[Page [1858]] [Page 1859]- Abdullah ibn Hussein, King of Jordan, 545
- Abdullah, Sheikh, 1283
- Acheson, Dean G.:
- Administrative transition, 1–2, 19, 21, 22–29, 30–32, 38–41
- Airline certification, 395–402
- Bricker amendment, 1768n, 1777, 1810
- East–West trade, 830–853, 876–896, 901, 913–932
- Far East, U.S. policy re, 1394, 1509
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 114–115, 127–129
- Immigration and migration policy, 1566, 1587–1588, 1590–1592, 1609–1615,1624–1625
- International petroleum cartel, 1259–1263, 1267, 1275,1283–1285, 1288, 1292, 1298,1315, 1344
- Law of the Sea, 1656–1657, 1659n, 1665–1666, 1721
- Loyalty and security investigations, 1379n, 1380–1382, 1388,1390–1391, 1397, 1399, 1400n, 1402, 1403n, 1405, 1407n, 1412, 1416–1417,1428n
- Mutual Security Program, 463, 470,471n, 473n, 490, 492,497–498, 500n, 503–504, 566, 568n
- Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development, 227, 230, 236–239, 273
- Achilles, Theodore C., 858–864, 869–871, 1438
- Acts of Congress:
- Administrative Procedure Act of 1946, 1588n
- Agricultural Act of 1954, 212
- Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933, 53, 58, 61, 81
- Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1935, 147–148
- Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, 215, 220–221, 374, 745, 768
- Battle Act, 233n
- British position, 817–820
- Coordinating Committee of the Paris Consultative Group of nations meetings re, 817n, 819–822, 828–830, 836–837, 860–861
- Danish position, 820
- East–West trade, effect on, 850–853, 878–883
- French position, 818, 820
- Netherlands position, 478
- Prior commitment cases, 478–480, 878–881, 913–914, 1254–1255
- Trade control program based on, 881–883, 915–917;
- U.S. position, 820
- Western European compliance with, 896–900, 925–927
- Bretton Woods Agreements Act of 1945, 243, 360–361, 363
- Buy American Act of 1933, 54, 59, 62–64, 89–90, 108–110, 154, 857
- Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, 428
- Clayton Act, 1367
- Communications Act of 1934, 436, 450
- Customs Simplification Act of 1954, 88, 106
- Defense Production Act of 1950, 120, 122, 1352
- Defense Production Act of 1951, 150–151
- Displaced Persons Act of 1948, 1561n, 1572
- Displaced Persons Act of 1950, 1565n
- Economic Cooperation Act of 1948, 261, 653
- Economic Cooperation Administration Act of 1948, 267,1572
- Economic Cooperation Administration Act of 1950, 267
- Export-Import Bank Act of 1945, 325
- Foreign Assistance Act of 1948, 261n
- Foreign Economic Assistance Act of 1950, 250, 257, 267
- Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, 1569–1571, 1592–1617
- Internal Security Act of 1950, 1560, 1599
- Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act of 1951. See Battle Act above.
- Mutual Security Act of 1951, 261, 267, 460n, 494, 524,702, 1572, 1576n, 1577, 1581n
- Mutual Security Act of 1952, 242, 244–245, 247–248, 261, 471, 481, 505–509, 1644
- Mutual Security Act of 1954, 215, 370–372, 741, 744–746, 749, 761, 767, 771, 801, 1642–1649
- Mutual Security Appropriation Act of 1953,633
- Mutual Security Appropriation Act of 1954,1651–1655
- Mutual Security Appropriation Act of 1955, 808
- Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act of 1953,1687n
- Reciprocal Trade Act, 218–219
- Refugee Relief Act of 1953, 1631–1632, 1638n
- Reorganization Act of 1953, 577
- Revenue Act of 1916, 1367
- Sherman Act, 1335–1336, 1367
- Submerged Lands Act of 1953, 1686–1687, 1696
- Supplemental Appropriation Act of 1953, 282
- Supplemental Appropriation Act of 1955, 808
- Tariff Act of 1930, 54, 87n, 88n, 133–134, 1367
- Trade Agreement Extension Act of 1948, 152
- Trade Agreement Extension Act of 1949, 152
- Trade Agreements Act of 1934, 138–142
- Trade Agreements Act of 1951, 90
- Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1951, 56n, 125n, 134, 152
- Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1953, 49, 157
- Webb–Pomerene Act of 1918, 1367–1368
- Wilson Tariff Act of 1894, 1367
- Adams, Sherman, 219, 435n, 458, 683, 1624, 1628, 1777–1779, 1811–1812, 1813n, 1814n, 1837
- Adams, Walter, 1278–1279
- Adenauer, Konrad, 32–33, 1471, 1502, 1535
- Administrative transition:
- Advisory Committee on Export Policy, 971, 1078, 1109, 1166, 1168n, 1243
- Advisory Committee on Government Organization, 83, 615–625
- Afghanistan, 400, 670, 709–710, 1099
- Africa, 465, 467–469, 506, 583, 587, 600–601, 603, 634, 641–642, 669–670, 701–705, 710, 745, 774–775
- Agricultural products, surplus, 169–171, 175–198, 220–222, 224–225, 637, 641, 675–676, 682–683, 743, 766, 768–769, 1173–1175, 1242
- Agriculture, U.S. Department of, 139, 161–163, 167, 169–171, 175, 212, 222, 303–304, 806–808, 948
- Ainsworth, H. Gardener, 1185
- Air Coordinating Committee, 428
- Air Force, U.S. Department of the, 949, 1088n, 1121n, 1316n
- Aldrich, Winthrop W., 163, 200, 1014–1015, 1027–1028, 1061–1064, 1081–1084, 1132, 1134–1135, 1142–1143, 1148–1149, 1229–1230, 1439, 1469, 1543–1544, 1548–1551
- Alexander, George H., 932n, 935n, 947, 1027n, 1176
- Alexander, Robert C., 1571, 1582–1586, 1610–1615, 1633
- Allen, Francis O., 439
- Allen, George V., 1446
- Allison, John M., 39, 118–119, 510n, 581n, 936n
- Aluminum, 1020–1027, 1032–1034
- Aluminum Corporation of America, 826
- Alvarez, Alejandro, 1705
- American Bankers Association, 45
- American Bar Association, 1368
- American Iron and Steel Institute, 1017
- American Journal of International Law, 1659
- American Legion Monthly, 1450, 1452
- American Mercury, 1400
- American Overseas Airways, 386, 402–403
- American Republics. See Latin America.
