
The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Lodge)


Dear Cabot: In the absence of the Secretary, I am writing to acknowledge your letter to him of August 26, 1954, enclosing a letter from Mason Sears and endorsing his views on the importance of carrying out promises made to the Marshall Islanders in connection with our nuclear experiments in the Marshall Islands. I heartily concur with the views expressed by you and Mr. Sears and am sending copies of your letter and that of Mr. Sears to the Atomic Energy Commission and the Departments of the Interior and Defense. Copies of my letter of transmittal are enclosed. I have asked that this matter be pursued energetically so that we may present the best possible record when our activities in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands are discussed in United Nations bodies.

To assist you in dealing with this question when it arises, I am requesting that you and Mr. Sears be kept informed of the steps taken to keep the promises to which you have referred. I am also enclosing a brief note of acknowledgement to Mr. Sears which I would appreciate your passing on to him when he returns from Africa.1


Walter B. Smith
  1. Letter to Sears not printed. It was virtually identical with the text of the letter to Lodge, except for the following statement: “I am sure the Secretary would wish me to express his appreciation to you for stressing the importance of this matter.…” (799.021/9–1154)