320/8–2753: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Mission at the United Nations1
Washington, September
2, 1953—6:58 p.m.
89. Re General Committee slate (Delga 611 and USUN’s 141)2 following are Department’s preliminary views. Would appreciate USUN’s comments.
- 1.
- Broad objective should be to elect individuals who will be competent chairmen and to assure safe balance friendly members on Committee. Since question of agenda item on Chinese representation may very well be raised General Committee, safe margin on this issue particularly important.
- 2.
- We should endeavor in so far as possible support slate which follows geographic pattern usually adhered to in past under which Committee (exclusive Ad Hoc Committee Chairman) consists of Big Five, three Latin Americans, three from Near and Far East, and one each from British Commonwealth, Western Europe and Soviet bloc. We should also follow usual policy ascertaining views majority Latin Americans before deciding on Latin American candidates. However we would want to know immediately if Guatemala becomes candidate and appears have Latin American support.
- 3.
- We assume Big Five will have five Vice-Presidencies and we would support Latin American for sixth. For seventh we might consider Turkey if it does not run for SC, Israel which was candidate last year but lost by one vote, or Arab State if Arab is not elected Committee Chairman. We realize Pakistan and possibly Greece are candidates but these states were on General Committee last year.
- 4.
- Believe Soviet satellite Chairman would be least objectionable Committee six where controversial issues not likely arise and Soviet can be little more obstructive as Chairman than as delegate. Do not agree suggestion of Cordier and UK that Nosek be considered for Committee two or Danish suggestion Committee three. If Robinson or other non-Soviet candidate given Committee six, we believe only other spot for satellite would be Vice-Presidency.
- 5.
- Re remaining posts:
- (a)
- Committee 1—Suitable Western European or Wan. However we would not wish suggest Wan unless he withdraws from Presidency race and in meantime should not even mention his name to others. Believe Sarper, who is apparently candidate, should not be considered as long as Turkey may run for SC.
- (b)
- Ad Hoc—Latin American (possibly Urquia (El Salvador) or Perez-Perez (Venezuela)).
- (c)
- Committee 2—Mates (Yugoslavia)
- (d)
- Committee 3—Davidson (Canada) is candidate and we believe would be excellent.
- (e)
- Committee 4—We would much prefer Latin American to Khalidy (Iraq). Believe Urquia (El Salvador) would be good possibility in view his TC experience. However, if he is not interested we might consider De La Colina (Mexico) or Nunez-Portuondo (Cuba) if he attends.
- (f)
- Committee 5—Azkoul (Lebanon) would be acceptable to us and we hope his name not withdrawn. However, if his candidacy not feasible suitable Latin American or Western European should be considered.