- American Smoking Pipe Manufacturers Association, 135
- Americans for Democratic Action, 1399
- Amory, Robert, Jr., 1526
- Amstutz, Nan G., 115n
- Andersen, Hans C., 1727–1728, 1730
- Anderson, Robert B., 1000
- Anderson, Samuel W., 80, 87, 89, 331–332, 383
- Andrews, Bert, 1399
- Andrews, Stanley, 237–238, 252, 258–259, 510n, 581n
- Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, 2n, 8, 1305–1306, 1308, 1323, 1350
- Antarctica, U.S. policy toward:
- Antibiotics, 1020, 1047
- Antimony, 1222
- Arab League, 35, 545, 1515
- Arab states, 9, 34–36, 465, 467–469, 525, 644–645, 1324–1325, 1529–1530
- Arabian American Oil Company, 1282–1285, 1288, 1310, 1348–1350, 1353, 1360
- Arey, Hawthorne, 376–384
- Argentina, 186, 557–558, 561, 1140, 1256, 1521–1522, 1530
- Armstrong, W. Park, Jr., 1028–1029, 1034n, 1070n, 1353–1354, 1355n
- Armstrong, Willis C., 847, 932–936, 946n, 947–948, 1027, 1139n, 1173–1175, 1304, 1309–1312, 1314–1316
- Army, U.S. Department of the, 949n, 1088n, 1121n, 1316n
- Arnow, Philip, 88, 91
- Aruba, 823–824, 1038
- Asher, Robert E., 45, 405n
- Asiatic Petroleum Corporation, 1287, 1350
- Atomic energy, 19–20, 82
- Atomic Energy Commission, U.S., 1787
- Attlee, Clement R., 1483, 1498
- Austin, Warren R., 39–40, 1393
- Australia, 74, 124, 160, 173, 186, 215–216, 475, 1569
- Austria, 477, 521, 695–696, 1097, 1444–1445, 1447–1453, 1502–1503, 1529, 1562
- Baker, John C., 275–277
- Baldwin, Charles F., 84
- Ballantine, Joseph W., 1394
- Bank of England, 348
- Bao Dai, 551
- Barbour, Walworth, 1389, 1741–1742
- Bargeron, Carlisle, 1399
- Barkley, Alben, 851–852
- Barnard, Chester I., 1739n
- Barnard, John F., 1428
- Barnes, C. Tracy, 833n
- Barnes, Stanley N., 1032–1033, 1355–1356, 1367–1376, 1378
- Barnett, Robert W., 830n
- Barrett, Edward W., 1391n
- Barringer, J. Paul, 402
- Bates, Franklin, 1337
- Batista y Zaldivar, Gen. Fulgencio, 1461–1462
- Batt, William L., 114, 497
- Battle, Laurie C., 233n, 483, 869n, 896–901, 927, 931
- Battle, Lucius D., 492n, 497, 503–504, 567–568, 1391–1392
- Battle Act. See under Acts of Congress.
- Bauxite, 1022, 1036–1037
- Baxter, James P., 1393
- Beale, Wilson T. M., 830n, 1086–1087
- Beam, Jacob B., 1172
- Beaulac, Willard L., 1460–1461
- Beckett, Eric, 1668
- Beckett, J. A., 1277
- Beckner, Earl R., 1256n
- Belgian Congo, 1036
- Belgium, 11, 121–123, 480, 530, 541, 823, 887, 1504, 1529
- Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union, 121
- Bell, Daniel W., 134n, 255–256
- Bell, David E., 1267
- Bennett, Henry G., 248, 254, 258–259
- Bennett, Jack F., 375
- Benson, Ezra Taft, 162, 175n, 197, 207, 211–213, 224–226, 678n, 679, 681, 1782, 1814
- Benton, William, 1417, 1424, 1426, 1427n, 1615–1617
- Berlin, 372, 773, 892–893
- Berthoud, Eric, 817, 873
- Bevans, Charles I., 1784–1785, 1786n, 1792–1794
- Bidault, Georges, 993, 1499
- Bingham, Hiram, 1402–1405, 1409
- Bingham, Jonathan B., 510
- Bissell, Richard M., Jr., 463n
- Black, Eugene, 263–266, 279, 301, 356
- Black, Robert, 754, 986
- Blair, John M., 1278–1279
- Blake, Robert O., 1764n
- Bloomfield, Lincoln P., 288–290
- Bodwick, W. G., 303
- Boggs, Marion W., 997n, 1004n, 1466n
- Boggs, S. Whittemore, 1614, 1659n, 1677n
- Bohlen, Charles E., 510, 854n, 1289n, 1315, 1336–1337, 1342, 1344–1345, 1498
- Bolivia, 557–558, 671, 823, 826, 1140, 1256
- Bolster, Edward A., 455n
- Bolté, Lt. Gen. Charles G., 1393
- Bolton, Frances P., 483, 488
- Bonbright, James C. H., Jr., 416–417, 427, 498n, 1015, 1070n, 1132n, 1388, 1526, 1733–1734, 1738n
- Bond, W. Langbourne, 1395
- Bonnet, Henri, 818–819, 850–851, 879, 900–901, 927
- Bonsai, Philip W., 562n, 1075–1077
- Borton, Hugh, 1394
- Boston Herald, 1399
- Bowie, Robert R., 65n, 85, 647, 650–651, 1172, 1526
- Bowles, Chester, 474, 632, 1518, 1520
- Bowman, Isaiah, 1394
- Boykin, Samuel D., 1415, 1434, 1571
- Bradley, General of the Army Omar N., 28, 470, 982n, 999, 1303, 1342–1343, 1345, 1367
- Brazil, 74, 124, 126, 195, 331–333, 557–561, 1141, 1257, 1520–1521, 1569
- Brewster, Owen, 483n, 484
- Briar pipes and bowls, 135–138
- Bricker, John W., 1768, 1777–1779, 1790, 1795–1796, 1804, 1808, 1812, 1814–1816, 1818–1819, 1822–1824, 1826–1827, 1829–1832, 1837–1838, 1843–1848, 1855–1856
