Eisenhower Library, Dulles papers, “Atomic Weapons”
Memorandum by the Secretary of State to the Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs (Key)1
[Washington,] August 30, 1954.
With reference to the atomic energy matter and having in mind the President’s desire to speak only briefly on Labor Day, and also the desirability of getting as much credit as possible out of our past and prospective proposals, I would recommend:
- 1.
- That the President use something like the short form of announcement indicated in the alternative draft of August 27 (I have not gone over this draft in detail).2
- 2.
- That in my opening address at the UN General Assembly I should develop the plan further.
- 3.
- We should include an agenda item on this subject and Ambassador Lodge, or whoever else is designated, should develop fully in committee the original proposal of the President of December 8, the Soviet rejection, the alternative proposals now in mind and authorized by US legislation.
Foster Dulles