
Memorandum by the Special Assistant to the President (Cutler) to the Secretary of State1

  • Subject:
  • “Moratorium on Tests”
[Page 1460]

As a counter to appearing to oppose any “moratorium”, and to avoid the appearance of continuing in a negative position, why not intensify present planning, with a view to starting discussions shortly on the atomic-pool suggestion, excluding the USSR? The President instructed Admiral Strauss, in testifying before the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy relative to the Administration’s legislative program, to take the position that the U.S. did not intend to be deterred from going ahead by itself with the atomic-pool suggestion just because the USSR appeared to be unwilling to take any part.

I don’t know what is the present status of the program for the atomic-pool, excluding the USSR. If the U.S. position is to announce the infeasibility of a “moratorium,” would there not be a benefit in simultaneously announcing the opening of negotiations with powers other than the USSR, on the peaceful use of atomic energy?

  1. Copy to Strauss.