320/12–1352: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Mission at the United Nations1


Gadel 99. Re Membership (Delgas 358 and 359):

Dept agrees your present plan submit separate res on Japan if this is what Japan wants.
Dept cld not support draft res of Peru or draft res of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua, and we hope both will be referred to Special Comite and not put to vote.
Re suggested composition of Special Comite contained in draft res of all central American states, Dept believes Thailand or Philippines shld be represented and suggests one of them be substituted for Egypt, or if this is not feasible, be added as additional member. Hope GADel can encourage this change.

  1. Drafted by Jones, UNP; cleared with the geographic bureaus (except EUR); and signed by the Deputy Director of the Office of UN Political and Security Affairs (Popper).