511.00/8–1853: Telegram

The Information Attaché at the Embassy in the Netherlands (Casler) to the Secretary of State


Tousi 10. USIS has received paper bound Death House letters of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, plus packet containing United States Supreme court transcript of record, in 8 paper bound booklets, addressed to Librarian, USINFO Library, The Hague, from Committee to Secure Justice in Rosenberg Case. Mimeographed letter signed by Joseph Brainin, chairman, advised of impending arrival of “verbatim transcript” and a copy of “letters” with additional copies available.

Foregoing would indicate possibility reopening agitation campaign at several points through instructing Communist sympathizers to inquire at USIS Information Centers for these documents in effort discredit or embarrass with ulterior motives unclear.

USIS naturally will not include this matter in its library collection. Inquiries will be met by statement that materials available for public use are provided only under United States Government auspices.1

  1. The Department of State and USIA replied jointly in telegram 220 to The Hague, Aug. 18, as follows: “Upon receipt ‘verbatim transcript’ referred Tousi 10 August 18 please airpouch Department for comparison with original. Please list Supreme Court transcripts contained 8 booklets. USIS action approved.” (511.00/8–1853)