- Bricker amendment on treatymaking powers of the Executive
- Alternative amendments, 1825, 1833–1834, 1837–1842, 1849–1850, 1852–1854
- Bricker speech, 1808–1811
- Congressional hearings and actions, 1777–1781, 1785–1786, 1789–1791, 1796–1808, 1851–1852, 1854–1856
- Congressional opposition, 1815, 1820, 1828–1829, 1835
- Eisenhower administration position, 1782, 1820–1825, 1832–1834, 1843–1847
- Executive agencies, opinions of, 1782–1789
- McCarran Resolution, 1779, 1792
- Revision of, 1795, 1812–1819, 1822, 1826, 1830–1831, 1845–1848
- State Department position, 34, 1768–1777, 1796–1806, 1827–1828
- Text of, 1778
- U.S. foreign relations, effect on, 1835–1837
- Bridges, H. Styles, 290, 483, 735, 810, 1641
- British Borneo, 823, 825
- British European Airways, 413
- British Somaliland, 1141
- Brodic, Bernard, 1394
- Bromfield, Louis, 1400
- Brossard, Edgar B., 90
- Browder, Earl, 1439
- Brown, Ben H., Jr., 581n, 1615–1617, 1639n, 1768n
- Brown, Russell, 1289
- Brown, Winthrop G., 158n, 163–168, 208, 1077n
- Brownell, George, 1315
- Brownell, Herbert, Jr., 44, 64, 109, 220, 1633–1634, 1684n, 1696
- Bruce, David K.E., 4–5, 21n, 32, 38–39, 115n, 833n, 1667, 1777n
- Bruggmann, Charles, 476
- Brumbaugh, A.J., 1394
- Brunauer, Esther, 1432
- Brundage, Percival F., 282, 304, 374, 383
- Brunet, Jean Pierre, 129–130
- Buck, Ellsworth B., 281, 283
- Budenz, Louis F., 1440, 1452
- Budget, U.S. Bureau of the, 1–2, 83, 282, 304, 374–375, 404, 457, 1001, 1003, 1590–1592, 1613–1615, 1663, 1739
- Bullitt, William C., 1394
- Burgess, W. Randolph, 287, 304–305, 321–322, 324, 364–365, 373–375, 382–384
- Burleson, Omar, 484, 489
- Burma, 551, 553, 1098
- Burns, Arthur F., 175n, 191, 1638
- Buss, Claude A., 1395
- Butler, John Marshall, 1669, 1670n, 1672, 1781n
- Butler, Richard Austen, 345, 1135
- Butterworth, W. Dalton, 1015, 1068–1069
- Buttles, Bruce, 1446
- Butz, Earl L., 224
- Byrd, Adm. Richard E., 1751
- Byroade, Henry A., 39, 408n, 510n, 644–649, 662, 936n, 1356, 1525, 1578–1579
- Cabell, Gen. Charles P., 190, 193, 195, 1480n
- Cabinet Committee on Minerals Policy, 59, 61, 65, 202, 1116, 1257
- Cabot, John M., 1075, 1494, 1525–1526
- Cabot, Thomas D., 490
- Caldwell, Millard, 516n
- Cale, Edward G., 205n, 581n
- Callanan, Paul E., 169–171
- Cameron, Turner, 1446
- Camp, Miriam, 818–819, 830n, 847n, 900–901, 927n, 1039n
- Canada, 24, 55, 74, 121, 160, 1569
- Cannon, Howard, 813
- Canter, Jacob, 1461
- Capehart, Homer E., 296, 355
- Caretta, Albert A., 1278
- Carey, Nick M., 1268
- Carlson, Frank, 211n
- Carnahan, A.S.J., 484
- Carothers, Neil, III, 1764n
- Carpenter, Isaac W., 751, 792n
- Carson, John, 1268, 1278
- Case, Everett, 1394, 1738
- Castañeda, Jorge, 1728, 1730
- Castle, William R., Jr., 1394
- Cattani, Attilio, 1159
- Celler, Emmanuel, 1566, 1568, 1625, 1645, 1660, 1663n
- Central Intelligence Agency, 37–38, 175, 190, 823–826, 895, 949, 1002, 1035–1036, 1088n, 1121n, 1264, 1270, 1316n, 1424–1428, 1480n, 1745–1746, 1748–1749, 1787
- Ceylon, 74, 124, 916–918, 1099
- Chafee, Zechariah, 1785
- Chamberlain, William Henry, 1400
- Chambers, Whittaker, 1452
- Chapman, Oscar L., 1288, 1298–1304, 1318, 1329, 1332–1333, 1341–1342
- Charpentier, Pierre, 860, 873–874, 927, 1048, 1060–1061, 1083, 1089, 1138–1139, 1150, 1158, 1214–1215
- Chase National Bank, 382–383
- Chatham, Thurmond, 484
- Cherwell, Lord, 1134
- Chiang Kai–shek, Generalissimo, 551, 713, 1474, 1479, 1510, 1538
- Chicago News, 1398
- Chicago Sun–Times, 1399
- Chile, 74–75, 557–561, 823, 825, 1037–1038, 1257, 1522–1523, 1530
- China, People’s Republic of:
- East-West trade, 916–918, 931, 1020
- Economic and trade sanctions against, 837–838, 866–868, 893–894, 921–922, 938–939, 960, 993–994, 1047, 1078–1079, 1250–1253
- Japan, relations with, 116, 884–886, 918–919, 1038, 1251–1252
- Soviet military assistance, 922–923
- United Kingdom, relations with, 938–939, 1020
- U.S. air service to, 422
- China, Republic of (see also under Mutual Security Program: Economic and military assistance, etc.), 551, 720, 1509–1511, 1530
- CHINCOM. See China Committee under Coordinating Committee of the Paris Consultative Group of Nations.
