320/12–952: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Department of State


Delga 347. Subject: Membership. A few days ago USDel received confidentially a Spanish language text of draft res contemplated by El Salvador concerning membership problem. As earlier reported, Belaunde’s activities have led Central American dels to conclude they shld introduce res establishing study comite only after other proposals have been laid on table. It appears at present that Central Americans at start of debate will introduce the res along lines of Salvadoran draft. Unofficial English translation of text fols:

Begin Verbatim Text

“The GA

“Conscious of its grave responsibility as the organ called upon to pass upon applications for admission of new members into the UN,

“Concerned over the solution of numerous cases which are pending, some of them already for several years,

[Page 898]

“Taking into account that, in order to secure the adoption at the San Francisco conf of the rule of unanimity of the five permanent members of the SC it was necessary for the sponsoring powers to issue their statement of June 7, 1945, in which they referred specifically to cases related to the maintenance of international peace and security, in which the permanent members wld be able to make use of the veto, and declared further, in a general way, that ‘in view of the primary responsibilities of the permanent members, they cld not be expected, in the present condition of the world, to assume the obligation to act in so serious a matter as the maintenance of international peace and security in consequence of a decision in which they had not concurred,’ from which it follows that the Yalta formula was accepted with the understanding that the veto cld only be applied in the domain indicated by the sponsoring powers in their statement of June 7, 1945, to which France subsequently adhered, a domain in which the admission of new members is obviously not included.

“Recognizing that, like any other treaty or convention, the Charter of the UN must be applied in good faith, eschewing all things that might signify an abuse of the law,

“Decides to examine separately each pending application for admission and pronounced in each case in a sense favorable or adverse to admission, in conformity with the merits of the case and the result of the voting exercised in the SC in accordance with para 2 of art 27 of the charter.”

End Verbatim Text
