320/8–853: Telegram

The Chargé in Thailand (Brown) to the Department of State


300. Substance Deptel 257 given Deputy Foreign Minister Khemjati who had made original inquiry. He said British also supporting Pandit but Thailand pleased by promises support several Asian countries. Fears little hope for Wan’s election. Will give me soonest indication Tai wishes re ECOSOC and Trusteeship Council.

While not disguising disappointment US position re GA presidency, which he appeared understand, Khemjati emphasized question Thai participation in Korean political conference of much more importance to Thailand than Wan’s election. Suggested Thai Government cannot maintain present position in support UN effort in Korea unless admitted to conference. I replied I had already recommended Thai participation (Embtel 281, August 5), but had no word United States position yet.

In much more outspoken manner Deputy Minister Defense Sarit told Embassy officer today Thai Government felt its prompt, wholehearted support UN effort Korea had earned them seat political conference and that barrage domestic criticism from all sides likely if expectation not realized. Cabinet discussed again yesterday. Said Thai at loss to understand why India with British support being considered for seat, when it has made no significant contribution UN effort Korea. Sarit linked Korea conference with Thai support UN embargo Communist China, possibility French and British trade agreements Peking, [Page 490] said Thai have been approached by Soviets to sell tin to Communist bloc.

Comment: Thai Government placing unusually great weight this matter apparently regard themselves entitled participation with our help. Also references to abandonment position in Korea and Soviet trade offer indicate Thai willing pull out all stops in order win seat at Korea conference. In view Thai steadfastness in Korea to date and necessity developing confidence Thai in US to stand by them, Embassy strongly urges maximum effort to include Thai Korea conference. Prince Kilokrit has confirmed that Soviet Minister last week made vague offer help Thailand out in connection low rubber, tin prices. While we do not believe Thai at this stage will carry out any of these veiled threats, importance of this issue in their minds cannot be overestimated.
