Memorandum by the Secretary of State
Memorandum of Meeting with President on June 12, 1952 and Action Taken at Cabinet Meeting June 13, 1952
Item No. 5
atomic energy matter
I informed the President of the situation which had arisen as the result of the memorandum of the JCS1 and suggested that, if he approved, I would call a meeting of Defense and AEC and attempt to get agreed recommendations or, at any rate, some recommendations for his action. He said that he wished me to do this.
Yesterday afternoon I spoke to Mr. Foster,2 who was already working on the matter, believed that it could be solved, and said that he would speak to me at the Cabinet this morning.
This morning he said that he approved of calling a meeting, and suggested that I set it up for Monday or Tuesday of next week.3 He made the following suggestions: (1) That Mr. LeBaron, who he believed would be tractable, should be included in the meeting, as well as General Bradley. As the result of this he thought that both Mr. Dean and I should be accompanied by someone from our agencies. I said that I would ask Mr. Arneson to attend. (2) He said that he thought a solution was possible along the lines of the staff memorandum on procedures and also along the lines of the AEC’s reply to the JCS, which he thought would be satisfactory to Defense.
Mr. Arneson should, therefore, set up a meeting. I believe that the recommendations made in Mr. Arneson’s memorandum to me4 will be acceptable.