- Chiperfield, Robert B., 484, 489, 579
- Chopra, B. N., 1730
- Churchill, Winston S., 40, 194, 817, 1219, 1472, 1486, 1536
- Civil Aeronautics Board, 385, 387, 395, 397–398, 401–405, 411, 419, 430, 455, 457–459, 1787
- Civil aviation. See International transportation policy of the United States.
- Clark, Earl W., 983
- Clark, Gen. Mark W., 13
- Clark, Ralph L., 441
- Claxton, Philander P., Jr., 579–580, 751–752
- Clayton, William L., 1493
- Cleveland, Harlan, 45, 241–242, 245, 247–248
- Coal, 803, 804n, 924–925
- Cobalt, 1036
- COCOM. See Coordinating Committee of the Paris Consultative Group of Nations.
- Cohen, Edgar, 203–204
- Cohn, Roy M., 1437–1439, 1441–1457, 1460–1462, 1484, 1498, 1503
- Colclaser, H. Alberta, 455n, 457n, 458n
- Colegrove, Kenneth, 1395
- Coleman, John, 92n
- Coleman Committee, 92
- Colombia, 74, 557–561, 1140
- Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic Development in South and Southeast Asia, 85, 231n, 647
- Colonialism, 8–9, 500–503, 1489
- Combustion Engineering, Inc., 380
- Commerce, U.S. Department of:
- Antitrust laws, revision of, 1378
- Economic defense policy, 841, 886–887, 1005–1007
- Foreign economic policy, 243, 281, 331–332
- International commodity agreements, 1051, 1072
- International strategic export control lists, revision of, 831–832, 883–884, 915, 929, 1162, 1164–1166, 1169–1170, 1183–1191, 1201, 1237–1238
- Mutual Security Program administered by, proposal re, 789n, 800
- National security policy:
- Territorial waters, 1658
- Commercial and Financial Chronicle, 1399
- Commission on Foreign Economic Policy. See Randall Commission.
- Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government, 1607n
- Committee for American Relief Everywhere (CARE), 467, 469
- Committee for a National Trade Policy, 92
- Commodity Credit Corporation, 180, 192, 195, 634
- Communications, U.S. Department of, proposed, 454
- Compton, Arthur A., 237–238, 1393
- Conant, James B., 33, 1439
- Conference for Codification of International Law, 1930, 1677–1680
- Conference on American Foreign Policy, Fourth Annual, 45
- Conference on Migration, Brussels, 1951, 1572–1577
- Congress, U.S. (see also
Acts of Congress; Bricker
amendment, etc.; Loyalty and security
investigations, U.S.):
- Antarctica, legislation re, 1737–1739
- Anti-Locarno amendment on military alliances, 738
- Antitrust legislation, 1367–1368
- Economic defense policy, 943–945, 1115
- Foreign economic policy, 85–86, 242, 244, 249, 268, 355, 633–638
- Foreign Operations Administration, Mansfield amendment on abolition of, 739
- Frelinghuysen Bill on tourist travel, 89, 107
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 143–146, 218–220
- House of Representatives:
- Immigration legislation, 1569–1571, 1587–1608,
1630–1631, 1634–1649, 1651–1655
- Kersten amendment on European refugees, 514, 1581n
- McCarran Omnibus Immigration and Naturalization Bill. See Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 under Acts of Congress.
- Walter Omnibus Immigration and Naturalization Bill, 1587–1615
- International Agreements, executive handling of, 1792–1794
- Law of the Sea, legislation re, 1657n, 1663n, 1664n, 1669–1672, 1685–1687
- Mutual Security Agency, relations with, 482–484
- Mutual Security Program, 470–471, 484–490, 498–499, 503–504, 576–581, 594, 625–626, 630–631, 737–738, 809–814
- Petroleum program, 999
- Senate:
- Appropriations Committee, 97, 578, 1412–1413, 1417–1421, 1435, 1641–1642
- Armed Services Committee, 483, 503–504
- Banking and Commerce Committee, 296–297
- Committee on Government Operations, 1433
- Finance Committee, 143
- Foreign Relations Committee, 470, 482–484, 499, 578, 626, 737, 1382n, 1384–1385, 1792–1793
- Insular and Interior Affairs Committee, 1673
- Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee, 428
- Judiciary Committee, 1640, 1777n, 1817
- Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, 943, 1437, 1449
- Rules Committee, 1426n
- Select Committee on Small Business, 1281n, 1331
- Special Committee Investigating the National Defense Program, 1331
- State Department, relations with, 41, 44n
- Connally, Tom, 483–484, 847, 1382
- Conners, Brad, 1442
- Conover, Harry, 128, 1060, 1136–1139
- Continental shelf. See under Law of the Sea.
