320/10–353: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Mission at the United Nations1


Gadel 16. Re: ECOSOC and TC Slate (Delga 53).

1. ECOSOC Slate

US should vote for Pakistan if it is a candidate. If it is not, or if an additional seat becomes available through resignation of Turkey, you should vote for Indonesia rather than Afghanistan. This decision based on following factors:

Provides much better geographic balance in ECOSOC, since if Indonesia not elected China will be only Far Eastern area member on Council, while Middle East will be represented by Pakistan, India, Egypt and Afghanistan.
US support for Indonesia would strengthen Indonesian elements opposed to increasing Communist dominance in Indonesia, whereas our opposition would embarrass non-Communist forces in Indonesia.
While Afghanistan voting record re Chinese representation better than Indonesia’s, since Afghanistan usually abstains, this factor not of overriding importance so long as current moratorium agreement survives. If agreement is terminated, since both states recognize Chinese communists, probability would vote against us on substance of Chinese representation question.

2. T.C. Slate

Indonesia is our candidate for seat being vacated by Thailand. If, however, Indonesia is elected to ECOSOC, or does not run for TC, you should explore alternatives to India’s candidacy, and if it appears likely any other candidate could be successful, consult Dept.

3. Considerations re Chinese Representation

We recognize it would be more desirable to support for these posts states which do not recognize Communist China. However, Thailand and Philippines only two states in Far Eastern area which meet this criterion, and both informed us they not interested. We therefore see no alternative to instructions contained this telegram.

  1. Drafted by the Deputy Director of the Office of UN Political and Security Affairs (Popper), approved for transmission by Assistant Secretary Murphy, and signed by the Secretary of State.