meetings, 60–64, 66–71
- London Nine- and Four-Power Conferences, 1152, 1295, 1297, 1299, 1303, 1305, 1312, 1315, 1316, 1318, 1320, 1321, 1324, 1326, 1327, 1328, 1329, 1331
- North Atlantic Council meetings, 524, 1422
- Paris Agreements, 1437n, 1439n, 1441n, 1508–1509, 1514–1515, 1523, 1529–1530
- Paris Nine- and Four-Power Conferences, 1406, 1408, 1411, 1414, 1415, 1421–1422
- Saar negotiations, 605, 608, 791, 824–825, 842–850, 967, 1135, 1331, 1386, 1404, 1462n, 1463–1464, 1465, 1469, 1492–1493, 1501–1502, 1513n, 1570
- Visit to United States, 770, 772–773, 786–788, 1386, 1571
- Aldrich, Winthrop W., 371n, 372n, 390, 499, 748, 985, 1275, 1288, 1296, 1397
- Bermuda Conference subjects for discussion, 1720–1725
- Brussels Treaty Organization, 1399–1400
- European collective security system, proposed, 490n, 491n
- European Defense Community, 882n, 923n
- German participation in Western defense, 1229–1230
- Paris Agreements, 1485–1486
- Washington Tripartite Foreign Ministers meetings, 1595–1600, 1608, 1621, 1631, 1654, 1669, 1675, 1685, 1688
- Western European Union, 1467–1468
- Alessandrini, Adolfo, 1406, 1422
- Alexander of Tunis, Lord, 294, 371, 383–384, 390, 456, 472, 1564–1565
- Alger, Frederick M., Jr., 802–803, 982n, 1047–1048, 1050n, 1052–1054, 1244–1245
- Allen, William Denis, 37, 45, 54, 59, 64, 74, 1289, 1608, 1621, 1655, 1669, 1675, 1688, 1738, 1746, 1763, 1774, 1775, 1787, 1794, 1818, 1823, 1834
- Allied High Commissioners for Germany. See under Germany, Federal Republic of.
- Alphand, Hervé, 430, 676, 1557n, 1559n
- Altschuler, Georges, 1096
- Amery, Julian, 1486
- Andersen, Hans G., 508, 1406, 1422
- Anderson, Frederick L., 297, 335–336, 360, 362, 363, 408–409, 1372, 1554
- Anderson, Robert B., 547, 548, 549, 555, 556–557, 1117, 1407, 1410, 1419–1421, 1505
- Andrews, George D., 674n, 789
- Andronikov, Constantine, 1608, 1621, 1642, 1654, 1669, 1688, 1739, 1746, 1754, 1774, 1794, 1804, 1808, 1818, 1834
- Arab-Israeli conflict, 676, 1567, 1732, 1808
- Arab states (see also individual countries), 1638, 1681, 1808
- Armaments control (see also Security controls under Germany, Federal Republic of):
- Arneson, R. Gordon, 484–485, 487n, 1738
- Asbjornson, Mildred, 1210
- Associated States. See Indochina.
- Atomic energy (see also Atomic weapons):
- Atomic Matters, Joint Congressional Committee on, 500
- Atomic weapons (see also
Atomic energy):
- British positions, 486, 499, 515, 1400–1401, 1768, 1847, 1966
- Definition of, 257n, 267, 1349
- French position, 266, 486–487, 535–536, 1847, 1966
- German security controls, 267, 1164, 1348, 1400–1401
- Hydrogen bomb, 488, 489, 841
- Moratorium on tests, 499–500
- NATO nuclear strategy, 328–329, 333, 437–439, 477, 498, 499–501, 530–531, 534–535
- Possible use, 407, 511–514, 522
- Soviet capabilities, 477–478, 501, 530
- U.S. position, 450–451, 478, 482n, 500–501, 509–514, 528–529, 1642, 1817
- Attlee, Clement R., 1486
- Auriol, Vincent, 677, 682, 860, 1741
- Austria, 429, 1425
- Azores agreement, 129, 130, 473
- Baeyens, Andre, 1738, 1746, 1756, 1763, 1774, 1787, 1794, 1818, 1823, 1834
- Bailey, Ronald W., 1631, 1675, 1688
- Bao Dai, 1644, 1645, 1826–1827
- Barbour, Walworth, 290–291, 504, 1157–1158, 1375
- Barnard, John L., 597n, 631n
- Barnes, Robert G., 37, 45, 72–74, 132n, 360, 363, 364
- Battle, Lucius D., 4, 37, 64, 112, 126, 131, 295–297, 676, 1544, 1545
- Beale, Wilson T. M., Jr., 748, 1631
- Beaulieu, Leroy, 112, 159, 167
- Beaumont, Jean Michel Guerin de, 613, 614, 689, 1025, 1096, 1099
- Bech, Joseph:
- Brussels Treaty Organization, 1185
- European Defense Community, 594, 684, 697, 729, 767, 982, 1061, 1575–1578
- Lisbon Foreign Ministers meetings, 109, 111, 120, 123
- London Nine-Power Conference, 1290–1292, 1295, 1296, 1302, 1312, 1314, 1315, 1320, 1321, 1324, 1325, 1327, 1328, 1329, 1331
- NATO Foreign Ministers meetings, 343, 346, 508, 1422
- Paris Nine-Power Conference, 1406, 1411, 1414, 1422, 1441n, 1457n
- Becker, Fritz, 1509
- Becker, Walther, 37, 60, 66, 74
- Beebe, Col. Royden E., 360–362, 363
- Beeley, Harold, 1631, 1641, 1675, 1688
- Begoügne de Juniac, Gontran, 585–586, 1608, 1621, 1654, 1669, 1688
- Belcher, R. H., 1688
- Belgium (see also Belgium and Benelux subheadings under other subjects), 927, 1457n
- Benard, Jean, 1688
- Benediktsson, Bjarni, 109, 111, 120, 209
- Benediktsson, Petur, 1406, 1422
- Benelux. See Benelux subheadings under other subjects.
- Berard, Armand, 264, 267, 705n, 1493–1494
- Beria, Lavrenti P., 1609–1613, 1707, 1756
- Berlin Conference (Jan. 23–Feb. 18,
- Basis for, 1618, 1702
- Belgian position, 460
- British position, 1277, 1596, 1613, 1616, 1617–1618, 1624–1625, 1672–1675, 1690–1692, 1724–1725, 1727, 1761–1767, 1787–1788, 1837
- Danish position, 460
- Date and site for, 476, 1643, 1674, 1694, 1761–1762, 1763–1766, 1775–1778
- French position, 458, 476, 1289–1290, 1613–1615, 1617, 1618, 1672–1675, 1690–1692, 1761–1767, 1776–1777, 1837
- German position, 866, 1587–1588, 1606–1607, 1618, 1691, 1776, 1798, 1837n
- Greek position, 460
- Italian position, 460
- Norwegian position, 460, 476
- Soviet position, 524–525, 858n, 943n, 1462, 1711
- Summary of, 488–489, 1848
- U.S. position, 488–489, 861n, 1277, 1615, 1616, 1617, 1672–1675, 1690–1692, 1702–1703, 1715, 1741, 1762–1767, 1777, 1787–1788, 1837
- Berlin, East, 1459–1461, 1587, 1601–1602, 1630, 1756
- Berlin, West, 661–662, 1390–1392, 1398, 1399, 1401, 1409, 1429, 1461, 1474, 1545–1546, 1548, 1569–1570, 1592–1593
- Bermuda Conference of Heads of Government of the United
States, the United Kingdom, and France (Dec. 4–8,
- British positions at, 1715–1718, 1719, 1720–1725, 1727–1728
- Communiqué, 463, 1727–1728, 1833, 1836, 1838–1839
- Documents and supplementary papers, 1837–1846
- French positions at, 1718–1719
- Meetings:
- Foreign Ministers, 1744–1749, 1763–1767, 1787–1793, 1822–1823
- France–U.S., 1740–1744, 1769–1774, 1821–1822, 1843–1846
- Heads of Government, 1750–1754, 1808–1818
- Plenary, 1754–1761, 1774–1786, 1794–1806, 1818–1821, 1823–1837
- U.K.–U.S., 1739–1740, 1767–1769, 1786, 1807–1808, 1840–1842
- Working group, 1761–1762
- Participants, 1718, 1724n, 1737–1739
- Postponement, 419, 1582–1583, 1711
- Preparations for, 402, 410, 411–412, 414, 415, 1582–1583, 1710–1713, 1728–1729
- Press coverage, 1748–1749, 1775, 1785, 1836
- Procedures, 1746–1749, 1793, 1805–1806, 1808
- Subjects for discussion, 418n, 425, 1715–1716, 1717–1721, 1727, 1729–1736, 1749
- U.S. position at, 1714–1715, 1729–1736
- Bettencourt, Adm. Manuel Ortins de, 110
- Bevan, Aneurin, 940, 1486
- Beyen, Johan W., 508, 559, 1185, 1398, 1422
- Bidault, Georges:
- Atomic weapons, 478, 486
- Berlin Conference, 476, 1613–1615, 1616, 1618, 1619–1620, 1643, 1673, 1674–1675, 1691–1693, 1763–1765, 1778–1779, 1788
- Bermuda Conference, 1583–1585, 1718, 1738, 1744–1749, 1754, 1763, 1769, 1774, 1787, 1791, 1794, 1808, 1818, 1821, 1822, 1823
- China, People’s Republic of, 1816
- Dulles, meetings with, 1557–1559, 1560–1561, 1642–1654
- Egypt, 1820–1821
- European collective security system, Soviet proposal, 490n, 504
- European Defense Community:
- French concerns, 378, 732–733, 784n , 890, 892n , 894–896, 922n , 1097, 1098, 1104, 1111, 1177n , 1178, 1795–1802
- French treaty protocols, 726, 741–742, 743, 831n , 858n , 910–911, 920
- French treaty ratification problems, 394–395, 768, 795–796, 802n , 810–811, 826–828, 834–835, 875–877, 880n , 923–926, 931, 936–937, 940, 1560, 1619, 1620, 1623–1624, 1730, 1772–1773, 1784–1786
- European integration, 1623–1624, 1663, 1665, 1672, 1691
- European security guarantees, 476, 478–479, 515, 826–827, 1831–1832
- French North Africa, 395, 827–828
- French Union, 1647, 1666, 1826
- German war criminals, 1629–1630
- Indochina, 394, 515, 826, 941, 1643–1645, 1659–1661, 1665–1669, 1695, 1817, 1823–1830
- Korea, 1647–1648, 1651, 1658–1659, 1817
- London Tripartite Foreign Ministers meetings, 1709
- Morocco, 396
- North Atlantic Council, 108, 111, 369–370, 375, 390–392, 455–458, 460, 470, 474–476, 508, 1789–1790
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 370, 389, 457, 458, 470, 516, 1694, 1789–1790, 1793
- Paris Agreements, 1539
- Saar negotiations, 834, 842, 844, 851n, 876, 925–926, 1695, 1796–1798, 1834–1835
- Soviet foreign policy, 390, 392, 1611–1612, 1616, 1642–1643, 1755–1758
- Tripartite meeting on Germany and Austria, proposed, 1692–1693
- U.S. aid to France, 393, 1824
- U.S. artillery battalions, deployment in Europe, 437, 1642
- Washington Tripartite Foreign Ministers meetings, 1608, 1641–1642, 1654–1655, 1669–1675, 1688–1696
- Billote, General, 1481, 1491, 1535
- Billups, Col. J. S., 530n, 532
- Birgi, Nuri, 110, 1407, 1422
- Black, Colonel, 1608, 1621, 1655, 1669, 1675, 1688
- Blank, Theodor, 604, 620–621, 622, 638, 653n, 739n, 840, 1211, 1237, 1295, 1406, 1488
- Blankenhorn, Herbert A.
H., 1211
- Berlin Conference, 1606–1607
- European collective security system, Soviet proposal, 806–807
- European Defense Community, 577, 1122–1124, 1186–1187, 1190–1191, 1529–1531
- German membership in North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 607–608
- German-U.S.-British security system, proposed, 1186–1187
- London Nine-Power Conference, 1272–1273, 1295
- Paris Nine-Power Conference, 1406, 1514–1515
- Saar negotiations, 844, 848, 1404, 1459, 1462n, 1469, 1482, 1493–1494, 1501, 1514–1515
- Visit to Washington, 770–773
- Bluecher, Franz, 32–33, 915–917, 1571
- Blum, Robert, 1562
- Boegner, Jean-Marc, 1729n, 1738, 1845–1846
- Bohlen, Charles E., 487, 502n, 610–611, 698, 1459–1461, 1510–1513, 1517–1518, 1719–1720
- Bonbright, James C. H., Jr., 298–300, 440–444, 482–484, 672n, 701, 745–748, 753n, 766, 1582n
- Bonn conventions on Germany. See Contractual arrangements under Germany, Federal Republic of.