- Cooke, Alistair, 1549
- Cooke, Juan Isaac, 99, 102
- Coolidge, Calvin, 1284
- Coons, Arthur G., 1395
- Cooper, Jere, 92, 211
- Cooper, John, 1854
- Coordinating Committee of the Paris Consultative Group of
Nations (COCOM) (see
also under
Economic defense policy of the United States):
- China Committee (CHINCOM), 130n, 872–873, 918, 1048
- Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, coordination with, 101–102, 104
- Effectiveness of, 818–819
- International strategic export control lists, revision of, 831–832, 915–916, 1147–1153, 1158–1159, 1183–1185, 1187–1189, 1204–1206, 1230–1232, 1245, 1248
- International Watch List, 845, 862–863, 891, 927–928
- Japanese membership in, 834, 886, 918–919
- Merchant vessels, sale of to Soviet Union, 888, 921
- Moscow Economic Conference, meeting to discuss, 834, 858–860, 895
- Publicity re, 869–871, 873–876, 900–901, 926–927
- U.S.-British discussions re, 1039–1049
- Copper, 1030, 1037–1038
- Corbett, Jack C., 203, 255, 263, 265–266, 279–280, 296n, 352
- Cordon, Guy, 1685
- Corkery, Robert J., 1561, 1564
- Corse, Carl D., 115–117
- Cortez, Albert, 231n
- Cottman, J. Stewart, 649–652
- Coulson, John E., 1148, 1152
- Council of Economic Mutual Assistance, 1091
- Council of Foreign Economic Policy, 104–105, 108
- Cowden, Howard A., 1269
- Cowen, Myron M., 471, 475, 490–492, 1464
- Cox, Gordon E., 830n
- Coyne, J. Patrick, 1459–1460
- Craig, George N., 1399
- Crosby, Ben G., 1437n
- Cuba, 74, 126, 160, 557–561, 1037, 1141, 1256–1257, 1460–1462
- Cumming, Hugh Smith, 833
- Curacao, 823–824, 1037
- Cushing, Richard G., 1460–1462
- Cutler, Robert, 190–195, 593, 595, 733n, 740–742, 781–785, 939, 982–984, 988, 990, 995–996, 998, 1002, 1004–1008, 1032–1034, 1052–1053, 1074, 1109, 1111–1113, 1115, 1118, 1144, 1154–1155, 1160, 1162–1166, 1168–1169, 1172, 1181, 1198, 1200–1201, 1203, 1232, 1234, 1236–1237, 1352n, 1353n, 1366, 1376, 1378, 1458–1460, 1466, 1546–1547, 1556, 1633n
- Cyr, Leo G., 567
- Czechoslovakia, 405–408, 434, 438, 846
- Daily Herald, 1548–1551
- Daily Mail, 1549–1551
- Daily Telegraph, 1550–1551
- Daily Worker, 1389
- Dalcher, Laurence P., 1447n, 1449
- Daniel, D.C. Scott, 1268
- Daniel, Price, 1696
- Davis, Elmer, 1424
- Davis, John H., 169, 171
- Davis, John W., 1839
- Dawson, Laurence, 1382–1385, 1580, 1582, 1584–1586
- de Gasperi, Alcide, 1500–1501, 1566, 1581
- de Souza, Augustine, 1620
- Dean, Gordon, 19
- Dean, Vera Micheles, 1393
- Dearborn, Henry, 174n, 1764n
- Decker, John W., 1395
- Defense, U.S. Department of:
- Antarctica, U.S. policy re, 1733, 1737–1740
- Bricker amendment, 1787
- Economic defense policy, 1005–1007
- Foreign Operations Administration, coordination with, 759
- International petroleum cartel, 1289–1293, 1304, 1314, 1318–1331, 1339, 1343–1344
- Mutual Security Agency, coordination with, 565
- Mutual Security Program:
- National security policy:
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 577–578, 666–667, 1526
- Territorial waters, 1657n, 1658–1659
- Defense Materials Procurement Agency, 621, 1787
- Defense Mobilization, Office of, 175, 437, 443, 621, 947, 987, 993, 997, 1000–1003, 1021, 1029, 1032–1033, 1035–1036, 1057, 1116, 1174, 1226n, 1374, 1787
- Defense Shipping Authority, 417–418, 425–426
- Delany, Walter S., 1004–1005, 1109, 1161, 1168, 1198
- Dembitz, Lewis N., 375
- Denmark, 74, 123, 173, 185–186, 475–476, 530, 541, 820, 850, 1097, 1529
- Dennis, Frank L., 1437
- Dennison, Adm. Robert, 1274–1275, 1277–1279, 1281n, 1428n
- Detroit Free Press, 1399
- Deuel, Wallace, 1393
- Deutsch, Monroe E., 1395
- Development Loan Corporation. See under Mutual Security Program: Economic assistance program.
- Devine, Frank J., 1764n
- Dewey, Thomas, 1777
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 1150–1153, 1439, 1441–1443, 1453, 1469, 1543–1544, 1552–1556, 1559n
- Dillon, Thomas P., 1703–1704
- Dirksen, Everett, 1781n
- Displaced Persons Commission, 1560n
- Dixon, Roger C., 1276
- Dodge, Joseph M., 104, 108, 1624n
- Dolivet, Louis, 1450
- Dominican Republic, 559–561
- Donnelly, Walter J., 1560–1564
- Donovan, William J., 657
- Dorsey, Stephen P., 1306
- Douglas, Lewis, 81
- Dowling, Walter C., 1448
- Draper, William H., 493, 497, 611–612, 864, 913, 1441, 1622, 1795
- Dreiser, Theodore, 1450
- Drumwright, Everett F., 39, 199n, 1070n, 1078n
- Dubois, W.E.B., 1452
- Duce, James Terry, 1283–1285, 1288–1289, 1353–1354
- Dufek, George W., 1766–1767
- Dulles, Allen W., 175, 226, 740n, 982, 1020, 1114, 1234–1235, 1339–1340, 1366, 1367n, 1378, 1526, 1547, 1743n, 1758–1759
- Dulles, John Foster:
- Administrative transition, 32–34, 36–40, 44n
- Antarctica, U.S. policy re, 1766
- Bricker amendment, 1777, 1779–1780, 1781n, 1782, 1784–1786, 1790–1791, 1795–1796, 1805, 1807–1810, 1812–1820, 1822–1825, 1826n, 1828–1829, 1834–1842, 1845–1856
- China, People’s Republic of, economic sanctions against, 938, 993
- East-West trade, 190–192, 194–195, 939–942, 945, 1064, 1070–1071, 1111, 1116–1118, 1132–1134
- Economic defense policy, 989–990, 1006–1007, 1018–1020
- Export-Import Bank, US. policies re, 296, 355, 357, 358n,
- Foreign economic policy, 57, 200n, 274n
- Foreign Operations Administration, 642–643, 653–659, 678–681, 731–733, 788, 789n, 791
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 155–156, 161, 169, 171, 211, 213
- Immigration and migration policy, 1624–1625, 1630–1642, 1645, 1648n, 1650, 1652, 1654–1655
- International petroleum cartel, 1347, 1352, 1353n
- Loyalty and security investigations, 1433–1434, 1436–1439, 1440n, 1443–1444
- Mutual Security Program:
- Administration of, 748–749, 751n, 752, 793, 798, 799n, 804
- Economic and military assistance programs, 84, 156, 157n, 644–652, 702, 737, 779
- Funding of, 572, 581, 584–586, 595, 626, 632, 659, 663n, 664n, 666, 672, 676–677, 794, 796, 803n, 815
- International transportation policies, 408n, 419–423, 434–435, 438–439, 455n
- National security policy:
- Territorial waters, U.S. policy re, 1669–1672, 1679–1702, 1714–1720, 1731–1732
- U.S. prestige abroad, decline in, 1463–1465, 1467–1468, 1474, 1496, 1501, 1509, 1517, 1543–1545, 1547, 1550–1551, 1556
- Dunn, James Clement, 39, 129–131, 872–876, 1565–1568
- Dunn, Stephen F., 1808
- Dupre, Rear Adm. M.M., 819
- Dwarshak, Henry C., 470
- Eakens, Robert H.S., 1139n, 1259n, 1261n, 1269, 1276–1277, 1355n
- East-West trade (see also
Economic defense policy of the United States; Battle Act
Acts of Congress):
- Barter, U.S. policy re, 178, 183–184, 194
- British position, 480, 819–820
- French position, 945
- Increase in:
- International Black List. See International Watch List below.
