The President to the Secretary of State
Dear Foster: Congress today acted favorably upon my special supplemental request of July 27, copy of which is attached,1 for $5 million to be used at my discretion to meet extraordinary or unusual circumstances arising in the international field.
[Page 1791]Among the purposes of this fund, as you know, is to provide for more intensive United States participation in international trade fairs and to encourage private American groups to travel abroad and share with other nations our cultural and artistic achievements.
To assist me in making effective and immediate use of these funds, I am asking that an action group be established including the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, the Director of the Foreign Operations Administration, and the Director of the United States Information Agency. The Secretary of State will serve as Chairman, the Director of the Bureau of the Budget will act as advisor to the group, and the Director of the United States Information Agency is charged with action as Executive agent. Other departments and agencies may be asked to participate as appropriate.
It is my intention to authorize this action group to appoint such special advisors as may be necessary to inaugurate this program and secure the maximum cooperation of American industry and cultural organizations.
Due to the pressing need for early action, I hope you will find it possible to keep in close personal contact with the development and progress of this program.