320/8–1553: Telegram
The Chargé in Thailand (Brown) to the Department of State
342. Foreign Minister told me last night he has almost decided leave immediately attend UNGA meeting next week. Sudden change plans resulted primarily from desire explore on spot his prospects for election presidency eighth session. At present not inclined withdraw from race. Although he realizes chances slim has some confidence many friends he has won among European, African, Latin American groups. While disappointed lack US support he said he fully understands our position and much encouraged by your statement we will not campaign against him. Added our clear-cut frank reply pleasing contrast to wishy-washy British reply which veiled hidden negative in “sweet nothings”.
Prince Wan said above issue minor comparison question Thai participation Korean political conference which he said absolutely essential. Highly pleased by news reports Ambassador Lodge’s statement US favors participation conference by all nations contributing forces, believes this means Thai participation certain.
If as expected he is not elected GA presidency, Wan tentatively plans remain US for first part eighth session with idea returning Thailand late October in order be on hand for renewed Viet Minh activity Laos. Re US offer support Thailand ECOSOC or Trusteeship Council, Wan prefers postpone definite reply. As long as his candidacy is alive he prefers, “unlike India who is candidate for everything”, not put Thailand forward simultaneously for various UN vacancies.