Memorandum of Conversation, by the Special Assistant for United Nations Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs (Allen)
- Subject:
- New Zealand’s Candidacy for Security Council
- Participants:
- Ambassador Munro, New Zealand Embassy
- Mr. Wade, New Zealand Embassy
- Mr. Raynor, BNA
- Mr. W. P. Allen, EUR
In response to Ambassador Munro’s question, we stated that we were not yet in a position to advise them formally of our attitude regarding their candidacy, but we personally felt certain we could give them an official, affirmative response in a few days. The Ambassador is particularly anxious to be able to advise Prime Minister Holland (now in Rome) before he reaches Delhi for discussion with Nehru on August 3 or 4. The Ambassador agreed with Mr. Raynor’s view of the importance of advance consultation with the Latin American Governments and in that connection reported that since New Zealand has no missions in the other American Republics the UK has instructed its missions in all 20 capitals to seek the support for New Zealand’s election. In addition, Ambassador Munro has been very active in New York in consultation with many of the Latin American Delegations as well as others. He has received sympathetic favorable response from [Page 481] all he has contacted and definite commitments already from Guatemala and El Salvador. The fact that the Latin Americans appear predisposed against reelection to the SC after only a one-term absence will work in New Zealand’s favor vis-à-vis India, but he observed may operate against Brazil’s contest with Peru over the candidacy for one of the Latin American seats.