315.3/7–1254: Telegram

The Embassy in Switzerland to the Department of State 1

official use only

35. Swiss press July 12 features UP despatch from Geneva summarized as follows: According reliable source, Swiss Government has refused allow “congressional” commander chairmanship Gerety conduct investigation on Swiss territory. Commission therefore decided hear Geneva employees in Lyon nearest city where US has Consulate. Gerety questioned in Paris on report, but refused statement.

Press also reports UN Secretary General Hammerskjold said at press conference Geneva July 9 that interrogation American employees international organs would take place not in Switzerland but on foreign territory. This apparently prompted UP interest in question.

Agence Telegraphique Suisse is carrying story today that Federal Political Department “pointed out to American Embassy Bern that such a police investigation was not compatible with Swiss sovereignty”. In informal discussion of this publicity FPD informed Embassy it is replying orally to journalists along same lines as ATS despatch. Embassy indicated it was refraining from comment on Swiss decision.

  1. The telegram was unsigned; a copy was pouched to Geneva and to Zurich.