UNP files, lot 59 D 237, “Membership”

Memorandum of Conversation, by an Adviser of the United States Delegation to the General Assembly (Stein)

  • Subject:
  • Membership

Belaunde told me today that he proposes to have the Good Offices Committee on Membership meet as early as next Saturday. He will [Page 987] propose that the Netherlands member should be the Chairman. He gave me to understand that he obviously assumes that the Dutchman will decline in Belaunde’s favor. Belaunde proposes to suggest that a letter be sent by the Committee to all Members of the SC advising them of the availability of the GOC. The Committee then would approach every Member of the SC in alphabetical order.

I asked Belaunde whether calling the meeting for Saturday would not be rushing things a bit too much. I said that if the Committee becomes too active during this session of the Assembly there will be pressure on the three members to report during the 8th session. I pointed out that the resolution itself provides for a report during the 8th session, or at the latest the 9th session. Belaunde agreed that the Committee must not put itself in the position of having to report while the 8th session is on. He agreed that he would not rush things. He is anxious to discuss with us what the Committee should do.