UNP files, lot 59 D 237, “Membership”
Memorandum of Conversation, by an Adviser of the United States Delegation to the General Assembly (Allen)
- Subject:
- Membership
- Participants:
- Ambassador McGuire, Australia
- Mr. W. D. Forsyth, Australia
- Mr. W. P. Allen, US
Mr. Forsythe stated that the Australians will support the Peruvian resolution. It seems to them certainly harmless and the most expeditious way of disposing of the problem for this GA.
In amplification of the Australian position on associate membership, Mr. Forsythe reiterated the two principal reasons behind Australia’s dislike of the idea. First, they feel it would be an undignified position of second class citizenship in which to place the important pending applicants; secondly, it is not expressly provided for in the Charter. It could, therefore, be justified legally only on the theory that what is not specifically prohibited under the Charter is permitted. This is exactly the theory which so many of the anti-colonial powers are following in order to expand the proper scope and jurisdiction of the UN in the colonial field. In the Australian view this is a dangerous theory and in terms of consistency, logic and precedent, they are reluctant to see it applied to other fields of UN operation.