S/SNSC files, lot 66 D 148, “Solarium”

Memorandum for the Record by the Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (Cutler) 1

Personal and Confidential
  • Subject:
  • Solarium Project
This memorandum is an initial report by the Working Committee of the National Security Council appointed to arrange the detailed plans for carrying out the above project (The Acting Secretary of State, General W. B. Smith; the Director for Central Intelligence, Allen W. Dulles; and the Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, Robert Cutler.)
In accordance with the President’s instructions, as reported to the Council on 15 May 1953,2 the following have been requested to act as the Panel to draft precise and detailed terms of reference for each alternative (see par 2a, Solarium Project Memo of 9 May 19533), and have accepted the assignment:
  • General James H. Doolittle, Chairman
  • Robert Amory, Jr.
  • Lt. General L. L. Lemnitzer
  • Dean Rusk
  • Admiral Leslie C. Stevens
The Panel will convene in Room 376, Executive Offices Building, Washington, D.C. on Monday, 25 May 1953, at 9:30 A.M. o’clock. The members of the Working Committee will discuss the problem with the Panel at 10:30 A.M. o’clock.
It is anticipated that the Panel will carry on their work continuously until completion, which it is anticipated should be not later than 1 June 1953. Office space, secretarial assistance, required source materials, etc., will be provided in the National Security Council Area. Mr. T. M. Koons, NSC Special Staff Member (Executive 3–7491, Extension 3675), will act as Executive Secretary for Solarium Project.
No publicity of any kind should be given to, or mention made of, the project. It is essential to success that the most complete discretion be observed. For that reason, no further communication will be sent from this office. If communication regarding the above arrangements is necessary, please telephone to the undersigned or Mr. Koons (referring only to Solarium).
Robert Cutler
  1. Copy to Walter Bedell Smith.
  2. The Presidential instructions under reference cannot be further identified.
  3. For text, see p. 323.