- Bonn working groups:
- Bonnet, Henri, 17–18, 447n, 535, 749, 966–967, 987, 1481, 1484, 1498, 1584, 1608, 1621, 1642, 1654, 1669, 1688, 1720n
- Bonsal, Philip W., 613–617, 627–628, 1642, 1643–1654, 1655, 1669, 1688
- Boon, Hendrik N., 660n, 672–674
- Boone, Rear Adm. Walter F., 711
- Boothby, Sir Robert, 1486
- Bourgenot, André, 942, 1718, 1738, 1750, 1754, 1769, 1774, 1794, 1808, 1818, 1821, 1823, 1834
- Bouhey, Jean, 1492
- Bourbon-Busset, Jacques de, 7n, 37, 54, 60, 64, 66, 74, 159, 161, 167
- Bourdet, Claude, 884
- Bourgès-Maunoury, Maurice, 108, 141, 143, 144, 276n, 369, 370, 392–394, 1024, 1025, 1053, 1054, 1063, 1067, 1068, 1073, 1084, 1085, 1100, 1540, 1557, 1559n
- Bowie, Robert R., 530n, 576n, 978, 1170n, 1209, 1211, 1212, 1275, 1281, 1288, 1296, 1608, 1621, 1631, 1642, 1654, 1669, 1675, 1688, 1737, 1746, 1754, 1763, 1774, 1775, 1787, 1794, 1818, 1823, 1834
- Bradley, General of the Army Omar N., 110, 119n, 128, 191, 270, 327–329, 368, 711–717
- Brazil, 1544, 1546
- Brebisson, Colonel de, 1642, 1654, 1665, 1669
- Brentano, Heinrich von, 822–823
- Bretton Woods agreement, 1560
- Brofoss, Erik, 109, 111, 209
- Brook, Sir Norman, 1738, 1754, 1763, 1774, 1794, 1808, 1818, 1823, 1834
- Brosio, Manlio, 1295
- Bruce, David K. E., 141, 165, 1407
- European Defense Community, 572–576
- Alternatives to, 975–976, 984n , 1169–1170, 1240
- Belgian position, 589n , 695–696
- British position, 932n
- French Assembly debate, 612–613
- Netherlands position, 583–584, 784–786
- NATO relationship to, 53, 311
- Treaty:
- Tripartite declaration, 678n , 680n , 1042n
- U.S. observer to Interim Committee, 733
- U.S. position, 890–892, 980n , 996n , 1042n
- European Defense Force, 947–949
- European political integration, 877–879, 1605
- European security guarantees, 813n–814n
- German participation in Western defense, 12–13, 595–596, 608–610, 1126n
- Indochina, 347–348
- Lisbon Foreign Ministers meetings, 3–4, 167, 572n
- London Foreign Ministers meetings, 24, 36, 38, 53, 54, 59, 64, 66, 72, 74
- London Nine- and Four-Power Conferences, 1150, 1151, 1253, 1256, 1290–1292, 1296
- North Atlantic Council, 110, 159, 161, 167, 311–313, 341
- Saar negotiations, 23–24, 740–741
- Temporary Council Commission meetings, 32–33, 209–211
- European Defense Community, 572–576
- Brussels Treaty Organization, 1235–1236
- Armaments, control of, 1347–1350, 1450–1456
- British participation in, 1275–1276, 1380
- Germany, Federal Republic of, membership, 524, 1144, 1194, 1212, 1217, 1225–1226, 1355–1356, 1430
- Italy, membership, 524, 1203–1204, 1299, 1355–1356, 1430
- Norwegian interest in membership, 1223, 1375–1377
- Permanent commission, 1298, 1378
- Saar administrator, 1389–1390
- Supranational powers of, 1272, 1369
- Treaty:
- Duration, 1312–1313, 1314–1315, 1367, 1374
- EDC relationship with, 627n , 628
- Efforts to strengthen, 1346–1350
- French reservations re revisions, 1231–1234, 1251–1253, 1299
- Germany, Federal Republic of, accession to, 1346, 1355–1357, 1440
- Italy, accession to, 1346, 1355–1357, 1440
- NATO relationship to, 1374
- Protocols, 1416–1417, 1421, 1424, 1441–1458, 1476–1478
- Working groups re, 1372, 1377, 1412–1413
- U.S. military aid, use as channel for, 1148, 1417–1419, 1420
- U.S. observer status, 1377, 1378
- Bryn, Olaf, 109, 111
- Buchanan, Wiley, 982
- Bunker, Ellsworth, 756–757, 776–777, 778–780, 1554, 1556
- Buraiml, Anglo-Saudi dispute over, 349, 369, 1559, 1638, 1640–1641, 1686–1687
- Burin des Roziers, Etienne, 396, 844, 1557n
- Butler, Richard Austen, 371, 372, 384, 386–388, 390, 391, 1564, 1565, 1584
- Butterworth, W. Walton, 499, 873n, 1127–1128, 1130–1132, 1141–1142, 1154–1155, 1180–1181, 1188, 1272, 1274, 1275, 1378, 1397
- “Buy American” Act, 406, 1718
- Byington, Homer M., Jr., 343–346, 696–698, 790
- Byroade, Henry A., 36, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 54, 59, 64, 66, 74, 110, 126, 159, 161, 163, 167, 1631, 1637, 1640–1641, 1675, 1679, 1680, 1685, 1688, 1738, 1807–1808
- Caccia, Sir Harold, 499, 547, 985, 986, 1275, 1278, 1289, 1296, 1407, 1505, 1507
- Calhoun, John A., 680n
- Cambodia (see also Indochina), 1277–1278, 1597, 1644–1645, 1647, 1650, 1660, 1667–1668, 1826
- Campilli, Pietro, 776
- Canada (see also Canadian subheadings under other subjects), 449, 478, 1313, 1351, 1363–1365, 1457n, 1726
- Caraway, Gen. Paul W., 480
- Carney, Adm. Robert B., 148, 399–401
- Carns, Col. Edwin H. J., 711
- Carraud, Pierre, 1608, 1621, 1654, 1669, 1688
- Carroll, Col. Paul T., 398
- Casanova, Laurent, 884
- Cassady, Adm. John H., 400
- Cauwelaert, Jan Frans van, 802–803
- Chaban-Delmas, Jacques, 829–830, 831n, 933, 1132
- Chapin, Selden, 3, 589, 660n, 672–674, 784–786, 795
- Chauvel, Jean, 1643
- Cherwell, Lord, 1722, 1725, 1738, 1767, 1768
- Chiefs of Mission meeting in Western Europe, 808n
- China, People’s Republic of:
- Aggressive intentions, 1498–1499, 1646, 1648, 1649, 1651–1654, 1731, 1811–1818
- Soviet relations with, 1757–1758, 1808–1809, 1814
- Trade embargo of, 133n, 1314, 1597, 1656–1657, 1658, 1718, 1731, 1740, 1811–1812, 1815, 1817, 1847
- United Nations, admission question, 1717, 1732, 1740, 1815, 1817
- U.S. policy toward, 1227, 1498–1499, 1656–1657, 1810–1811, 1731
- China, Republic of. See Formosa.
- Chinese offshore islands (see also Formosa), 1227, 1314, 1410
- Chiperfield, Robert Bruce, 792–793
- Chipman, Norris B., 1141–1142
- Chupin, Alfred, 1108
- Churchill, Sir Winston:
- Atomic energy, 1726, 1753, 1767–1769, 1786
- Atomic weapons, 486, 1768
- Berlin Conference, 1596, 1613, 1739–1740
- Bermuda Conference:
- Brussels Treaty Organization, German membership, 1144, 1194, 1225–1226
- European Defense Community:
- European security, 1033n, 1831
- France, policy toward, 1740
- London Nine-Power Conference, 1159–1160, 1293, 1367
- Middle East, 1739, 1806, 1808, 1819–1820
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 39, 816n, 1050–1051, 1225–1226, 1802–1803
- Paris Agreements, 1522–1523, 1524–1525, 1537
- Saar negotiations, 39, 1804, 1835
- Soviet foreign policy, 1716, 1721, 1758–1760
- U.S. commitment of forces to European defense, 1293, 1367, 1716
- Visits to Washington, 572n, 655n, 984–985
- Clasen, André, 109, 111, 1295, 1406
- Claudius-Petit, 1084, 1085, 1535n
- Clausonne. See Seydoux de Clausonne.
- Claxton, Brooke, 108, 111, 140, 152, 153n, 473–474
- Collins, Gen. James Lawton, 427n, 521, 522–524, 530n, 532, 1420
- Colville, John R., 1738, 1754, 1834
- Conant, James B.:
- European collective security system, 894–896
- European Defense Community:
- Germany, Federal Republic of:
- London Nine-Power Conference, 1152–1154, 1296, 1384–1385
- Paris Nine- and Four-Power Conferences, 1407, 1469, 1508–1509, 1523, 1526–1528, 1529–1530
- Saar negotiations, 840–841, 1386, 1396, 1469, 1492–1493, 1495–1496, 1501–1502
- Congress, U.S., 406, 500, 890, 894n, 896–898, 956, 960–961, 964, 973–974, 1734, 1736
- Cook, Orval R., 1253
- Coty, René, 932, 972
- Council of Europe, 184, 789, 803, 843, 907, 1402
- Courant, Pierre, 1536, 1540
- Courson de la Villeneuve, Comte Tanguy, 1373–1374, 1459–1460
- Couve de Murville, Maurice, 1410, 1505
- Cowen, Myron, 757–761
- Crawford, William S., 491, 492
- Crombre, Sir James, 110
- Cunha, Paulo Arsenio Virissimo, 110, 111, 112, 120, 122, 139, 458, 473, 508, 557, 559, 1407, 1422, 1424, 1425, 1457n
- Cutler, Robert, 886, 1145, 1263, 1265, 1278, 1378, 1383, 1714
- Daladier, Edouard, 613, 697n, 884, 910, 1178
- Daridan, Jean, 486–487, 610–611, 1608, 1621, 1654, 1669, 1688
- Davis, Vice Adm. Arthur C., 508, 526, 532, 711, 994n
- Debre, Michel, 884, 1096, 1540
- de Chambrun, Gilbert, 884
- De Gasperi, Alcide, 128, 579, 677
- De Gaulle, Gen. Charles, 1581–1582, 1774, 1785
- De Greef, Lt. Col. Edouard, 108, 111, 695–696
- Dehler, Thomas, 1123, 1237, 1385, 1509
- Dejean, Maurice, 1645, 1648–1649
- Delargy, Hughes, 909
- Delbez, Louis, 1492
- Delbos, Yvon, 613, 943
- de Margerie. See Jacquin de Margerie.
- de Moustier, Roland, 1099, 1189, 1295, 1406, 1410, 1505
- Denis, André, 909
- Denmark, 126–128, 349, 359, 429, 540, 1400, 1425, 1545
- de Staercke, André, 1136, 1295, 1306, 1405
- Dides affair, 1256, 1284
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 1481
- Berlin Conference, 1463
- Brussels Treaty Organization, German membership, 1194–1195
- European collective security system, 490n, 491–493, 504–505
- European Defense Community:
- European Defense Force, 946–947
- German armaments controls, 1228–1229
- Indochina, 957–959
- London Nine-Power Conference, 1081n, 1253, 1254, 1296, 1386–1389
- North Atlantic Council, Eleventh session, 369–373, 385–388, 390–396
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, German membership, 983n, 1256–1259
- Paris Agreements, 1491–1492, 1502–1504, 1515–1517, 1519–1520, 1524, 1528–1529, 1535–1536, 1539–1541
- Paris Nine-Power Conference, 1407, 1410, 1420
- Saar negotiations, 911–912, 968–969, 1373–1374, 1389–1390, 1394–1395, 1402–1404, 1458–1459, 1461–1462, 1493–1494, 1502, 1505–1506
- U.S. aid to France, 1393–1394
- Washington Tripartite Foreign Ministers meetings, 1584–1585, 1642, 1654, 1669, 1688
- Dimitrov, Georgi, 377
- Disarmament, question of international agreement on, 390, 391, 490–491, 494, 502, 504, 505–507, 515, 531, 1411, 1617, 1731
- Dixon, Sir Pierson John, 37, 45, 46, 51, 54, 59, 64, 66, 72, 74, 110, 131, 132n, 133, 134, 193n, 748, 752, 1725, 1738, 1744, 1746, 1748, 1754, 1763, 1774, 1794, 1818, 1823, 1834
- Dodge, Joseph M., 440, 444
- Donnelly, Walter J., 693
- Dorsz, Edmund J., 116–117, 147
- Dowling, Walter C., 835–838, 1122–1125, 1190, 1211–1213
- Draper, William H., Jr., 36, 38, 141, 297, 364–365, 1554, 1559n
- European Defense Community, 347n, 403–404, 708–710, 718, 1555, 1556
- European problems and needs, 401–408
- German contribution to Western defense, 207, 208, 385
- German unification, 308–310, 315, 403
- North Atlantic Council, 110, 309–310, 312n, 315n, 317n, 348, 352, 369, 385, 390, 393, 1561–1562
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 314n, 321–323, 327–334, 339–340, 341n, 342n, 353–354, 356–358
- Drees, Willem, 3n, 586, 589–593, 605–607, 786, 1572
- Dulin, André, 856, 857
- Dulles, Allen, 1383
- Dulles, John Foster:
- Arms pool, 1281–1283, 1288–1289
- Atomic weapons, 452, 467, 477, 481, 482, 499–501, 509–514
- Austria, 398, 1619–1620
- Berlin, 1401, 1461
- Berlin Conference, 477, 1585–1587, 1615, 1617, 1618, 1672, 1690–1693, 1766–1768, 1788
- Bermuda Conference:
- Bilateral meetings (see also under conference subheadings above and below):
- Brussels Treaty Organization, 1375–1376, 1387n
- Buraimi, 1640–1641, 1686–1687
- China, People’s Republic of, 1314, 1650–1657, 1808–1810, 1847
- Chinese offshore islands, 1228, 1314, 1814
- Egypt, 96–97, 1677, 1678, 1679, 1807, 1820
- Europe, U.S. policy toward, 432n, 1179–1180, 1265–1266, 1661–1662
- European collective security system, Soviet proposal, 1029–1031
- European Defense Community, 1071, 1690
- Alternatives to, 711–717, 1051–1052, 1184, 1222–1223, 1226, 1283–1288
- British association, 905–906, 921–922, 928
- Brussels meeting, 1058–1061
- Defense force, 949–950
- Importance of, 396–397, 459, 462, 464, 467, 865–868, 1770–1771, 1802
- NATO relationship to, 461, 464, 468–469
- Security guarantees 477, 813–814, 826, 966–967, 1832–1833
- Treaty:
- French protocols 706–708, 734–739, 755–756, 831n, 858, 917–918, 1046–1047, 1058n
- French ratification problems, 395, 396, 455, 781–784, 802, 820n, 826–828, 833–834, 838–839, 875–877, 879–880, 885–886, 900–901, 930–931, 933n, 936–938, 940–941, 951–953, 955–956, 965n, 970–971, 1018–1023, 1620, 1622–1623, 1627, 1628, 1836, 1843–1844
- German ratification, 398–399
- Italian ratification, 728–729, 777–778, 929–930, 1271–1272
- Ratification prospects, 728–729, 815, 926–927, 981, 1119–1120, 1662–1663
- U.S. assurances, 899n , 969–970
- European unity, 1662–1665, 1672, 1690
- French North Africa, 827
- Germany, Federal Republic of:
- Iceland, U.S. bases in, 471
- Indochina, 826–828, 941n, 1332, 1648–1654, 1659, 1660, 1662–1667, 1670
- Korea, 453, 1650–1653, 1655–1658, 1811, 1814
- London Nine- and Four-Power Conferences:
- Accomplishments, 1369–1370, 1379–1384
- Bilateral meetings:
- Four-power meetings, 1299–1302, 1318–1320, 1321, 1326–1327, 1328–1329
- Nine-power meetings, 1297–1299, 1303–1308, 1312–1313, 1314–1318, 1320–1326, 1327–1328, 1329–1330
- Preparations for, 1150–1151, 1155–1156, 1262–1263, 1271, 1275–1278, 1283–1288, 1290–1292
- Signature of Final Act, 1331, 1369
- Statements, 1313n , 1357–1361, 1366–1367
- Tripartite (France–U.K.–U.S.) meeting, 1331–1332
- London Tripartite Foreign Ministers meetings, 1709–1710
- Middle East, 1631–1640, 1676–1686, 1688, 1808, 1821
- Mutual Security Act of 1951, 792–793, 796–798, 974, 1619
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization:
- Annual Review, 459, 464, 1794
- Council:
- Defense policy, 414
- Force levels, 369–373, 386, 440–441, 444, 466
- German membership in, 983–984, 1192–1194, 1227, 1245–1246, 1457n , 1470–1480
- “New Look” policy, 497–498, 552, 529–532, 535, 542–548, 558, 559, 561–562
- Non-military aspects, 457, 1693–1694
- North Atlantic defense, 478, 481
- Secretary General’s visit to Washington, 358–360
- Strengthening of, 1789–1791
- Treaty, extension of, 750–752
- U.S. support:
- Paris Nine- and Four-Power Conferences:
- Saar negotiations, 752, 854–855, 1310–1311, 1332, 1396, 1463–1464, 1481–1484, 1494–1495, 1501n, 1505–1507, 1514–1515
- Soviet foreign policy, 371–372, 390, 459, 477, 1609–1611, 1616, 1809–1810
- Trieste, 475
- Tripartite meeting on Germany and Austria, proposed, 1693–1694.
