330/9–153: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Mission at the United Nations1
87. Re possible Turkish SC candidacy (urtel 137).
Dept requests you communicate to Crosthwaite soonest following US views:
Dept appreciates statement its preliminary views this question by UK and very evident desire UK avoid split with us. For our part we also most anxious avoid such difference and hope full and frank discussion now will enable it be prevented. Dept has given matter renewed and careful consideration at highest level following UK approach, and must in all candor inform UK US attaches importance to [Page 497] election non-Soviet candidate succeed Greece, and that it will give firm support to Turkey if it decides run or to some other suitable non-Soviet candidate. We therefore urge UK seriously consider following points in particular before reaching final decision:
- 1.
- In our view election satellite candidate would not reduce world tensions. USSR has not yet given any indication sincerity peaceful intent. Election satellite under these circumstances and after Assembly has twice decided election Soviet candidate unjustified would give Soviet bloc certification to which its conduct does not entitle it and thus encourage it continue its obstructive policies. USSR could interpret election satellite candidate as vindication Soviet bloc policies, using as basis this interpretation Article 23 which provides that in SC elections due regard should be given in first instance contribution of members to maintenance international peace and security and other purposes Organization.
- 2.
- Election satellite would give USSR additional vote on anti-free world and other issues on which safe voting margin important to UK.
- 3.
- So-called gentlemen’s understanding was in our view commitment for first year only. However, US and others have supported continued allocation of seats on basis this understanding where justified. Rejection satellite candidate past two elections has not jeopardized election other countries, including Commonwealth, in accordance geographic pattern decided upon for first election and followed succeeding years. We therefore see no reason why rejection satellite candidate this year would endanger Commonwealth seat.
- 4.
- If UK supported Turkey we are inclined believe long deadlock and repetition difficulties experienced 1951 during Greek campaign could be avoided.
Re latter point until we know reactions Latin Americans and other NATO powers to possible Turkish candidacy we cannot assess accurately Turkey’s chances or degree to which US would have to take strong stand obtain its election either with or without UK backing. It is therefore important you sound out others soonest.
- Drafted by Jones and concurred in by Taylor and Popper; cleared with the geographic bureaus; signed by Assistant Secretary Murphy. In a memorandum of the same date (earlier in the day), Popper had informed Murphy that the telegram was drafted “to urge the British to change their preliminary position in support of a satellite for the Greek seat in the Security Council and to support Turkey.” The Assistant Secretary was alerted to this in case he wished to clear the draft telegram with Secretary Dulles (there is no indication on the instant telegram that he did). (Hickerson–Murphy–Key files, lot 58 D 33, “Eighth Session UN General Assembly”)↩