315.3/12–1154: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Lodge) to the Department of State
Delga 374. Re: Status Administrative Tribunal Awards question. Twenty-seven delegations have indicated support U.S. Plenary amendments. Attitude of remaining non-Soviet delegations largely dependent upon attitude sponsors and close supporters Belgian amendments. India, Norway, Pakistan and Netherlands have indicated tentative possible support U.S. proposal dependent upon attitude Belgium. So far Belgian Del adamantly opposes acceptance of principle of judicial review. Netherlands has suggested possible acceptance by Belgium of some such formula as “believing it desirable to establish” etc. to replace U.S. “accepts the principle of judicial review” etc. and this may form counter proposal by Belgium and co-sponsors. USDel staff have not accepted this, and anticipate abstentions by India, Pakistan and possible Netherlands and Scandinavia if U.S. proposal voted without Belgian acceptance.
Suggest Dept may wish consider raising question with Belgian Ambassador Washington, or through Embassy Brussels before vote Thursday. Do not believe approach to Netherlands or Scandinavian countries desirable.