- U.S. aid to France, 370, 392–394, 395, 1650
- Visits to (see also Dulles–Stassen trip to Western Europe):
- Washington Tripartite Foreign Ministers meetings:
- Western European Union, 1465
- Dulles–Stassen trip to Western Europe (Jan. 31–Feb. 8, 1953), 1548–1551
- Duncan, Adm. Donald B., 711
- Dunn, James C., 578–579, 619–622, 638–639, 646–647, 654–656, 658n, 660–662, 679n, 680n, 688–690, 695n, 700–705, 719–721, 730–732, 739n, 1544
- Dupong, Pierre, 109, 111, 1575
- Duvieusart, Jean, 108, 111, 209
- Edelston, Adm. Sir John H., 469
- Eden, Sir Anthony, 133, 389n, 505, 976, 1196–1197, 1710
- Arms pool, 1276
- Atomic weapons, 499–501, 1786
- Austria, 133–134, 163
- Berlin Conference, 476, 1763–1766, 1775–1776, 1787–1788
- Bermuda Conference:
- Bilateral meetings (see also under conference subheadings above and below):
- British balance-of-payments situation, 132
- Brussels Treaty Organization, 1195, 1275–1276
- China, People’s Republic of, 1814–1815
- Chinese offshore islands, 1314, 1316
- Egypt, 122–123, 155, 477, 1632, 1807, 1820
- European Defense Community:
- Germany, Federal Republic of:
- Armaments, control in, 42–43, 45–46, 50, 51, 65, 68–71, 76, 165–167, 1307–1308
- Contractual arrangements, 124, 137, 642n , 1188
- Contribution to Western defense, 17, 62–63, 67, 124, 138, 151, 162, 459, 1303
- Sovereignty, restoration of, 1300, 1302
- Tripartite declaration re, 662n , 1461
- War criminals, 48, 49, 60–62, 67
- Indochina, 121, 169, 171n, 1277
- Korea, 169, 1815–1816
- Lisbon Foreign Ministers meetings, 123–124, 131, 154, 159, 161, 163, 167
- London Foreign Ministers meetings, 4n, 5, 17n, 38–44, 45, 56, 59, 64, 66, 71, 72, 74
- London Nine- and Four-Power Conferences:
- Bilateral (U.K.–U.S.) meetings, 1314
- Chairman of Nine-Power Conference, 1276–1277, 1290–1291
- Four-power meetings, 1299–1302, 1318–1320, 1321, 1326–1327, 1328–1329
- Nine-power meetings, 1297–1299, 1303–1308, 1311–1313, 1315–1318, 1320–1326, 1327–1328, 1329–1330
- Preparations for, 1801–1802, 1148, 1149n , 1150, 1151, 1156, 1159, 1197, 1275–1278, 1289–1290
- Signature of Final Act, 1331
- Statement at, 1361–1362
- Tripartite (France–U.K.–U.S.) meeting, 1331–1332
- London Tripartite Foreign Ministers meetings, 825, 1709–1710
- Malaya, 1815–1816
- Middle East, 122–123, 155, 477, 1632, 1807–1808, 1820
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization:
- Annual Review, 317, 1794
- Council meetings, 110, 111, 120, 343, 456, 458–459, 476–477, 508, 1422
- German membership in, 1187, 1198–1199, 1235–1236
- “New Look” policy, 540, 541, 547–548, 559
- Non-military aspects, 123–124, 131–132, 141, 155
- Secretary General, selection of, 134–135, 155, 295n
- Strengthening of, 1789–1790, 1793
- Treaty, extension of, 750–752
- U.S. forces in Europe, 42
- Paris Agreements, 1437n, 1439n, 1441n, 1457n, 1485–1486, 1525–1526, 1537
- Paris Nine- and Four-Power Conferences:
- Saar negotiations, 45, 48, 752, 1331, 1502, 1505–1508
- Soviet foreign policy, 121, 458, 477, 1721–1722, 1814–1815
- Trieste, 168, 171n, 173–174, 1749
- Visits to:
- Edmondson, D’Arcy, 1739, 1746, 1763, 1774, 1787, 1794, 1818, 1823
- Egypt, 96–97, 122–123, 155, 156, 349, 380, 477, 1598–1599, 1631–1640, 1676–1686, 1696–1699, 1739, 1806, 1807, 1819–1820
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 96–97, 296–297, 298, 346–347, 399, 432n, 1179–1180, 1197, 1754
- Addresses, 372n, 489
- Atomic energy, 459, 468, 1751–1753, 1767–1769, 1786, 1817–1818
- Atomic weapons, 450, 1739, 1818
- Berlin Conference, 1740, 1778–1779
- Bermuda Conference, 1737, 1821–1822
- Bilateral meetings (see also under Bermuda Conference above):
- China, People’s Republic of, 1498–1500
- Conferences of Heads of Government, value of, 1821–1823
- European Defense Community:
- France, U.S. aid to, 1278, 1840–1841
- German-U.S. defense agreement, proposed, 1145–1146, 1278
- Indochina, 781–784, 1829–1830
- Korea, 1739, 1817
- Middle East, 1819–1821
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 373n, 447n, 451–453, 532–533, 542n, 595–596, 762–763, 775, 1145–1146, 1191–1192, 1499–1500, 1842
- Paris Agreements, 1481–1484, 1521–1523, 1538
- Saar negotiations, 787, 1481–1484
- Soviet foreign policy, 786, 1760–1761
- Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, 297, 649
- Trieste, 452, 1145–1146
- U.N. speech, 1751, 1805
- Elbrick, Charles Burke, 290, 526n, 527, 1045–1046, 1234
- Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 77
- Ellis-Rees, 1562–1563
- Ely, Gen. Paul, 941, 944
- Erhard, Ludwig, 32–33
- Ernst, Roger, 1372
- Europe (see also
European Defense Community; conference headings; and individual country names):
- Arms production pool:
- Collective security system, Soviet proposal, 488–489, 491–494, 495–497, 525, 806–807, 909, 943, 1027–1028, 1510n
- Currency convertibility, 1559–1560, 1571
- Economic integration (see also European Economic Cooperation, Organization for), 181–182, 183–184, 764, 765, 1559–1560, 1562–1563, 1572–1573
- Floods in, 761n, 765, 766, 1562
- Manpower mobilization, 180–181, 182–187, 217, 224–225, 457
- U.S. forces in, 127–128, 447–448, 450–454, 478, 483–484, 501, 533, 1497, 1500, 1504–1505, 1642, 1734–1736
- European Coal and Steel Community, 22, 24, 595, 605, 611, 740n, 1116, 1166, 1183, 1191, 1605, 1617, 1624, 1695–1696, 1700
- European Defense Community (EDC):
- Alternatives to (see also
London Nine- and Four-Power Conferences;
Paris Nine- and Four-Power
Conferences; and
Paris Agreements):
- Agreed British-U.S. minute, 988–989
- Benelux position, 1184, 1200, 1201, 1213–1214, 1218, 1221
- British position, 970n , 1050–1051, 1154, 1156, 1159–1160, 1200, 1213–1220, 1222
- British-U.S. study group, 997–1016
- Brussels meeting re, 1052, 1057, 1061–1068
- French position, 1074, 1188–1189, 1194–1195, 1196, 1198–1199, 1200–1202, 1214–1215
- German position, 1150, 1156–1158, 1161–1162, 1184–1185, 1186–1187, 1189–1190, 1210–1213, 1218
- Italian position, 1203–1205, 1218
- U.S. position, 415, 693–694, 711–717, 798–800, 859–865, 868, 994–995, 1051–1052, 1145–1146, 1160–1161, 1162, 1163–1167, 1180, 1191–1192, 1197, 1205–1209, 1215–1222
- Anti-EDC meeting, 883–885, 909–910
- British association with, 131, 250–251, 623, 647, 697, 700–701, 731–733, 739, 746–748, 752–755, 801, 804–805, 856–859, 921–922, 923n, 928, 931–932, 1115, 1572–1573, 1625–1626, 1733–1734, 1801, 1803
- Commissariat, composition of, 594–595, 599–600, 609–610
- Defense force:
- Coalition question, 732–733
- Democratic control, 876–877, 878–879, 924–925, 940–941, 949–951
- Equality of forces, 610–611, 614
- Interchangeability of French forces, 722–724
- Intermediate commands, 575–576
- Length of military service, 645–646, 695–696
- Level of forces, 684–685, 601–602
- Objectives, 232–234
- Police forces, internal, 602, 620
- Stationing of forces, 664–665
- Status of forces, 246, 623, 684, 725–726
- Establishment proposal, 1470
- Financial questions, 241–242, 601
- German participation in (see Contractual arrangements; Security controls; and Western defense under Germany, Federal Republic of)
- Importance of, 1, 3, 22, 40, 113–114, 700–702, 799n, 1770–1774, 1800–1806, 1838–1839
- Institutional organization, 236–240, 594–595, 598–600, 606, 664
- NATO relationship to, 23, 30–31, 46, 51–52, 57, 65, 67, 81–82, 106–107, 137, 157–158, 177–178, 246–250, 254–255, 292, 301, 311, 350, 352, 375, 378–379, 464, 581–582, 585, 590, 602, 605, 620, 633, 638–639, 645n, 656n, 657, 684, 942, 1733, 1736–1737, 1799–1800
- Paris Conference on the organization of:
- Committee meetings, 2, 3, 12n , 579–580, 589n , 594n , 609–610, 618, 622, 627n , 628n , 638–639, 645n , 719n , 734, 775, 780n
- Foreign Ministers meetings, 571–573, 593–594, 606n , 618–619, 652–653, 654n –655n , 656n , 663–665, 669–671, 681
- Negotiations, 8, 52, 85, 168, 300–301, 597–598, 622, 664–665
- Report (C9–D/12), 137n , 177n , 230–247, 292
- Security guarantèes:
- British position, 104, 620, 631n , 633–634, 905–906, 928, 1149, 1361–1363, 1830–1831
- Canadian position, 1313, 1363–1364
- Communiqué, 103
- Congress, U.S., consultations with, 894, 896–898, 1736
- French position, 41–43, 876, 890–891, 898–899, 1831–1832
- Mutual defense guarantees, 476, 503, 506, 603, 627–629, 630, 632, 638–639, 813–814, 825–826, 867, 1182, 1830–1833
- North Atlantic Council discussions, 447–448, 476, 503, 516, 825–826, 867
- Tripartite (France–U.K.–U.S.) discussions, 8, 9–10, 12–13, 16, 22, 27, 30, 38, 39, 41–43, 45–47, 53–54, 57–58, 65, 77–80, 82, 103–104, 106–107, 113–114, 123–124, 131–132, 614, 617, 679–680, 1662–1665, 1672, 1691
- U.S. position, 620, 873–874, 877n , 881–882, 883n , 886–890, 892–894, 896–897, 935–936, 957–958, 1015, 1207, 1264–1265, 1270, 1357–1361, 1381–1382, 1730, 1735–1736
- Soviet opposition to, 540, 544, 554
- Treaty:
- Duration, 659, 662–664, 665–667, 681
- French protocols, 721, 722–726, 727–728
- Belgian position, 11, 705–706, 720, 742, 758, 1041–1042, 1047–1048
- British position, 704n, 708n, 1037, 1045–1046
- Brussels meeting re, 1047–1048, 1051–1052, 1054–1055, 1056–1061, 1069–1079
- French position, 702–705, 739n, 741–742, 755n, 758, 910–911, 1033–1036, 1043–1044, 1049–1050, 1064–1067, 1742, 1801
- German position, 704–705, 720, 729–730, 739n, 741, 743–745, 1042n, 1569
- Italian position, 704n, 720, 1551–1552
- Netherlands position, 704n, 720
- U.S. position, 597–598, 707–708, 712, 721–722, 726–727, 734–739, 755–756, 874–875, 1036–1037, 1039–1040, 1046–1048, 1064–1067
- Ratification of:
- Belgian position, 759, 774, 775n, 926, 927, 951–953, 965, 975–978, 981, 982n, 987, 1146–1147
- Bermuda Conference discussion re, 859, 1728
- British position, 1595–1596, 1717, 1724, 1726
- French position (see also French protocols, above), 460, 485n, 517, 519, 553, 688–692, 696–698, 700, 702, 767–769, 781–784, 790–791, 800–802, 807–808, 813n, 815, 818–825, 828–831, 833–835, 838–839, 866, 868–869, 875–879, 885–886, 894–896, 900–904, 906–909, 924–926, 936–940, 955, 973, [Page 1866] 975–976, 1083–1085, 1088–1092, 1554, 1589, 1602–1603, 1605, 1614–1615, 1619–1620, 1622–1628, 1728, 1732, 1742, 1744
- German position, 398, 698–699, 710, 767n, 770–772, 786–788, 791, 822–823, 831–832, 927, 1555, 1567–1570
- Importance of, 298, 394–395, 403–404, 432–433, 450, 462–464, 467–469, 664, 791, 795–796, 1770–1774, 1778–1785, 1834–1836, 1840–1842, 1843–1845
- Indochina, effect on, 942–946, 957–958
- Italian position, 692–693, 718, 728–729, 756–757, 767, 776–781, 790, 817, 851–852, 865, 870–871, 929–930, 953–954, 991–992
