Editorial Note
At its 35th meeting, April 19, 1954, the United Nations Disarmament Commission adopted a resolution establishing a subcommittee consisting of representatives of the United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, France, and Canada. For text of the resolution, UN doc. DC/49, see Documents on Disarmament, 1945–1959, volume I, page 413. The subcommittee, instructed to submit a report to the Commission by July 15, 1954, held its first meeting in New York on April 23 and decided to meet again in London on May 13.
[Page 1387]On May 4, President Eisenhower nominated Moorehead Patterson, a New York business executive, to be Deputy United States Representative on the UNDC and head of the United States Delegation to the meetings of the Subcommittee of Five at London. (Department of State Press Release No. 229, May 4, 1954, 330.13/5–454)