Presidential Correspondence, lot 66 D 204, “Churchill Correspondence with Eisenhower

Prime Minister Churchill to President Eisenhower 1

top secret

My Dear Friend: I promised to keep you fully informed of Anthony’s tour.

He had a successful talk yesterday with Benelux Ministers whom he found robust and realistic.2

They are disturbed at the growth of nationalism in Germany and fear that the dangers which confront us all are not apprehended by Mendes-France or the French Chamber.

They are agreed on German entry into NATO with such safeguards as we can extract in the present German atmosphere. They are also attracted by the suggestion which Anthony laid before them of modifying the Brussels Treaty so as to admit Germany and Italy. We want of course to keep this idea secret until we can put it to the French.

As to procedure they consider that whilst the NATO Council must be brought in, a preliminary 9 power meeting should be held. They hoped this would take place in London as soon as possible after Anthony’s tour, and be followed by a NATO meeting.

Finally they consider that we must proceed rapidly on the lines on which we are all agreed and do what we can to convince the French. But we must be ready to go ahead without France in the last resort (policy of the empty chair presumably) making clear our intentions in Paris in good time.

Kind regards,

  1. According to memoranda attached to the source text, this message was delivered to the White House on Sept. 12 with an additional copy delivered to the Department of State the same day.
  2. British Embassy officials delivered a copy of the unofficial transcript of the meeting between Eden and the Benelux Foreign Ministers in Brussels on Sept. 11 to the Department of State with instructions that the transcript be held in strict confidence. The transcript was circulated to members of the U.S. Delegation to the Nine-Power Conference as document NPT Special 1 of Sept. 20. A copy of this document is in the Conference files, lot 60 D 627, CF 363.

    The Embassy in Brussels also reported on Eden’s meeting; its summary is in telegram 268 of Sept. 13 (740.5/9–1354).