- Luxembourg position, 728–729, 767, 803, 926, 1575–1578
- Netherlands position, 580–582, 665, 728–729, 764–765, 767, 784–785, 795, 926, 1572–1573
- Prospects for, 423–424, 425–426, 729, 750, 767, 798–800, 801–802, 815–818, 926–927, 947–949, 1115, 1120–1121, 1554–1557
- Soviet position, 487–491, 493–494, 495–496, 688–689, 1026–1029
- Tripartite (France–U.K.–U.S.) position, 795–796, 1662–1665
- U.S. position, 819, 930–931, 932–935, 956–957, 969–971, 975, 979–980, 1018–1023, 1553–1559, 1560–1561, 1565, 1578–1580
- U.S. withdrawal of forces from Europe, effect of, 483, 484, 740–741, 771
- Rejection of:
- Congressional reaction (see Mutual Security Act of 1951)
- French action, 1054n, 1067–1068, 1088–1092
- Reaction to, 1079–1083, 1092–1094, 1114–1119, 1120–1122, 1127–1128, 1133, 1135–1138, 1170, 1174, 1176–1177, 1471, 1609, 1622–1624
- U.S. analysis of, 1092–1113
- U.S. policy revisions re, 1114–1122, 1127–1128, 1140–1141, 1205–1209, 1264–1271, 1379–1383
- Signature of:
- Benelux efforts, 571, 573–574, 576–578, 580–594, 597–599, 600–601, 605–607
- Ceremonies, 683–686
- Deadline for, 636–638, 639–642, 645–646
- French efforts, 597, 600–601, 613–617, 619, 621–624, 670, 675n, 679n
- German efforts, 597–598, 600–601, 604–605, 607–608, 611–612, 649–651, 671–672
- Preparations for, 652–654, 656–658, 662–663
- Reservations, 658–659
- Submission to country parliaments, 417n –418n , 425–426
- Tripartite declaration re, 644n , 646–647, 677–680, 686–688, 1736–1737
- Alternatives to (see also
London Nine- and Four-Power Conferences;
Paris Nine- and Four-Power
Conferences; and
Paris Agreements):
- European Economic Cooperation, Organization for (OEEC) (see also Europe: Economic integration), 179, 182, 184, 432, 446, 551, 1562–1563
- European Political Community, 739n, 764–765, 822, 824, 826–827, 883, 1166, 1605, 1623–1624, 1672, 1705–1706, 1732
- Exintaris, Georges, 558, 1406, 1422
- Falaize, Pierre-Louis, 1557n, 1559n, 1608, 1621, 1654, 1669, 1688
- Far East (see also individual countries), 282–283, 369, 375, 1670–1672, 1690–1691, 1706–1707, 1717, 1718, 1720, 1847–1848
- Faure, Edgar, 108, 114, 132, 141, 142–145, 152, 272, 613–615, 943
- Faure, Maurice, 616, 856–858, 1516, 1536, 1540
- Fauvet, Jacques, 1096
- Fechteler, Adm. William M., 400, 401n, 711, 713, 714
- Fessenden, Russell, 698, 798–800, 804–805, 959n, 1253–1256, 1731–1737
- Fife, Adm. James, 400
- Figl, Leopold, 1544, 1546
- Fisher, William Dale, 841n, 856
- Flemming, Arthur S., 1383
- Foreign Ministers meetings (see conference headings
cited below):
- Berlin Conference (Jan. 25–Feb. 18, 1954)
- Bermuda Conference (Dec. 4–8, 1953)
- Geneva Conference on Korea and Indochina (Apr. 26–July 21, 1954)
- Libson Foreign Ministers meetings (Feb. 20–26, 1952)
- London Foreign Ministers meetings (Feb. 13–19, 1952)
- London Nine- and Four-Power Conferences (Sept. 28–Oct. 3, 1954)
- London Tripartite Foreign Ministers meetings (Oct. 16–17, 1953)
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization: Council: Sessions
- Paris Nine- and Four-Power Conferences (Oct. 20–23, 1954)
- Washington Tripartite Foreign Ministers meetings (July 10–14, 1953)
- Foreign Operations Administration, 1279–1280
- Formosa, 1227, 1314, 1410, 1411, 1414, 1597, 1720, 1730, 1814
- Fouchet, Paul, 1718, 1738, 1746
- Foulkes, Lt. Gen. Charles, 112, 115n, 136, 137
- Four-power conference on Germany and Austria, proposed. See Berlin Conference.
- Fox, Maj. Gen. Alonzo, P., 711
- Fox, Homer S., 1575
- France (see also France and French subheadings under other subjects):
- François-Poncet, André, 37, 54, 60, 64, 66, 72, 74, 640n, 842, 843–844, 848, 1133, 1183, 1295, 1406
- Franks, Sir Oliver S., 4–5, 155, 157–158, 294, 297, 317n, 428
- Freemen, Gen. Paul L., Jr., 1239, 1253
- French North Africa (see also individual countries), 228n, 369, 827–828, 1557–1558
- French Union, 1647, 1650, 1666, 1668, 1827, 1839
- Fuller, Leon W., 498, 693–694, 863–865, 1170–1177
- Gaillard, Felix, 141
- Gaitskell, Hugh, 486
- Galloway, William J., 486
- Garces, Lucas, 1546
- Gazier, Albert, 1102
- Geneva Conference on Korea and Indochina (Apr. 26–July 21, 1954), 485, 504, 507, 517, 1648, 1652, 1653, 1654n, 1848
- George VI, King of England, 29n, 30n, 36, 41, 45
- Gerhardt, Col. Harrison A., 1621
- Gerhart, Maj. Gen. John K., 711
- Germany, Democratic Republic of (see also Berlin, East), 415, 424, 431, 508, 518, 771, 1587, 1600, 1601–1602
- Germany, Federal Republic of (see also
Germany, Federal Republic of and German subheadings under other
- Adenauer government, stability of, 819–820, 839
- Allied High Commissioners for, 87–95, 172, 263–264, 265–267, 617–618, 1190
- Berlin (see Berlin, West)
- Brussels Treaty Organization, membership in, 524, 1212, 1217, 1355–1356, 1430
- Contractual arrangements with (see
Security controls
Western defense, contribution to
below), 46n, 94–95, 359, 693–694, 699, 772, 1129n, 1570
- Agreement on, 680–683
- Amendments, 997, 1000–1004, 1006–1013, 1016–1018, 1211–1212, 1218, 1341, 1379, 1409n , 1412, 1472–1477
- EDC, linkage to, 5–6, 65, 103–104, 113, 702–703, 761–762, 821–822, 862–863, 927, 988–989, 1092–1114, 1116, 1124, 1157
- French ratification question, 1093, 1134–1135
- General Relations Convention, 87, 300
- Importance of, 25, 40
- London protocols on application of, 1125–1127, 1138–1142, 1149, 1168
- Progress of negotiations, 8–12, 86
- Ratification by Federal Republic of Germany, 921n
- Report by Occupying Powers, 23, 137, 139, 177–178
- Signature of, 6, 168, 634–635, 639–642, 643–644, 649–651, 652–654, 656–658, 663
- Status of Forces Convention, 1180–1181
- Tripartite draft declaration, 103–104
- U.S. position, 54, 1162–1163, 1192, 1664–1665
- Cultural exchange agreement with United States, 772
- Elections, 800n, 867, 1606
- Foreign forces in, 1428–1429, 1438–1439
- Four-power conference on Germany and Austria (see Berlin Conference)
- Neutralization question, 390–392, 396, 403, 415, 1030, 1032, 1489–1490
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, membership in (see Membership questions: Germany, Federal Republic of under North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
- Rearmament, 608, 817–818, 832, 835–838, 839, 988, 1013–1016, 1123, 1124, 1131, 1142, 1143, 1148, 1174–1175, 1177, 1256–1259, 1459–1461, 1463, 1487–1491, 1531n
- Restitution judgments against former Reich, 91, 92
- Reunification question, 107, 308–310, 315, 369, 415, 503, 507, 508, 525, 651, 791, 1163, 1175, 1207, 1269, 1312, 1322, 1384, 1586–1589, 1590n, 1592, 1594, 1601–1602, 1705
- Security controls (see also
Contractual arrangements
above and Western
defense, contribution to
- Agreed list of prohibited items, 170, 1322–1325, 1330, 1348–1349, 1380
- Armaments limitations, 42–43, 56–57, 65, 68–71, 73, 75, 82–83, 89–91, 99–101, 619, 625, 626
- Atomic weapons, 257–258
- Benelux position, 1245, 1304, 1306–1308, 1315, 1323, 1337
- British position, 42–43, 45, 50, 51, 56, 65, 68–71, 73–74, 100–101, 104, 123–124, 165–166, 662n , 1188n , 1229–1230, 1303, 1307–1308
- Canadian position, 1315
- Civil aircraft production issue 50, 65, 73–74, 91, 99, 165–167, 170–173, 614
- Communiqué, 105
- Foreign Ministers meeting. 97–101
- French position, 17–18, 24, 27, 42, 56–57, 65, 69–71, 73–74, 76–77, 91, 100–101, 112, 123–124, 165–166, 614, 624n , 1228–1229, 1231–1234, 1245, 1285, 1304, 1306, 1307, 1309–1310, 1315, 1318, 1322, 1325, 1333–1334
- German position, 73–74, 75, 76–77, 89–91, 95, 100–101, 575–576, 1182–1183, 1188n , 1236–1237, 1306, 1307, 1318, 1323, 1325
- Industry controls, 58, 71, 836–837
- Italian position, 1306, 1318, 1325
- Military Security Board question, 99, 101
- Police force, internal, 40, 56–57, 68–74, 90
- Self-imposed safeguards, 1182, 1200
- U.S. position, 20, 43–44, 50, 56, 65, 70–71, 73–74, 82–83, 98–99, 104, 124, 165–166, 625, 626, 1188n , 1206–1207, 1228–1229, 1245–1246, 1269, 1286, 1309–1310, 1315, 1322–1323
- Sovereignty, restoration of:
- Accomplishment, 1379
- Bonn working groups on, 1291, 1297–1298, 1302n , 1385–1386, 1427–1429
- British position, 1181–1182, 1300, 1302, 1319–1320
- French position, 1072n , 1073, 1078, 1134, 1169–1170, 1285
- German position, 1118, 1129, 1152–1153, 1156–1157, 1181, 1182, 1185, 1190, 1211, 1236–1237, 1272, 1384, 1408–1409
- Italian position, 1299
- London Foreign Ministers meetings, Final Act, 1318–1320, 1345–1346, 1352–1353
- North Atlantic Council resolution re, 1423–1424, 1430–1431
- Occupation rights, termination of, 1168, 1181, 1182, 1188, 1300n , 1301–1302, 1326–1329, 1344, 1426–1427, 1436–1438, 1470–1480
- U.S. position, 22, 1116, 1120–1121, 1163, 1167–1170, 1185, 1206, 1211, 1269, 1286, 1301, 1302, 1305, 1310–1320, 1397
- Tripartite declaration of intent, proposed, 1585–1586, 1616–1619
- Tripartite statements, 649, 660–662, 1390–1391, 1398–1399, 1401, 1429, 1461, 1474, 1701–1702
- U.S. policy toward, 799n, 1174–1175, 1570–1571, 1630n
- War criminals, 43, 45, 49, 55–56, 60–61, 67–68, 82, 87–89, 101–102, 265, 1589, 1629–1630
- Western defense, contribution to (see also
Contractual arrangements
Security controls
- Benelux position, 123–124, 1304–1305
- British position, 62–64, 67, 472, 517, 533, 640n , 1303, 1334–1336, 1565
- EDC, linkage to, 87–88, 597–602
- Financial:
- Agreement, 256–257, 389–390, 620, 1125–1126
- Communiqué, 106–107, 261–262
- German position, 31–33, 94–95, 159–160, 162, 168, 258–261, 262
- Lisbon Foreign Ministers meetings consideration of, 159–163, 170–172, 175
- London Foreign Ministers meetings consideration of, 58–59, 62
- Temporary Council Committee report, 67, 106–107, 150–151, 204, 256–257, 577
- French position, 8–11, 17, 26–28, 55n , 62–63, 77, 113, 139–140, 170, 264, 610–613, 624, 1134, 1135, 1303–1304
- German position, 32–33, 67, 84–85, 87, 88, 168, 175, 259–260, 575, 576, 1129, 1236–1237, 1299, 1317
- Italian position, 578–579
- London Nine-Power Conference consideration of, 1338–1339, 1365–1366
- Need for, 30, 35, 159–160, 162, 350, 441, 443, 469
- NAC position, 349, 430, 431, 459, 460, 470, 472, 516, 551, 553
- Norwegian position, 460
- Paris Agreements (see Paris Agreements)
- Protocol, 1004–1005
- Status report, 94–95
- Tripartite reply to Soviet note, 503–504, 507–508
- Turkish position, 551
- U.S. position, 12, 14, 15, 20, 40, 62–63, 83–84, 459, 462, 470, 579, 788, 799, 1120, 1177, 1179–1180, 1562
- Germany, four-power conference on, proposed. See Berlin Conference.
