
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs (Merchant)

  • Participants:
  • The Secretary
  • Mr. Zaroubin, Soviet Ambassador
  • Mr. MerchantEUR
  • Mr. Smirnovsky, First Secretary, Soviet Embassy
  • Mr. LogofetTC (interpreter)

At 12:30 this afternoon the Soviet Ambassador called on the Secretary at the latter’s request.

[Page 1377]

The Secretary stated at the outset that he had told Mr. Molotov in Berlin that after further consultation within the United States Government it was planned to transmit to the Soviet Government through Ambassador Zaroubin a proposal outlining plans for the peaceful use and development of atomic energy. The Secretary thereupon handed the original and one carbon copy of the United States Government plan to the Ambassador.1 He added that he hoped in due course to receive the comments of the Soviet Government on this document.

The Ambassador said that he would transmit this document immediately to his government and that he had no doubt that its comments would be forthcoming. He said that before he left Berlin he had spoken to Mr. Molotov on this subject and that the latter was awaiting our proposal with interest.

The Secretary then asked the Soviet Ambassador if his proposed press release on this conversation (copy attached)2 was agreeable to the Ambassador. The latter said that it was and thereupon took his leave.

  1. For text of the U.S. proposal, see p. 1372.
  2. For text of the press release, see Department of State Bulletin, Mar. 29, 1954, p. 465.