
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Lodge) to the Secretary of State


Dear Foster: Herewith my suggestions, submitted in accordance with the President’s request at the last Cabinet meeting, for U.S. exhibits abroad:

Best of U.S. industrial products.
Exhibits showing U.S. excellence in science, notably medical.
Quality music, such as Boston Symphony, New York Philharmonic. American opera singers, pianists, violinists, ballet dancers, etc.
Paintings, sculptures (this last can be troublesome at home).

All must be skillfully keyed to the taste of the country in which shown. There must be no vulgarity—no matter how funny or clever or interesting the program which contains such vulgarity may be. I would even avoid jazz music, acrobats, and the Fred Waring type of thing at first and later work it in only as a part of a fairly highbrow program.

Action along this line is vital and it should be done in a hurry.

Faithfully yours,

Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.