330/7–1353: Telegram

The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Holmes) to the Department of State


205. Re Embtel 128 on India’s candidacy for SC, official CRO volunteered to Embassy officers that UK is making following reply to India:

UK is committed to New Zealand for Commonwealth seat;
Regardless of which SC seat India tries for, it will be competing against New Zealand and will lessen latter’s chances; therefore, UK, will not support India if it tries for any other seat; (3) UK is sympathetic to claim Asia is underrepresented but thinks best way to deal with problem is to wait until UN Charter comes up for revision.

Since India is on ECOSOC, is candidate for Trusteeship Council and has told Canada that Mme. Pandit may run for President of GA, UK believes that if it aspires also to SC, it would be overreaching itself.

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UK expressed hope that US will give India no encouragement to continue its SC candidacy, mentioning informally that if India were to be elected, it would not rest until Communist China were seated. (UK is also privately most unenthusiastic about Mme. Pandit as President of GA but has, to date, heard only second hand from Canadians that she may be a candidate.)