- International strategic export control lists,
revision of:
- Agreement re, 1232–1234, 1236–1238
- British position, 852–853, 926, 1061–1064, 1067–1069, 1081–1084, 1086–1087, 1103–1120, 1132–1135, 1142–1145, 1148–1153, 1160–1166, 1176–1181, 1198–1201, 1206, 1213–1215, 1219–1221, 1223–1225, 1229–1230, 1243–1245
- China, People’s Republic of, effect on, 1181–1182
- Coordinating Committee of the Paris Consultative Group of nations meetings re, 831–832, 915–916, 1147–1153, 1158–1159, 1183–1185, 1187–1189, 1204–1206, 1230–1232, 1245, 1248
- Enforcement, questions re, 1247–1248
- French position, 1136–1139, 1144–1145, 1149–1153, 1158–1159, 1213–1215, 1225
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 926, 1158n
- Indochina, effect on, 1189–1191, 1213, 1219–1221, 1229–1230
- Italian position, 1159
- Portuguese position, 1158n
- Trilateral (France–United Kingdom–United States) meetings re, 1142–1145, 1148–1153, 1183–1189, 1213–1215
- U.S. policy, 831–832, 883–884, 915–916, 929, 971, 1015, 1121–1132, 1142–1145, 1168–1171, 1176–1181, 1187–1206, 1213–1221, 1223–1225, 1229–1230, 1239–1255
- International Watch List, 845, 862–863, 891, 927–928
- Japanese position, 1507
- Propaganda and publicity re, 187–189, 225, 830–831, 883, 858–860, 894–895, 910–912
- Severance of, probable effects of, 949–963
- Smuggling, 951
- Soviet policy, 101–102
- Trade levels, 186–187, 951–952
- U.S. efforts to restrict, 844–845, 847–853, 878–883, 889, 891, 923–925, 1207–1213
- U.S. policy, 864–868, 936–942
- Western European attitude toward, 1487–1488
- Yugoslav position, 478
- Eaton, Charles A., 483, 485
- Eby, Kermit, 1393
- Economic Commission for Europe, 100, 102
- Economic Cooperation Administration, 414, 844, 1572
- Economic Defense Advisory Committee, 854–857, 881, 883, 889, 913–914, 921, 929–930, 1005–1006, 1008, 1078, 1109, 1166, 1168n, 1241, 1243, 1249
- Economic defense policy of the United States (see also
East–West trade; Battle
Acts of Congress):
- Allied concerns re, 1039–1049, 1060–1061, 1109–1110
- Berlin economic countermeasures, 892–893
- China, People’s Republic of, trade controls re, 1250–1253
- Congressional investigations, 943–945, 1115
- Coordinating Committee of the Paris Consultative Group of nations concerns re, 817n, 819–822, 828–830, 836–837, 841–843, 860–861, 882–883, 917, 919–921, 1014–1015, 1018–1020, 1041–1042
- Economic warfare, 1006–1007, 1228, 1234–1235
- Enforcement policies, 1042–1045
- Financial and import controls, 893–894
- Free port problem, 842–843
- Intelligence and research re, 843–844, 895–896, 928–929
- International Watch List, 891, 927–928
- Licensing policy, 1241–1243
- Merchant vessels, 888, 921, 952, 959–961
- Preclusive buying, 854–857, 891–892
- Propaganda re, 895, 910–912
- Revision of, possible, 968–981, 988–991, 1004–1009, 1249–1250
- Shipping controls, 843, 887–889, 921
- Soviet bloc, nonstrategic trade with, 179–180, 936–938
- Statements of policy, 970–976, 1009–1014, 1207–1213
- Transit trade and transshipments, 841, 886–887, 919–921
- U.S. dollar as strategic item, 894
- U.S. pressure on friendly countries, effects of, 974–976, 978, 980
- Economic Stabilization Agency, 909
- The Economist, 46, 103n
- Ecuador, 557–561
- Eden, Anthony, 29, 207, 738n, 851–852, 877, 880, 938, 1117–1118, 1144, 1198n, 1221
- Edgerton, Gen. Glen E., 263, 282, 287, 322–323, 356, 374
- Edwards, Corwin D., 1262, 1278–1279
- Efron, Samuel, 579–581
- Egypt, 74, 372, 411–412, 473, 477, 544–545, 704, 707, 802, 1099, 1141, 1514–1515
- Eichholz, Robert B., 484, 579, 630–631, 1789–1791
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 109,
- Administrative transition, 1–4, 6–7, 12, 18–23, 28–35, 37–39, 568
- Antarctica, U.S. policy re, 1739n, 1758–1759, 1760n, 1766
- Antitrust laws, revision of, 1376–1377
- Aviation policy, 428
- Bricker amendment, 1777–1778, 1782–1783, 1786, 1787n, 1790, 1795–1796, 1805–1808, 1812–1816, 1818–1819, 1820–1825, 1827–1835, 1837–1838, 1840–1841, 1842n, 1843–1847, 1849–1856