- Gibson, William M., 1085
- Gifford, Walter S., 29n, 34, 36, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 45, 53, 54, 59, 64, 66, 72, 74, 277, 607, 634, 692–693
- Gleason, S. Everett, 399, 605n, 1384, 1581
- Globke, Hans, 807, 1211, 1469
- Goa, 516, 557, 1425
- Goodpaster, Col. Andrew J., 532, 533–534
- Gordon, Lincoln, 1554, 1556, 1669, 1688
- Gore-Booth, Paul Henry, 1608, 1621, 1655, 1669, 1688
- Greece (see also North Atlantic Treaty Organization: Membership questions: Greece and Turkey), 44, 148–149, 151, 269–272, 457, 1732
- “Green Pool,” 764
- Greig, Sir Louis, 96–97
- Grewe, Wilhelm, 1188, 1211, 1212, 1302
- Gros, Louis Gabriel M., 1024
- Grotewohl, Otto, 46n
- Gruber, Karl, 1546
- Gruenther, Gen. Alfred M., 112, 510n, 996n, 1425
- Gudmundsson, Kristinn, 471, 1406, 1422, 1457n
- Guillaume, Gen. Augustin, 553, 944
- Gurler, Gen. Sahopp, 110
- Hagerty, James C., 1520–1523, 1713n, 1737, 1746, 1754, 1774, 1787, 1794, 1834
- Hallstein, Walter, 37, 60, 66, 74, 576, 1152, 1211, 1295, 1406, 1545
- Hansen, Hans Christian, 460, 508, 1406, 1422, 1425, 1457n
- Hansen, Rasmus, 1406
- Harriman, W. Averell, 2n, 32, 33, 36, 38, 39, 110, 112, 141, 153, 192, 207, 209, 219, 295, 348, 352, 353
- Harris, Michael S., 159, 163, 167, 1554
- Hart, Maj. Gen. Charles E., 149, 150, 1675
- Harvey, Sir Oliver C., 390, 918, 919
- Hay, John, 699
- Hayter, Sir William G., 638, 639n, 1721
- Heads of Government conference. See Bermuda Conference of Heads of Government of the United States, United Kingdom, and France.
- Healy, Denis W., 1486
- Heeney, Arnold D. P., 108, 322, 335–336
- Heinemann, Gustav, 909, 1490
- Hensel, H. Struve, 1209, 1211, 1212, 1281, 1296, 1407, 1410, 1422
- Herriot, Edouard, 667, 906, 909, 1107, 1108, 1178
- Herwarth von Bittenfeld, Hans-Heinrich, 37, 60, 66, 74, 1211
- Herz, Martin F., 1085, 1094–1113, 1557n, 1559n
- Heusinger, Adolf E., 840, 1237
- Heuss, Theodore, 676, 699, 921n
- Hickenlooper, Bourke, 500
- Hirsch, Etienne, 209
- Hirschfeld, H. M., 209
- Ho Chi Minh, 1652, 1741, 1827
- Hoffman, Johannes, 1389
- Holmes, Julius C., 708n, 1554, 1556, 1560
- Holthe, Adm. E. F. van, 109
- Hommel, Nic, 1295, 1406, 1422
- Hong Kong, 133, 1566–1567
- Hoover, Herbert, Jr., 1392n, 1400, 1462
- House of Representatives, U.S. See Congress, U.S.
- Houtte, Jean van, 586–587, 589n, 695n, 1575
- Huff, Capt. Jerald L., 508
- Hughes, Emile, 1084–1085
- Hughes, Emrys, 1486
- Hughes, John C., 436, 495–497, 547, 1281, 1468n, 1725n [Page 1870]
- Hull, Gen. John Edwin, 711, 713, 715, 716–717, 1631, 1634, 1675, 1678
- Humphrey, George M., 368, 369, 372, 385, 390, 393, 440, 444, 451, 452, 454, 479, 481n, 549, 562, 889, 1263, 1264, 1267, 1378, 1383, 1642
- Hydrogen bomb. See under Atomic weapons.
- Ibn Saud, King of Saudi Arabia, 1640, 1687–1688
- Iceland, 471
- Ihellebrand, Rosel, 909
- India, 499, 1681, 1717, 1720, 1808
- Inpeng Suryadhay, 1665
- Indochina (see also
Cambodia, Laos, and
Vietnam), 143, 145, 169, 957–959
- Bermuda Conference discussion, 1714–1715, 1808, 1824–1830, 1839
- British policy toward, 171n, 1566, 1597–1598, 1720
- French policy toward, 12, 121–122, 264–265, 273–275, 330n, 347–348, 380, 392, 515, 516, 610–611, 782–783, 895, 941, 944–946, 1503–1504, 1558, 1559, 1561, 1643–1654, 1695, 1719–1720, 1741–1742, 1823–1828
- Geneva Conference on (see Geneva Conference on Korea and Indochina)
- Independence of Associated States of, 1643–1645, 1648, 1660–1681, 1666–1669, 1826–1829
- NATO resolution, 347–348, 350, 352
- Navarre Plan, 1645–1646, 1650, 1654, 1741, 1824–1826, 1829
- Soviet proposal for five-power conference, 826, 858n
- U.S. aid to France for, 393, 394–395, 768, 801, 828, 1824
- U.S. policy toward, 610–611, 715–716, 782–783, 879–880, 941n, 944–946, 1559, 1560, 1566, 1648–1650, 1730
- Washington Tripartite Foreign Ministers meetings discussion, 1653–1654, 1659–1662, 1706
- Indonesia, 593, 606, 766, 1574, 1720
- International Labor Office, 183–184
- Iran, 369, 1638, 1639, 1732, 1808
- Ismay, Lord Hastings Lionel,
- Bermuda Conference, observer at, 428n, 476n, 1725, 1739, 1787, 1789, 1791–1793
- London Nine-Power Conference; 1370–1371, 1411, 1415
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 516, 554
- Annual Review, 315, 340, 364, 383, 384, 555–557, 1793–1794
- Council meetings, 110, 111, 343, 388–389, 456, 475, 478, 508, 516, 1422, 1561
- Defense policy, 315–316, 360–362, 381–382, 410–411, 412, 456, 550, 1842
- Germany, association with, 309–310, 410, 1465–1467
- “New Look” policy, 536–539, 557–559
- Papers, 319–321, 328–329, 331, 423, 425, 426–427
- Secretary General, appointment as, 158n , 295–296, 352, 427–428
- Strengthening of, 358–359
- U.S. troops in, 447–448
- Isorni, Jacques, 1108
- Israel, 1567, 1687, 1688, 1730, 1807
- Italy (see also Italian subheadings under other subjects), 484, 524, 1179, 1185, 1193, 1200, 1203–1205, 1236, 1280, 1421, 1430, 1457, 1518
- Jackson, C. D., 1737, 1746, 1754, 1763, 1769, 1774, 1787, 1794, 1821, 1834
Jacquin de Margerie,
Roland, 1295, 1410, 1557n, 1559n
- Bermuda Conference, 1583, 1718, 1719, 1738, 1746, 1754, 1763, 1769, 1774, 1787, 1794, 1818, 1821, 1823, 1834
- European Defense Community, 468, 491–492, 692n, 1201–1202, 1229, 1259–1260
- London Foreign Ministers meetings, 37, 54, 60, 66, 72, 74
- Washington Tripartite Foreign Ministers meetings, 1608, 1621, 1642, 1654, 1669, 1688
- Jaeger, Richard, 1509
- Japan, 349, 1567, 1574, 1720
- Jebb, Sir Gladwyn H.M., 547, 1100, 1195, 1199, 1296, 1407, 1502, 1505, 1519, 1524
- Jessup, Philip C., 654n–655n, 675, 676, 692n, 693, 696, 1544, 1545
- John, Otto, 1027, 1210
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 1654, 1661, 1669
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S., 302, 303, 307, 445, 453, 530, 994–995, 1247–1253
- Jones, John Wesley, 860, 1261
- Jonsson, Eysteinn, 109, 111
- Jordan, 1639, 1687–1688, 1710
- Joyce, Robert P., 833–885
- Juin, Gen. Alphonse Pierre, 109, 762–763, 765, 924, 937, 943–944, 1200, 1283
- Juliana, Queen of the Netherlands, 44
- Kanellopoulos Panayotis, 457, 472, 474, 1422
- Kantol, Norodom, 1665
- Kartalis, George, 109, 111
- Kashmir, 349, 1638, 1639, 1730
- Kennan, George F., 1544, 1545
- Kessel, Friedrich von, 705n–706n, 720
- Khrushchev, Nikita, 1511n, 1512
- Kidd, Coburn D., 1210, 1487, 1669, 1688
- Kiesinger, Kurt Georg, 1508, 1509
- Kirkpatrick, Helen P., 37, 52n, 58n, 135, 675
- Kirkpatrick, Sir Ivone, 37, 45, 47–51, 54, 59, 64, 66, 72, 74, 265, 266–267, 294, 499, 500–501, 640n, 646, 666n, 820, 931, 1069, 1131, 1180, 1181, 1296, 1570, 1691
- Kitchen, Jeffrey C., 1608, 1621, 1654, 1665, 1669, 1675, 1688
- Knight, Ridgway B., 154, 680n, 1399, 1608, 1621, 1642, 1654, 1669, 1688, 1727–1728, 1729, 1738, 1746, 1754, 1763, 1774, 1834
- Knudsen, Kai, 1407, 1422
- Koenig, Marie Pierre, 1132
- Köprülü, Fuad, 110, 111, 116–118, 120, 555–556, 1407, 1422, 1424, 1457
- Korea, 78, 283, 453, 716, 1839
- Kraft, Ole Bjørn, 108, 111, 120, 126–128, 332, 343–344, 346, 1545
- Kranich, Robert H., 360, 363–364
- Kristensen, Thorkil, 108, 111, 209
- Krone, Heinrich, 1237
- Kyes, Roger M., 888
- Labouisse, Henry R., Jr., 1554
- Lalor, Rear Adm. William G., 711
- Laloy, Jean, 491, 492, 1559n, 1729n, 1738, 1746, 1754, 1763, 1774, 1787, 1794, 1818, 1823, 1834
- Lange, Halvard M., 109, 111, 120, 122, 126–128, 344, 456, 457, 460, 476, 508, 559, 1202, 1215, 1223–1224, 1407, 1422, 1423, 1425, 1457n
- Langhelde, Nils, 109, 111
- Laniel, Joseph:
- Bermuda Conference, 1718, 1738, 1740, 1750, 1752, 1754, 1769, 1774, 1794, 1821, 1843–1844
- Defeat of government, 969n, 971–973
- European Defense Community, 807–808, 810–811, 813n, 820–821, 828–829, 838n, 859, 911, 922n, 932, 933–938, 942–944, 1096, 1098, 1111, 1728, 1742–1744, 1771–1772, 1843–1844
- Indochina, 828, 932–933, 944–945, 1741–1742
- NATO command, removal of Marshal Juin, 937, 943–944
- Saar negotiations, 821, 828, 829, 912, 1773–1774
- Laos (see also Indochina), 370, 373, 388, 391, 392, 397, 1277–1278, 1644–1646, 1660, 1669, 1826
- Laukhuff, Perry, 37, 54, 59, 60–64, 66, 67–71, 74, 159, 163–167, 171–174
- Lay, James S., Jr., 1246–1247, 1268n
- Lee, Jennie, 909
- Leishman, Frederick J., 922–923, 1156–1157, 1234, 1531, 1536, 1608, 1621, 1665, 1669, 1675, 1688
- Leite, Joao Pinto da Costa, 110, 111, 209
- Le Jeune, Max, 1177, 1540
- Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman L., 711
- Le Roy de la Tournelle, Guy, 1557n, 1559n
- Letourneau, Jean, 369, 370, 390, 783, 1645
- Letroquer, André, 1189, 1535, 1536
- Lieftinck, Pieter, 109, 111
- Linder, Harold F., 53
- Lisbon Foreign Ministers meetings (Feb. 20–26, 1952) (see also North Atlantic Treaty Organization: Council: Sessions: Ninth):
- Lloyd, John Selwyn Brooke, 371–373, 386, 390, 391–392, 1566
- Locarno pact, 1806, 1831, 1833
- Lombardi, Ricordo, 909
- Lombardo, Ivan M., 109, 621, 638, 720
- London Foreign Ministers meetings (Feb. 13–19,
- Accomplishments, 80–86, 113, 292
- Arrangements for, 1–36
- Bilateral meetings:
- Communiqués, 72, 103, 105–107
- Conference meetings, 59–64, 66–71, 74–77
- German participation, 4, 5–6, 17–18, 24, 25, 28–29, 30–31, 55, 57–59, 80–81
- Preliminary meetings, 35–36, 50n, 98n
- Tripartite (France–U.K.–U.S.) meetings, 40–44, 54–59, 64–66, 72–74
- U.S. advisers meeting, 53–54
- London Nine- and Four-Power Conferences (Sept. 28–Oct. 3, 1954):
- Accomplishments, 524–525, 551, 1379–1384
- Agenda, 1298–1299
- Arrangements for, 1133, 1136, 1142, 1148, 1215, 1220, 1224, 1225–1229, 1239–1244, 1253–1259, 1273–1275, 1292–1293
- Bilateral meetings:
- Briefing sessions for nonparticipating countries, 1239, 1241
- Chairman of Nine-Power Conference, 1287
- Conference documents re:
- European unity, assurances of support for, 1313n, 1350–1351, 1357–1365
- Final Act of Nine-Power Conference:
- Four-power meetings, 1299–1302, 1318–1320, 1321, 1326, 1328–1329
- NATO observer, 1238–1239
- Nine-power meetings, 1296–1299, 1302–1308, 1311–1313, 1314–1318, 1320–1326, 1327–1328, 1329–1330
- Procedural discussions, 1297–1298, 1315
- Progress, 1368–1370
- Prospects for success, 1198, 1199, 1234–1236, 1244–1245, 1261–1262, 1290–1292
- Statements at, 1313
- Summary, 1294–1295, 1848–1849
- Tripartite (France–U.K.–U.S.) meeting, 1331–1332
- London Tripartite Foreign Ministers meetings (Oct 16–18, 1953), 825–828, 1613, 1693–1694, 1709–1710
- Looram, Matthew J., Jr., 1581n, 1582
- Loustaunau-Lacau, Georges, 1536, 1540
- Lovett, Robert A., 2n, 110, 111, 118, 135, 141, 144, 146, 295, 296–297, 313, 348, 352, 353
- Luce, Claire Booth, 399–401, 870–871, 929n, 953–954, 990–994, 1203–1205
- Lugano four-power conference, proposed. See Berlin Conference.
