310.2/11–554: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Lodge) to the Department of State
Delga 187. Re membership. Argentina, Cuba and El Salvador submitted following amendments to joint draft resolution on Laos and Cambodia (Delga 154):
- 1)
- Insert the following new paragraph between first and second
preambular paragraphs:
“Recalling previous resolutions of the General Assembly in which it was stated that the states mentioned in the preceding paragraph, and [Page 1065] also Austria, Ceylon, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Libya, Nepal and Portugal, were peace-loving states within the meaning of Article 4 of the Charter, able and willing to carry out the obligations of the Charter, and that consequently they should be admitted to the United Nations;”
- 2)
- In second preambular paragraph replace the phrase “Declaring that
Laos and Cambodia” by the following:
“Reaffirms that Austria, Cambodia, Ceylon, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Laos, Libya, Nepal and Portugal”.
- 3)
- Delete subheading “(B) admission of Laos and Cambodia”.