- East-West trade, 226, 940–942, 1105, 1107, 1109–1110, 1112–1120, 1132, 1135–1136, 1145, 1161, 1166, 1168–1170, 1189, 1198–1200, 1202–1204, 1219–1221, 1223n, 1237–1238
- Economic defense policy, 972, 989–990, 1006–1009, 1234, 1235
- Foreign economic policy, 49, 59, 63–65, 79–83, 87, 89, 91n, 104–105, 108–110, 112, 134, 136, 170n, 190–192, 199, 200n, 201–203, 206, 207n, 224–225, 277n, 352, 1085
- Foreign Operations Administration, 628–629, 655, 679–680, 682–683, 739–740
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 155, 162–163, 208, 213–214, 219–220
- Immigration and migration policy, 1624–1628, 1630–1632, 1634, 1635n, 1638–1639
- International petroleum cartel, 1345, 1347–1348, 1352–1353, 1355
- Japan, U.S. relations with, 64, 108, 199n, 218
- Korean conflict, 13, 25, 40
- Loyalty and security investigations, 1425, 1427, 1436, 1454, 1458–1460
- Mutual Security Program:
- Administration of, 733, 742n, 746–748, 750–753, 791–792
- Economic and military assistance programs, 52, 59, 81, 94, 262, 275, 276n, 278, 282, 723, 786n
- Funding of, 573, 577–578, 582, 593–594, 626, 628, 631–633, 660, 672, 677, 736–737, 801–803, 804n, 807–810, 812, 814–815
- Organization of, 615, 616n, 625–626, 628–633, 744n, 779, 784–786, 793n, 805
- National security policy:
- Territorial waters, U.S. policy re, 1695
- U.S. prestige abroad, 34–35, 1469–1471, 1473, 1477, 1483–1484, 1494, 1497–1498, 1503, 1505, 1509, 1517, 1525, 1533–1535, 1537, 1542–1544, 1546–1548
- Eisenhower, Milton, 685, 722–723, 727–728, 1494, 1521–1522, 1525
- Elbrick, C. Burke, 1556n
- Elliston, Herbert, 1393
- Embry, John A., 1394
- Emerson, Rupert, 1394
- Emmerglick, Leonard, 1300–1301, 1337, 1339–1340, 1342–1343, 1349–1351
- Enyart, Co. Bryan K., 1767
- Escapee program. See under Mutual Security Program.
- Espy, James, 1563–1564
- Ethiopia, 409, 473, 704
- European Coal and Steel Community, 11, 56, 66, 70, 119–120, 124, 150, 167, 532
- European Defense Community, 11–12, 16, 27, 33, 56, 70, 519, 532, 600, 635, 737–738, 771
- European Payments Union, 55, 66, 70, 121, 150, 343, 344, 347, 365, 367, 700
- European Technical Exchange Program, 772
- Evans, E., 197n, 201n, 498, 584
- Evans, John W., 1336–1337, 1727–1728
- Evening Standard, 1548
- Evensen, Jens, 1677n
- Export control lists. See East-West trade: International strategic export control lists.
- Export-Import Bank of Washington:
- Express, 1548, 1551
- Fahs, Charles B., 1394
- Fairbank, John K., 1394–1395
- Far East (See also under Mutual Security Program: Economic and military assistance, etc.):
- Farouk, I., King of Egypt, 1360
- Farrell, Michael A., 1563
- Fast, Howard, 1450
- Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1379, 1384, 1386–1387, 1400–1402, 1409, 1430, 1432
- Federal Communications Commission, 436–437, 450, 453–454, 1787
- Federal Employees Loyalty Program. See under Loyalty and security investigations, U.S.
- Federal Reserve System, 55, 346, 348, 382
- Federal Security Agency, 1787–1788
- Federal Trade Commission, 1259–1281
- Fensterwald, Bernard, Jr., 1716n
- Ferber, David I., 115n, 127n
- Ferguson, Homer, 1417–1418, 1777n, 1829–1830, 1837–1838, 1840, 1843–1846, 1851, 1854
- Ferguson, John H., 18–21, 510
- Field, Frederick Vanderbilt, 1390
- Le Figaro, 1553
- Figgis, Dudley W., 1060, 1071–1072, 1076
- Finch, George, 1785
- Finland, 925, 1097
- Finletter, Thomas K., 1393
- Finley, Robert, 982, 985–987
- Finn, Robert G., 1730
- Fisher, Adrian S., 1261n, 1314, 1345, 1379, 1391n, 1416, 1657n
- Fisher, William Dale, 1764n
- FitzGerald, Dennis A., 572n, 639
- Fitzmaurice, Gerald G., 1686–1695, 1706, 1708, 1726, 1732
- Flake, Wilson C., 562n
- Flanagan, Francis D., 943–945
- Flanders, Ralph E., 1555
- Fleming, Lamar F., Jr., 92, 217
- Flemming, Arthur S., 64–65, 190, 202n, 224, 423, 426, 516n, 783–784, 986–987, 992n, 995, 997–1001, 1003, 1032–1033, 1052–1053, 1066–1067, 1074–1075, 1139, 1142n, 1145, 1155, 1163–1165, 1221–1222, 1223n, 1234, 1256, 1377, 1385
- Ford, John W., 1434n
- Foreign assistance, U.S. See Mutual Security Program.