- Luns, Joseph M. A. H., 344, 761–766, 785, 1573–1574
- Lussy, Charles, 909
- Luxembourg (see also Luxembourg and Benelux subheadings under other subjects), 1457n
- Lyon, Cecil B., 997, 1016, 1156–1157, 1531–1533
- Lyttleton, Oliver, 294
- MacArthur, Douglas, II,
396, 486, 547, 584–585, 649–651, 711, 856, 930n, 1018, 1554, 1557n,
1559n, 1575, 1581–1582, 1639, 1843
- Atomic energy, 1725–1726, 1845–1846
- Bermuda Conference, 1729, 1737, 1740–1744, 1754, 1763, 1769, 1774, 1787, 1794, 1818, 1821, 1823, 1834
- European Defense Community, 583–584, 595–596, 628–629, 636–637, 645–646, 728n, 748, 750, 828–829, 857, 858, 921–922, 932–935, 942–943, 1018–1022, 1742–1744, 1840–1841
- European security guarantees, 631n, 814n, 1387n
- Indochina, 943–946, 1741, 1840
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 299, 358–360, 508, 530n, 716
- Washington Tripartite Foreign Ministers meetings, 1590n, 1603–1604, 1608, 1621, 1631, 1642, 1654, 1669, 1688
- MacDonald, Malcolm John, 294
- MacGinnis, Francis Robert, 1608, 1621, 1655, 1669, 1675, 1688
- Macmillan, Sir Harold, 540, 547, 548, 555, 1154, 1407, 1422, 1425, 1485, 1505
- MacVeagh, Lincoln, 110, 112, 117–118, 126, 129, 130, 218–219
- Madden, Frank, 1210
- Magistrati, Massimo, 1295
- Makins, Sir Roger M., 748, 1155, 1520–1521, 1639
- Malaya, 121, 283, 294, 1815–1816
- Malenkov, Georgi M., 1721, 1757, 1809
- Mansfield, Mike, 1150
- Marjolin, Robert E., 1514, 1562, 1564
- Maroger, Jean, 1189
- Marras, Gen. Efisio, 109
- Marshall, Peter H.R., 1650, 1655, 1669, 1688
- Marshall Plan, 405, 430, 552, 1359, 1562
- Martin, Edwin M., 337–339, 598, 536–537, 547, 1240, 1253, 1288, 1290
- Martin, Jacques, 487n, 1608, 1621, 1654, 1665, 1669, 1688
- Martinaud-Deplat, Leon, 1178
- Martino, Gaetano, 558, 1295, 1297, 1299, 1303, 1305, 1306, 1312–1313, 1315, 1320, 1321, 1324, 1326, 1327, 1329, 1331, 1406, 1411, 1412, 1415–1417, 1421, 1422, 1441n, 1457n
- Massigli, René, 1195, 1295, 1297, 1299, 1312, 1315, 1378, 1406, 1412
- Matteson, Robert E., 1554, 1557n, 1559n, 1621, 1655, 1665, 1669, 1688
- Matthews, H. Freeman, 360, 363, 364, 437, 680n, 693, 711, 714–717, 748, 750, 1397–1398, 1579, 1608, 1654, 1669, 1688
- Maudling, Reginald, 473
- Maupeou, Jacques, 1540
- Mayer, Daniel, 1096, 1098, 1099, 1102n, 1107, 1177, 1491–1492, 1540
- Mayer, René, 364n, 396–397, 702n, 726, 767–768, 781–782, 845, 849, 1084, 1108, 1111, 1132–1135, 1540, 1557, 1559–1561, 1581, 1611n, 1710
- McBride, Robert H., 228n, 1608, 1609–1621, 1622–1631, 1654, 1688
- McCardle, Carl W., 508, 547
- McCloy, John J., 15–16, 28–29, 36, 45, 46–47, 48–49, 51, 53, 54, 59, 64, 66, 72, 74, 110, 256–257, 262, 263–267, 576–578, 611–612, 624n, 676, 682n, 770–773, 1545
- McCormick, Adm. Lynde D., 350, 381
- McDougall, Archibald, 909
- McLean, Gen. Sir Kenneth, 110
- McMahon Act. See Atomic energy: Act.
- Mende, Erich, 1508–1509
- Mendès-France, Pierre:
- Berlin, tripartite statement, 1571
- Brussels Treaty Organization, 1200, 1299
- European collective security system, 1026–1029, 1031–1033
- European Defense Community:
- Alternatives to, 1188–1189, 1198–1199, 1202–1203, 1214–1215, 1221, 1283–1288
- Brussels meeting re, 1052, 1057, 1061–1068
- French protocols, 1018–1026, 1033–1036, 1038–1039, 1043–1044, 1049–1050
- French treaty ratification prospects, 972–973, 978–979, 1071–1077, 1084, 1085, 1088–1089, 1189
- French treaty rejection, 1094–1113, 1118, 1119n , 1132–1135, 1158, 1161–1162, 1177–1178, 1187, 1196, 1211, 1214, 1260–1262, 1283–1284
- German armaments controls, 1228–1229, 1306, 1307, 1315, 1318, 1322
- German contribution to Western defense, 1303–1304
- German sovereignty, 1301
- Government of, 972–973, 1387n
- Indochina, 535n, 978, 1332
- London Nine- and Four-Power Conferences, 1295
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 535–536, 540, 1200, 1235–1236, 1256–1259, 1299, 1306, 1309, 1311, 1367, 1422
- Paris Agreements, 1437n, 1439n, 1441n, 1457n, 1462n, 1463, 1515–1517, 1524, 1535n, 1539
- Paris Four- and Nine-Power Conferences, 1392, 1406, 1408–1409, 1410–1422, 1425, 1426
- Saar negotiations, 1299, 1310–1311, 1332, 1462–1464, 1481–1485, 1492–1493, 1505–1507, 1513n
- Visit to Washington, 535n, 1411n
- Merchant, Livingston T.,
499, 773, 985, 1209, 1211, 1212, 1213, 1281, 1283, 1288, 1290, 1410, 1481, 1484, 1507–1508, 1554
- Atomic weapons, 509n–510n
- Berlin Conference, 1761–1762
- Berlin, tripartite statement, 1390–1391, 1401n
- Bermuda Conference, 1737, 1746, 1754, 1761–1763, 1769, 1787, 1794, 1818, 1821, 1823, 1834
- European collective security system, 488–489
- European Defense Community, 792–793, 808–811, 856–858, 876, 894n, 899n, 955–956, 1026n, 1117, 1163–1170, 1844–1845
- German armaments controls, 1233–1234
- London Four- and Nine-Power Conferences, 1234–1235, 1253–1256, 1272–1275, 1296, 1308–1311
- Mutual Security Act of 1951, 853–854
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization:
- Paris Agreements, 1531, 1533
- Paris Four- and Nine-Power Conferences, 1407, 1410, 1426
- Saar, 1484, 1505–1507
- Washington Tripartite Foreign Ministers meetings, 1608, 1621, 1631, 1642, 1654, 1669, 1675, 1688
- Merkatz, Hans-Joachim, 1509
- Mesta, Perle, 1575
- Meyer, André, 1049–1050
- Middle East (see also individual countries), 238–239, 324n, 1599, 1632, 1638, 1639–1640, 1683, 1687, 1718, 1819–1821
- Middle East Defense Organization (MEDO), 349, 369, 1633, 1636, 1638, 1684–1685
- Millar, Sir Frederick Hoyer, 110, 111, 322, 332, 364–365, 428, 721, 753, 1156–1158, 1296, 1328, 1407
- Miller, Edward G., Jr., 1546
- Mitterrand, François, 1503
- Moch, Jules, 613, 711, 768, 769, 1088, 1177, 1426, 1491–1492, 1579
- Mochalski, Herbert, 909
- Mollet, Guy, 615, 617, 679n, 758, 768, 769, 791–792, 877–879, 924–925, 940, 942, 946–947, 1038, 1097, 1102, 1103, 1177
- Molotov, Vyacheslav M., 487, 491, 943n, 1099, 1411, 1459–1461, 1721
- Moneim, Prince Abdul, 96, 97
- Monnet, Jean, 33, 141, 144–145, 209, 699
- Montgomery, Edward P., 1688
- Montgomery, Field Marshal Viscount, 1715, 1842
- Moore, Ben T., 1210, 1281
- Morris, Brewster H., 1621, 1669, 1688, 1738, 1787–1788, 1823, 1834
- Mothball alerts program. See Operation Mothball under North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
- Mountbatten, Adm. Lord Louis, 352n, 400
- Mouter, Marius, 1540
- Murphy, Robert D., 3, 208, 484, 530n, 586–587, 594n, 995n, 1181–1183, 1190–1191, 1256–1259
- Mutter, André, 811
- Mutual Security Act of 1951, 792–793, 796–797, 853–854, 927, 973–974, 995–996, 1117, 1619, 1764, 1770
- Mutual Security Agency, 302, 303
- Naegelen, Marcel, 1540
- Naguib, Mohammed, 1636, 1637, 1639, 1676, 1677, 1679, 1696, 1697
- Nash, Frank C.:
- Bermuda Conference, 1737, 1746, 1754, 1763, 1774, 1787, 1794, 1818, 1823, 1834
- European Defense Community, 702, 788
- German contribution to Western defense, 161n–162n
- Indochina, 394, 1650
- Lisbon Foreign Ministers meetings, 141, 159, 161, 163, 167–170
- London Foreign Ministers meetings, 36, 53, 54, 59, 64, 66, 74
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 110, 119–120, 135–136, 146–147, 366
- Washington Tripartite Foreign Ministers meetings, 1608, 1621, 1631, 1642, 1650, 1655, 1669, 1675, 1688
- National Security Council:
- Documents:
- Meetings:
- 131st (Feb. 11, 1953), 1579–1581
- 141st (Apr. 28, 1953), 397–399
- 159th (Aug. 13, 1953), 799n
- 170th (Nov. 12, 1953), 1713–1715
- 174th (Dec. 10, 1953), 449–454, 1846–1848
- 177th (Dec. 23, 1953), 479–481
- 187th (Mar. 4, 1954), 886–890
- 195th (May 6, 1954), 514
- 215th (Sept. 24, 1954), 1263–1268
- 216th (Oct. 6, 1954), 1378–1384
- 229th (Dec. 21, 1954), 650–652
- Navarre, Gen. Henri, 1646, 1649, 1654, 1741, 1824, 1829
- Nenni, Pietro, 909, 910
- Netherlands (see also Netherlands and Benelux subheadings under other subjects), 44, 593, 761, 764, 765, 927, 1457n, 1574
- Netherlands New Guinea, 593, 606, 766, 1574
- Neves da Fontoura, Joao, 1544, 1546
- Nguyen de-Nguyen-xuan-Dung, 1665, 1668
- Nguyen Van Tam, 1644
- Niemoller, Martin, 651
- Nine- and four-power conferences. See London Nine- and Four-Power Conferences and Paris Nine- and Four-Power Conferences.
