320/10–2253: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Mission at the United Nations1


Gadel 37. Re ILC elections (Delga 150):

Department has reconsidered position support Thein rather than Khoman, taking into account points mentioned reftel. However we continue believe we should support Thein for following reasons:
He is preeminently qualified and has been friendly to US and representative of element in Burma which opposes communism;
ILC election not politically of such importance that our support for Thein rather than Khoman would adversely affect Thai support for US in UN or that our support for Khoman would assuage Thai disappointment over US failure support Wan for President;
While we did not support Wan for Presidency we offered support Thailand for ECOSOC or TC this year if it were interested and have in past supported Thailand for UN posts. It has been member TC and Wan had GA Committee chairmanships past three sessions.
Political reasons like Chinese representation make it difficult for us support Burma in other elections and it has never been member [Page 517] of major UN Council or had GA Committee Chairmanship. Political considerations not controlling in case of ILC election. It thus offers us rare opportunity support Burma for UN post, which support would be of assistance in our relations with that country.
Department recommends you vote for Amado (Brazil), Cordova (Mexico), Yepes (Colombia) and Lavalle (Peru) who we believe most qualified among LA candidates.

  1. Drafted by Jones, cleared with the geographic bureaus and L/UNA, approved for transmission by Popper, and signed by Assistant Secretary Murphy.