320/9–2353: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Lodge) to the Department of State
Delga 27. Verbatim text: Re membership:
USDel this morning wholeheartedly agreed we should support Belaunde (Peru) idea for good offices committee. Governor Byrnes will give Belaunde following re-draft latter’s resolution (see Delga 17, September 21) this morning:
“The GA
Having examined the report of the special committee on the admission of new members;
[Page 974]Considering
That the aims of the Charter of the UN would be furthered through the cooperation of all peace-loving states, that efforts of the GA to facilitate the admission of new members have not met with success,
That a new effort to find a solution to this problem should be without prejudice to the juridical positions maintained by individual members of the UN and to any further consideration of the subject by the GA,
To establish a committee of good offices consisting of the representatives of (three member states) empowered to consult with members of the SC and with other member states, with the object of exploring the possibilities of reaching an understanding which would facilitate the admission of qualified new members in accordance with Article 4 of the charter. The committee shall report to the GA as appropriate.”