- Nitze, Paul H., 53, 64, 701, 711, 713, 715, 1544, 1547
- Nixon, Richard M., 481, 1263–1265
- Nong Kimny, 1665, 1667–1668
- Norstad, Gen. Lauris, 1239
- North Atlantic Council. See Council under North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (see also NATO subheadings under other subjects):
- Annual Review:
- Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs, duties, 326–327
- Atomic weapons, possible use of, 511–514, 522
- Belgian role, 359
- Bogart Plan, 1165
- Canadian role, 1363–1365
- Capabilities studies (see “New Look” policy below)
- Command structure, 140, 148, 177, 189, 306, 350, 352, 364, 399–400, 762–763, 765, 774–775, 785–786, 924n, 944
- Council (NAC):
- Amendment of Secretary General’s report, 417n –418n , 424–425
- Consultation procedures, 181, 182–183, 308–310, 315, 323–327, 388–389, 401–404, 409, 414, 415–416, 421–422, 426, 427, 432–433, 457, 507–508, 517–518, 551, 1790
- Declaration of common resolve, 417n –418n , 424–425
- Meetings (see also Sessions below):
- Military Committee, 299, 548
- Permanent representatives, 297, 410, 415n , 417, 427–428, 433
- Reorganization, 115n , 179–180, 199–201, 203, 403, 426
- Reports, 121n , 141, 180–190, 251–252, 292
- Resolutions, 252–255, 700, 1165, 1430–1431, 1435
- Sessions:
- Sixth (Dec. 1950), 9, 14, 247
- Eighth (Nov. 1951), 20, 247
- Ninth (Feb. 1952) (see also Lisbon Foreign Ministers meetings):
- Tenth (Dec. 1952), 311–313, 317–321, 338–346, 348–353, 699–700
- Eleventh (Apr. 1953), 368–369, 373–385, 388–390, 788, 1562
- Twelfth (Dec. 1953):
- Thirteenth (Apr. 1954), 475, 485, 508–519
- Fourteenth (Oct. 1954), 1425
- Fifteenth (Dec. 1954), 549–559, 561–562, 1495n, 1513–1514
- Situation in, 427–432
- Defense policies:
- European Defense Community, relationship to (see NATO, relationship to under European Defense Community)
- Fifth anniversary, 485, 516
- Forces in Europe, U.S. (see U.S. forces in under Europe)
- Force levels (see also Force goals under Annual Review above):
- French global planning role, 300, 330n, 334
- Gruenther’s contributions to, 1842
- Headquarters, location of, 39, 118, 130–131, 148, 157, 158, 179, 293
- Information Staff activities, 180–181, 188–189
- Infrastructure programs, 469, 536
- Membership questions:
- Germany, Federal Republic of:
- Ad hoc interim committee, 1466–1467
- Alternative to EDC, 469, 477, 496, 694, 709, 711, 716, 799n, 800, 823, 859, 861, 864, 865, 982–984, 994–995, 1074, 1077, 1078, 1142, 1160–1161, 1164, 1179–1180, 1186, 1741–1742
- Belgian position, 1143–1144
- British position, 931, 1127, 1142, 1154, 1164, 1213, 1216, 1225, 1230–1231, 1235–1236, 1334–1335
- Canadian position, 1142
- French position, 10–11, 139, 603, 614, 1186–1187, 1195, 1200, 1201, 1214, 1215, 1226, 1228–1229, 1235–1236, 1249–1250, 1257, 1299, 1367, 1560–1561
- German position, 595–596, 604–605, 607, 608, 823, 1122–1124, 1152, 1153, 1156–1158, 1211, 1214
- Italian position, 1142, 1299
- London Nine-Power Conference recommendation, 1330, 1351, 1352, 1380–1381
- Netherlands position, 605–606
- Norwegian position, 1142, 1223–1224
- Protocol re accession of, 524, 734, 1372–1373, 1377, 1425, 1426, 1457–1458, 1470–1471
- U.S. position, 14, 18, 21, 30–31, 42, 77, 81–82, 595–596, 694, 799n, 800, 823, 982–984, 994–995, 1145, 1148, 1160–1161, 1164, 1191, 1200–1201, 1206–1207, 1213–1215, 1218, 1225, 1239–1244
- Greece and Turkey, 23, 112, 128, 177, 268–272, 292
- Germany, Federal Republic of:
- Military role of, 300, 381–382, 423–424, 431, 454, 457, 469–470, 553–554
- Ministerial meetings (see Meetings and Sessions under Council above)
- “New Look” policy:
- Atomic weapons, possible use of, 407, 512, 522
- British position, 540, 541, 547–548, 1723–1724
- Canadian position, 547–548, 605
- Danish position, 540
- French position, 535–536, 540
- Military resources, availability of, 409, 413–414, 538–539, 548–549, 557–559
- Standing Group progress report, 522–524
- U.S. position, 440–444, 450–454, 498–499, 522, 523, 526–535, 537, 538–539, 541–542, 561–562
- Non-military objectives, 155, 190–191, 1693–1694
- North Atlantic Council (see Council above)
- Operation Mothball, 300, 360–362
- Parliamentary relations, 421–422, 426, 457
- Reorganization, 23, 118, 154, 155, 175n, 179, 180, 191–192, 198–203, 206, 292
- Secretary General:
- Soviet association, question of, 477, 487–497, 502, 506
- Standing Group, 178, 226–227, 299, 330n, 352, 361–362, 381, 520–521
- Strengthening of, 358–360, 374, 454, 455n, 456–458, 469–470, 1207, 1270, 1557–1559, 1789–1793
- Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (SACEUR):
- Temporary Council Committee (TCC):
- Treaty, 248–249, 363
- Tripartite declaration, 1736–1737
- U.S. role, 299, 375, 386, 403, 405–406, 429, 431, 1730, 1731–1736
- Western European Union, relationship to, 1430
- Working party to implement Final Act of London Nine-Power Conference, 1371–1372, 1377
- Norway, 126–128, 1217, 1375–1377, 1400, 1457n
- Nuclear weapons. See Atomic weapons and North Atlantic Treaty Organization: “New Look” policy.
- Nutting, Sir Anthony, 628–629
- Oakley, Raymond K., 623–624
- O’Connor, Roderic L., 748, 1209, 1288, 1554, 1557n, 1559n, 1575, 1608, 1621, 1654, 1688
- O’Daniel, Lt. Gen. John W., 1598, 1649
- Ollenhauer, Erich, 606, 730, 743–745, 1508, 1568–1569, 1579
- O’Neill, Con Douglas Walter, 676, 682n
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC). See European Economic Cooperation, Organization for.
- Ourot Souvannavong, 1665, 1669
- Overby, Andrew N., 111
- Pacciardi, Randolfo, 109, 111, 1552
- Page, Edward, Jr., 1253, 1372
- Pakistan, 1638, 1639, 1681, 1807
- Palewski, Gaston, 1581–1582
- Palmer, Joseph, II, 922–923, 1157–1158
- Paris Agreements (see also
Paris Nine- and Four-Power Conferences):
- British position, 1485–1486, 1522, 1524–1526, 1531–1535
- Documents re:
- Forces in Europe, U.S. assurances (see also Europe: U.S. forces in), 1497, 1500, 1504–1505
- French ratification, 1481–1482, 1491–1492, 1502–1504, 1515–1524, 1528–1529, 1535–1536, 1539–1541
- German ratification, 1469, 1482, 1490–1491, 1506, 1514–1515, 1523, 1526–1528
- Italian ratification, 1518
- Signature, 1435–1436, 1439n, 1441n, 1457n
- Soviet position, 1411, 1510–1513, 1517–1518
- U.S. position, 1497–1498, 1519, 1520–1523, 1531–1535, 1541–1542
- Paris Nine- and Four-Power Conferences (Oct. 20–23, 1954):
- Accomplishments, 1430–1431, 1464–1465
- Bilateral meetings:
- Conference documents re (see also Paris Agreements):
- Four-power meetings, 1408–1409, 1414, 1421–1422
- Nine-power meetings, 1411–1413, 1414–1421
- North Atlantic Council meeting, 1422–1425
- Preparations for, 508, 524–525, 1115, 1118, 1121, 1148, 1153, 1154, 1158, 1180, 1182, 1370, 1371, 1374, 1392–1393, 1400
- Signing ceremony, 1426
- Tripartite (France–U.K.–U.S.) meetings, 1426, 1462–1463
- Tripartite statement on Berlin, 1428–1429
- Parker, Chauncey G., 1552, 1554
- Parker, Sir Harold, 1407
- Parkman, Henry, 1398, 1399
- Parodi, Alexandre, 390, 1024, 1033, 1189, 1228, 1259–1260, 1406, 1410, 1461, 1462n, 1493–1494, 1505, 1557n, 1559n, 1718, 1738, 1746, 1754, 1763, 1769, 1774, 1794, 1818, 1821, 1823, 1834
- Parsons, Geoffrey, 360
- Parsons, James Graham, 317n, 360–364
- Paternot, Marcel, 1492
- Paul, King of Greece, 44
- Pearson, Lester B.:
- Atomic weapons, 478
- European Defense Community, 140, 154, 460, 585
- German armaments control, 1315, 1322–1323
- London Nine-Power Conference, 1295, 1296, 1302, 1304, 1311, 1313, 1314, 1315, 1320, 1321, 1322–1323, 1324, 1325, 1327, 1328, 1329, 1363–1365
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 153, 477, 1374–1375
- Paris Nine-Power Conference, 1405, 1411, 1414, 1457n
- Soviet foreign policy, 121, 122, 137
- Pella, Giuseppe, 109, 111, 141, 150–151, 384, 457, 460, 475, 776, 1552–1553, 1745
- Pelletier, Pierre, 1665
- Penfield, James K., 53, 1068–1069
- Perkins, George W., 134, 164, 174
- European Defense Community, 131n, 580n, 582n, 583n, 585–586, 589, 631–634, 658–659, 696, 697, 700–701
- Lisbon Foreign Ministers meetings, 2n, 4, 126, 128, 131, 161, 163, 167
- London Foreign Ministers meetings, 36, 45, 53, 54, 59, 64, 66, 74
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 111, 131n, 337–339, 343
- Visit to Europe, 675, 676, 1544, 1545
- Petrie, Joan Caroline, 1727n, 1739, 1746, 1763
- Petursson, Gunnlaugur, 109, 111
- Peurifoy, John E., 44, 270–272
- Philip, André, 623–624, 1102, 1103
- Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 77
- Phillips, Joseph B., 1608, 1621, 1654, 1669, 1688
- Piccioni, Attilio, 508, 992–994, 1063, 1203–1205
- Pinay, Antoine, 656, 680n, 860, 1083–n, 1084, 1098, 1111
- Pineau, Christian, 1102, 1108, 1109
- Pinton, René, 1540
- Pipinelis, Panayotis, 148n, 322, 333
- Plastiras, Marshal Nicholas, 149, 150
- Pleven, René, 369, 370, 371, 383, 388, 392, 394, 395, 397, 472–473, 614, 637n, 663, 680n, 697, 700, 811, 1096, 1471, 1560–1561
- Plowden, Sir Edwin N., 209, 294
- Portal, Lord, 294, 295n
- Porter, General, 449, 480, 631n, 1562, 1608, 1621, 1655, 1669, 1688
- Portugal, 129, 130, 473, 1457n
- Powell, Richard R., 407, 1505
- Qvistgaard, Adm. Erhard J. C., 108, 1422
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W., 452–453, 482–483, 499, 510n, 530n, 532–533, 542n, 994–995, 1117, 1263, 1264
- Rasner, Will, 1509
- Rasquin, Michel, 109, 111
- Raymond, John M., 997
- Raynor, G. Hayden, 585, 1676, 1686–1688, 1715
- Reber, Samuel, 37, 45, 53, 54, 59, 64, 66, 74, 729–730, 1554, 1555
- Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act, extension of, 406, 430
- Reilly, D’Arcy Patrick, 491–492, 1026, 1029, 1031n, 1033n, 1149
- Reinstein, Jacques J., 37, 54, 159, 161, 167, 841n, 997, 1302n
- Reuter, Ernst, 644n, 1544
- Reynaud, Paul, 811, 883, 1083n, 1084, 1107, 1108, 1133, 1524
- Rhee, Syngman, 1655–1656, 1657, 1812, 1815, 1826
- Richards Amendment. See Mutual Security Act of 1951.
- Richards, James P., 159, 161, 163, 167
- Riddleberger, James W., 1606–1607, 1608, 1621, 1669, 1688
- Ridgway, Gen. Matthew B., 297, 300, 317, 322, 328, 350, 352n, 381, 484
- Rio Conference (Nov. 1954), 1154
- Roark, Henri, 909
- Rob, John V., 1738, 1763
- Roberts, Sir Frank K., 1215, 1219–1220, 1407
- Bermuda Conference, 1727–1728, 1738, 1754, 1761, 1774, 1787, 1794, 1818, 1823, 1834
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 51, 56n, 125, 126, 607, 640n, 1141–1142, 1187, 1214, 1272, 1762
- Lisbon Foreign Ministers meetings, 159, 161, 163, 167
- London Foreign Ministers meetings, 37, 45, 54, 59, 66, 72, 74
- London Nine- and Four-Power Conferences, 1274, 1296
- Washington Tripartite Foreign Ministers meetings, 1608, 1631, 1655, 1688
- Robertson, Sir Brian, 1621, 1631, 1635–1637, 1675, 1677–1680, 1682, 1688
- Robertson, Norman, 1295
- Robertson, Walter S., 748, 1738, 1808, 1818, 1823
- Rogers, Maj. Gen. Elmer J., Jr., 711
- Roijen, Jean Herman van, 3, 580–581, 589, 592, 761, 763–764
- Rose, Edward Michael, 1399
- Rosenblatt, Marcel, 1492
- Rossi Longhi, Alberto, 109, 111, 322, 718
- Rothschild, Robert, 975, 1041–1042, 1047n, 1295
- Roux, Jacques, 1642, 1654, 1661, 1665, 1669, 1688, 1738, 1808, 1823
- Rumbold, Sir Horace Anthony C., 491–492, 1505
- Saar:
- Administrator for, 1389, 1402
- Agreement, 1464, 1469, 1480
- Belgian position, 1291
- British position, 34, 39, 45, 48, 698, 1183n, 1397, 1502, 1507–1508, 1725
- British-U.S. guarantee of settlement, 871–872, 967–969, 1482–1483, 1495, 1500, 1502, 1505–1507
- Council of Europe report, 789, 803–804, 843, 907, 1402
- Europeanization of, 698, 791, 803, 846–847, 848, 1166, 1386, 1493
- France–Saar economic union, 829, 834, 849–850, 912
- French-German conflict re control of:
- French position, 9, 23, 24, 27, 41, 58, 71, 605, 783, 784n, 802n, 883, 925, 1113, 1134–1135, 1183n, 1258, 1299, 1310–1311, 1331, 1389–1390, 1402, 1482–1483, 1502–1503, 1561, 1695, 1766, 1834–1835
- German position, 71, 595, 605, 608, 740, 815, 817–818, 840, 1183, 1215, 1284, 1385, 1386, 1404, 1461–1462, 1465, 1469, 1492–1494, 1501–1502, 1514–1515, 1569–1570
- Italian position, 1421
- Luxembourg position, 1291
- Netherlands position, 606, 789, 1291
- Political parties, establishment of, 16, 19, 847–848
- Tripartite (France–U.K.–U.S.) discussions, 1505–1507, 1726, 1797, 1834–1835
- U.S. position, 16, 20–21, 30, 34–35, 41, 47–48, 58, 81, 698, 802, 815, 824–825, 833–834, 841–851, 854–855, 881, 907–908, 949, 954, 1166, 1370, 1382, 1395, 1421, 1465, 1482–1484, 1494–1495, 1500, 1501n, 1507–1508, 1513–1514, 1560–1561, 1569–1570
- Van der Goes van Naters report (see Council of Europe report above)
- Sakellariou, Vice Adm. Alexander, 109, 111, 271
- Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira, 129–130
- Salisbury, Lord Robert,
437, 1582, 1642
- Austria, 1619–1620
- Berlin Conference, 1613, 1616–1618, 1673–1674, 1690–1693
- Buraimi, 1640–1641, 1686–1687
- European Defense Community, 795, 1620, 1624–1628, 1663–1664, 1671
- Far East, 1670–1671, 1689
- German war criminals, 1629–1630
- Indochina, 1659, 1661
- Korea, 1654n, 1657, 1658, 1670–1671
- Middle East, 1631–1639, 1676–1677, 1679, 1680–1684, 1687–1688
- Soviet foreign policy, 1612–1613, 1616
- Washington Tripartite Foreign Ministers meetings, 1608, 1621, 1631, 1641, 1655, 1669, 1675, 1688
- Sandys, Duncan, 371, 372n
- Santa Margherita Agreement, 1951, 740
- Santos Costa, Lt. Col. Fernando dos, 110, 111, 555, 1407, 1422
- Saudi Arabia, 349, 369, 1599, 1638, 1640–1641, 1687–1688
- Sauvagnargues, Jean, 37, 54, 60, 66, 74, 159, 161, 163, 167, 1039, 1608, 1621, 1654, 1669, 1688, 1729n, 1738, 1763
- Scelba, Mario, 767, 929n, 990–992, 1203
- Schaeffer, Fritz, 32–33, 1565, 1571
- Schlange-Schoenigen, Hans, 37, 60, 66, 74
- Schlitter, Oskar, 1272
- Schmid, Carlo, 1568–1569
- Schneider, Herbert, 1508
- Schreiber, Walter, 1401, 1837n
- Schumacher, Kurt, 606, 624
- Schuman Plan. See European Coal and Steel Community.
