600.0012/9–2454: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Lodge) to the Department of State


Delga 12. For the Secretary. Re atomic energy item. Vishinsky today, while climbing on the bandwagon and agreeing that our new item should be added to the political committee’s agenda claimed that the US was misrepresenting the Soviets attitude on going ahead with the discussions to set up the international atomic agency. He said the Soviets were more than willing to publish the [Page 1523] exchange of notes between the US and the USSR, and that the record would show the accuracy of these remarks.

Since Vishinsky will speak in the general debate on Monday afternoon,1 I believe it is vital that we publish the exchange of notes up here and circulate them as a UN document, if possible no later than Saturday. This will enable us to get the best press coverage in advance of Vishinsky’s Monday speech, for otherwise the press coverage given Vishinsky’s speeches may well blanket our issuing the exchange of notes. I think it is imperative that we take the initiative in this matter and hope you will agree with me. If possible, notes should be teletyped to us immediately so that we can make the necessary preparations up here with the UN secretariat.2

  1. Sept. 27.
  2. The source text bears the following handwritten notation: “Mr. Key discussed this with USUN—by phone Sat Sept. 24.” (Saturday was Sept. 25.)