315/3–3053: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Lodge) to the Department of State


Delga 508. Eyes only for the Secretary. Re SyG. Zorin announced at Big Five meeting that his government would be ready to support Hammarskjold for SYG. I stated I had heard nothing against Hammarskjold, that I would not veto him and that I would seek instructions. On basis of my sketchy information about Mr. Hammarskjold, I am inclined to think that he would be satisfactory and that he may be as good as we can get. Zorin appears to be in a big hurry.

Hoppenot announced intention to vote for Hammarskjold. Jebb is seeking authorization to vote for, his present instructions being to abstain. Tsiang is noncommittal but expects instructions by noon Tuesday.

Big Five meeting set for 4 p.m. Tuesday, March 31, with SC meeting on Wednesday morning. Request instructions.