- Schuman, Robert, 676, 1539, 1545, 1547
- Austria, 163, 164
- European Defense Community, 9–10, 27, 42, 77, 113, 137–139, 168, 617, 634, 663, 664, 671, 682, 1084, 1102, 1103, 1111
- Germany, Federal Republic of:
- Indochina, 121, 145, 168–169, 272
- Lisbon Foreign Ministers meetings, 1–2, 112–114, 123, 141, 145, 159, 161, 163, 167, 170
- London Foreign Ministers meetings, 24, 40–43, 54–59, 60–71, 72–77, 113, 617
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization:
- Saar, 23–24, 27, 41–42, 58, 605, 842, 845
- Soviet foreign policy, 121, 122, 169–170, 174
- Trieste, 168, 174
- Schumann, Maurice, 634, 655, 656, 663, 675n, 680n, 882, 906, 918–919, 942, 948, 967–969, 1102, 1178, 1202, 1557n, 1559n
- Schuyler, Lt. Gen. Cortlandt van Rensselaer, 1239, 1253, 1370
- Schwartz, Harry H., 1278
- Scott, Joseph W., 589
- Scott, Peter, 360
- Scott, Sir Robert H., 1131
- Seibold, Frank, 1509
- Senate, U.S. See Congress, U.S.
- Seydoux de Clausonne, François F., 37, 54, 60, 66, 74, 1481, 1557n, 1608, 1621, 1654, 1669, 1688, 1738, 1761, 1762, 1774, 1775, 1787, 1794, 1818, 1821, 1823, 1834
- Seydoux de Clausonne, Roger, 856, 1608, 1621, 1654, 1665, 1669, 1689
- Seynes, Phillippe de, 1024, 1033
- Shishikli, Gen. Adib, 1639
- Shuckburgh, Charles A. E., 37, 45, 59, 66, 74, 110, 131, 343, 696, 748, 1738, 1746, 1763, 1774, 1794, 1818, 1823, 1834
- Sieveking, Kurt, 1527
- Silvercruys, Baron Robert, 2, 582–583, 642n, 773, 813–814
- Silverman, Julius, 1486
- Skaug, Arne, 322, 1407, 1422
- Slessor, Marshal Sir John, 110
- Smith, H. Alexander, 1150
- Smith, Walter Bedell, 711, 713, 714, 761, 1117, 1278
- Snow, William P., 909
- Snyder, John W., 2n, 110, 111, 141, 191, 295, 313, 348, 352, 353
- Soames, Arthur Christopher J., 985
- Soustelle, Jacques, 884
- Southeast Asia (see also Indochina and individual countries), 18, 168–169, 282–283, 347–348, 980n, 1071n, 1076, 1170, 1278
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 1071n, 1076, 1170, 1278
- Soutou, Jean, 1221, 1402–1403, 1410, 1459, 1481, 1482, 1515
- Soviet Union. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
- Spaak, Paul Henri, 1136, 1332
- Brussels Treaty Organization, 1185, 1441n
- European Defense Community, 705n, 950–953, 965, 975–976, 981n, 982, 1041, 1047–1048, 1052, 1054, 1055, 1061, 1063, 1079n, 1082n, 1090n, 1100, 1103–1105, 1110, 1119n, 1120n, 1146–1147
- German armaments control, 1304, 1306–1307, 1315, 1323
- London Nine-Power Conference, 1244–1245, 1290–1292, 1295, 1296, 1302–1308, 1311–1316, 1320–1322, 1324, 1325, 1327, 1328, 1329
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1143–1144, 1305–1306, 1312, 1367, 1422
- Paris Agreements, 1441n, 1457n
- Paris Nine-Power Conference, 1405, 1411, 1412, 1414–1417, 1421
- Spain, 130, 400, 429, 484, 1566
- Spalding, Francis L., 763–766
- Speidel, Hans, 840
- Spinon, Antoine, 1405, 1422
- Spofford, Charles M., 13–14, 110, 111, 137, 154, 288–289, 296, 587n
- Sprouse, Philip D., 1041–1042, 1146–1147
- Staf, Cornelis, 109, 111, 474, 556, 637n, 784–786, 1406, 1422, 1572
- Stalin, Iosif V., 280, 359, 401, 1721
- Starkenborgh. See Tjarda van Starken-borgh Stachouwer.
- Stassen, Harold E. (see also Dulles–Stassen trip to Western Europe), 366, 368, 369, 371, 372n, 387, 390, 393, 440, 444, 454, 479, 481n, 549, 562, 711, 714–717, 889, 1263, 1265, 1383, 1560, 1608, 1619, 1621, 1631, 1642, 1650, 1655, 1669
- Steel, Sir Christopher, 4, 428, 547, 748, 1136, 1296, 1370–1371, 1407, 1413, 1422, 1505
- Steensen-Leth, Vincens de, 108, 111
- Stephanopoulos, Stephanos, 456, 458, 508, 550, 557, 1406, 1422–1425, 1457n
- Stikker, Dirk, 122, 1296
- Stoessel, Walter J., Jr., 504
- Strang, Sir William, 37, 38, 40, 43, 45, 54, 72
- Strategic Air Command, 479, 545–546
- Strauss, Adm. Lewis L., 499, 1237, 1722, 1725–1726, 1738, 1767, 1769
- Strong, Lester Corrin, 1223–1224
- Struye, Paul, 803
- Suez base, British-Egyptian negotiations (see also Egypt), 477, 1598–1599, 1631–1639, 1676–1686, 1696–1699, 1807, 1819–1821
- Suez Canal, 1639–1640, 1808, 1819–1820
- Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (SACEUR). See under North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
- Sutton, Nigel, 112, 136
- Taft Robert, 1595
- Taiwan. See Formosa.
- Tam, Nguyen Van, 1644
- Taviani, Paolo Emilio, 473, 556, 670, 776, 1406, 1422
- Teitgen, Pierre-Henri, 768, 769, 811, 931, 967–968, 1135, 1178
- Temple, Emmanuel, 558, 1422
- Terrenoire, Louis, 1581
- “Three wise men”. See Temporary Council Committee under North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
- Thurston, Ray L., 1738, 1746–1749, 1787, 1794, 1818
- Timberlake, Clare H., 743–745
- Tito, Josip Broz, 1146, 1745
- Tjarda van Starkenborgh Stachouwer, Alidius, 109, 111, 309–310, 322, 333, 540, 720, 1290–1292, 1296, 1406, 1422
- Tomlinson, Frank S., 748, 1621, 1655, 1661, 1669, 1688
- Tomlinson, William M., 955, 975, 1047, 1054n, 1055n, 1064–1067
- Tovar. See de Tovar.
- Trevelyan, Humphrey, 159
- Triboulet, Raymond, 1535
- Trieste:
- Agreement on settlement, 1370, 1371, 1425
- British position, 1566
- Italian position, 692–693, 817, 991–992, 993, 1293, 1552
- Italian-U.S. discussions, 475, 1421, 1552
- Italian-Yugoslav negotiations, 171n, 991–992
- North Atlantic Council consideration, 350, 460, 524
- Tripartite (France–U.K.–U.S.) discussions, 168, 173–174, 1745, 1749
- Troops, withdrawal of British and U.S., 1409–1410, 1414, 1426, 1747
- U.S. position, 929–930, 1145–1146, 1730, 1745
- Trimble, William C., 581n, 586n, 605–607, 642n
- Tripartite Foreign Ministers meetings. see London Tripartite Foreign Ministers meetings and Washington Tripartite Foreign Ministers meetings.
- Trulock, Walter N., 1654–1665, 1669, 1689
- Truman, Harry S., 25, 29n, 80n, 297, 346–347, 572n, 590n, 667n, 671, 678n, 680n, 683n, 700, 1632n
- Truman, Margaret, 1548
- Turkey (see also North Atlantic Treaty Organization: Membership questions: Greece and Turkey), 151, 1400, 1424n, 1457n, 1638, 1639, 1731, 1756
- Turki bin Ataishan, 1599, 1640, 1641, 1687–1688
- Twining, Gen. Nathan F., 711, 715, 717
- Tyler, William R., 966–967, 1728, 1738
- Ulrich, Guy E., 110
- Ulver, Henri, 1085–1087
- Unger, Leonard, 399–401
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (see
also Soviet subheadings under other subjects):
- Atomic weapons capability, 459, 477–478
- British policy toward, 1599–1600
- European collective security system, proposed:
- Foreign policy, 120–122, 129–130, 137, 280–288, 318, 320, 352, 359, 458–459, 516, 1609–1613, 1707, 1755–1761
- German policy toward, 281–282
- Internal problems, 286–288, 1642–1643
- Military strength, 402, 509–511, 513–514
- Peace offensive, 365, 366n, 371–372, 373–378, 390–391, 401, 403, 411, 420, 427, 446
- Political purges, 1609–1610, 1707, 1755
- Propaganda activities, 169–170, 298–299, 954
- Talks with, Allied consideration of (see also Berlin Conference), 1716–1717, 1719, 1721–1722, 1731
- Travel restrictions on officials of, 122n, 137, 288–291, 428n
- United Kingdom (see also U.K., British, and tripartite subheadings under other subjects):
- U.S. Chiefs of Mission meeting, 808n
- United Nations, 284, 493, 494, 504, 505, 506, 507, 1717, 1731, 1740, 1815, 1817
- United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, 1426
- Vandenberg, Arthur H., 420
- Van der Goes van Naters, Marinus, 789, 803–804, 843, 907–908, 1402
- Van Houtte. See Houtte.
- Van Laethem, Gabriel, 1621
- Van Roijen. see Roijen, Jean Herman van
- Van Tuyll van Serooskerken, Baron Samuel John, 1397–1398
- Van Vredenburch. See Vredenburch, Hendrik F.L.K. van.
- Van Zeeland. See Zeeland, Paul van.
- Vass, Laurence C., 203n, 207n
- Venizelos, Sophocles, 109, 111, 120, 122, 147–150, 271–272
- Vestbirk, Anthon, 1406, 1422
- Vidal, Germain, 829, 838n, 859, 942, 1718, 1728, 1738
- Vietnam (see also Indochina), 957, 958, 1644–1646, 1648, 1660, 1668–1669, 1824, 1825–1826
- Vimont, Jacques, 1608, 1621, 1655, 1664, 1669, 1738, 1746, 1763, 1774, 1794, 1818, 1823, 1834
- Vredenburch, Hendrik F.L.K. van, 109, 315n, 335, 336, 427, 456, 621, 638
- Walters, Lt. Col. Vernon, 936, 1738, 1746, 1750, 1769, 1774, 1787, 1794, 1808, 1818, 1821, 1823, 1834
- Walther, Gerhardt von, 1403, 1404
- Washington Tripartite Foreign Ministers meetings (July 10–14, 1953):
- Watson, John Hugh Adam, 873n, 1045–1046, 1101, 1157–1158, 1608, 1621, 1655, 1669, 1688
- Watts, Philip H., 693–694
- Webb, James E., 34–35
- Weichmann, Dr. Herbert, 744–745
- Wessel, Helen, 909
- Western European Union (WEU), 545, 553, 1446, 1451–1456, 1465, 1467n, 1468, 1515–1516
- White, Paul L., 1688
- White, Gen. Thomas D., 711
- Whiteley, Lt. Gen. Sir John, 520
- Whitman, Ann, 1737, 1842
- Wiley, Alexander, 792, 1131, 1138–1140, 1154, 1189
- Wilford, Kenneth M., 111, 161, 163, 167
- Wilgress, L. Dana, 108, 111, 209, 428, 547, 1268, 1405, 1422
- Williamson, Francis T., 851–852
- Wilson, Charles Erwin:
- Wilson, Florence, 1302n, 1669–1675, 1688, 1689–1696
- Wilson, James, 536
- Wolf, Joseph J., 360, 361, 526n, 527n, 530n, 538n
- Wood, Rear Adm. Chester C., 1240, 1253, 1372
- Wright, Rear Adm. Jerauld, 484n, 553
- Wrong, Hume, 585
- Xanthaky, Theodore A., 129
- Yudin, P.A., 1756n
- Yugoslavia, 168, 171n, 174, 281, 349, 400, 1145, 1146, 1217, 1745
Zeeland, Paul van, 122, 1575
- European Defense Community, 139, 573–574, 587–589, 594, 630, 664–665, 669, 684, 697, 729, 742, 743, 757–761, 767
- European security, 807n, 813–814
- German contribution to Western defense, 159–160, 161–162
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 108, 111, 120, 460, 477, 773–775
- Visit to Washington, 364, 757n, 773–775
- Zoppi, Vittorio, 756–757
- Zorlu, Fatin R., 110, 457, 459, 508, 515, 1407, 1422, 1424