- Foreign Broadcast Information Service, 1453n
- Foreign Commerce Weekly, 384
- Foreign Economic Policy Commission, 1354
- Foreign economic policy of the United States (see
Export-Import Bank of Washington; General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development; International petroleum
cartel; Randall Commission):
- Agriculture policy, 53, 58, 61, 80–81, 107, 207–208
- Congressional interest in, 85–86, 242, 244, 249, 268, 355, 633–638
- Currency convertibility and exchange rates, 54–55, 107–108, 310–311, 340–348, 364–366
- Customs administration, 56–57, 88–89, 132–135, 154–155
- Domestic financial policies, relation to, 46–47, 73–75
- Dumping of surplus commodities, 192, 197–198
- European economic integration, 55, 70–71
- 50–50 shipping provisions, 58, 60, 64, 90–91
- Governmental involvement in economic affairs, position re, 78–79
- Interest rates on loans, 321–324
- International commodity agreements, 1016–1018, 1029–1031, 1049–1051, 1060, 1071–1072, 1074–1077, 1084–1085
- International trade accounts, 47–49
- Objectives of, 45–46, 57–82, 105–113
- Organizational structure of, 82–83, 262–263
- Peril point provisions, 90, 151–154
- Private investment abroad, 52, 56, 81–82, 89, 106–107, 267–269, 348–354
- Psychological and propaganda factors, 75–77
- Savings from disarmament proposal, 52, 59, 62, 81
- Soviet exploitation of, 76–77
- Tariffs, 54, 59, 64, 88, 106, 139–142, 163–165, 201–203, 205–206
- Trade agreements, presidential authority re, 87–88, 199–200
- U.S. economic leadership, 73–78
- U.S. exports, financing of, 324–333
- Working Group on Review of American Economic Foreign Policy, 46
- Foreign Operations Administration (see
Mutual Security Agency; Mutual
Security Program), 620–623, 639, 654, 656, 707, 1175, 1187–1191, 1226n,
- Abolition of, proposals re, 739, 741, 746, 749–750, 788n, 789n
- Establishment of, 263, 615–625, 628–630
- Interdepartmental coordination, 656–659, 759
- Loan program, 281–284, 370–376, 383
- Mutual Security Program, reports re, 684–729, 753–778
- Organization and functions of, 51, 616–624, 642–643, 653–656, 678–684, 732, 743
- Special Committee of Foreign Operations Administration, 734–736, 740–741
- Foreign relations of the United States (see also
Loyalty and security investigations, U.S.):
- Bricker amendment, effects of, 1835–1837
- McCarthyism, effects of, 1467, 1472–1473, 1477, 1486–1487, 1499–1500, 1536–1537, 1552–1559
- U.S. foreign aid, Western European attitude toward, 1474–1476, 1539–1540
- U.S. prestige abroad, decline in, 1463–1464, 1466–1468,
1528–1529, 1531–1533, 1541–1548
- Canada, 1483–1488, 1505–1506
- Far East, 1488–1490, 1506–1514, 1529, 1531
- Foreign radio broadcasts re, 1496–1497
- Latin America, 1493–1496, 1520–1525, 1529, 1531
- Middle East, 1490–1493, 1514–1518, 1529, 1531
- Operations Coordinating Board report re, 1526–1543
- Psychological Strategy Board report re, 1480–1525
- South Asia, 1490–1493, 1518–1520, 1529
- Western Europe, 1465, 1468–1480, 1483–1488, 1497–1505, 1529–1531, 1534–1543
- Foreign Service, U.S., 33, 41–42
- Formosa. See China, Republic of.
- Forrestal, James V., 1456
- Fosdick, Raymond B., 1394
- Foster, William C., 822n, 910n, 1026, 1300, 1302, 1338–1339, 1341, 1343–1344
- Foster, William Z., 1439
- Fourth Extraordinary Meeting of the Inter-American Economic and Social Council, 72n, 73n, 287, 303
- Fowler, Henry H., 1302–1304, 1318, 1342
- France, 24, 124–126, 160, 393, 823, 1296
- Colonialism question, 2, 8–9
- East-West trade, 480, 850, 900–901, 945, 1136–1139, 1144–1145, 1149–1153, 1158–1159, 1213–1215, 1225
- Economic and political situations, 530, 539–541
- European Defense Community, 11, 737
- Germany, Federal Republic of, relations with, 16, 27
- Indochina, interest in, 27, 554–556
- Japan, relations with, 129–131
- U.S. economic and military assistance, 476, 633–634, 640, 667–668
- U.S. economic defense policy, 818, 820, 1060–1061
- U.S. relations with, 478–479, 1441–1443, 1498–1500, 1529, 1552–1556
- France-Soir, 1552
- Francfort, Pierre, 818
- Francis, Clarence, 91, 191–192, 195, 198, 224–225
- Franco y Bahamonde, Generalissimo Francisco, 1235, 1505
- François, J.P.A., 1665n, 1677, 1680, 1697n
- Frank, Isaiah, 65n, 1622n
- Franks, Oliver, 851–853, 879, 926, 1084, 1118, 1281, 1665
- Freedman, Selma, 158n
- The Freeman, 1450, 1452
- Frelinghuysen, Peter, Jr., 89
- Fritzlan, A. David, 1355
- Frost, William L., 1446
- Fulbright, J. William, 295, 483, 489, 1393
- Fulton, James G., 484, 490, 626, 1792
- Funkhouser, Richard, 1306n
- Furman, John P., 731n
- Furnas, Howard, 1270n
- Gabrielson, Guy, 1399
- Gadgil, D.R., 231n
- Galbraith, Francis, 1173, 1176
- Gallman, Waldemar J., 475
- Galloway, William J., 1465
- Garcia Amador, 1727, 1730
- Gardiner, Arthur Z., 567–568, 646–647, 1609, 1611
- Gary, J. Vaughan, 1645
- Gaston, Herbert E., 239, 244, 246
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT):
- Balance-of-payments provisions, 124, 149–150, 207–215
- Commodity agreements, 148–149, 215
- Contracting Parties, Sessions:
- Country positions:
- Australia, 160, 215–216
- Belgium, 121–122
- Canada, 121, 160
- Cuba, 160
- Denmark, 123, 173
- France, 125–126, 160
- Greece, 122–123
- Italy, 126
- Netherlands, 122
- New Zealand, 122, 160, 166
- Norway, 123, 160
- Turkey, 122–123
- United Kingdom, 123–124, 160, 166–167, 173
- United States, 54, 67, 107, 114–115, 121–122, 160
- European economic organizations, conflicts with, 124, 150, 167, 366–368
- International Monetary Fund, conflicts with, 364–365, 368–369
- Intersessional Committee, 127–128
- Japanese participation, 115–119, 124–125, 127–132, 155–159, 162–163, 166, 172–173
- Origins and operation of, 142–144, 146–147
- Tariff negotiations, 125–126, 159–163, 166, 173
- U.S. agricultural policy, 58, 91, 161–163, 167
- U.S. Congressional approval, 143–146, 218–220
- U.S. trade laws, conflicts with, 143–148, 150–151, 215–217
- General Services Administration, 621, 1028n
- Geographical Review, 1659
- George, J. M., 1039
- George, Mishell, 1185
- George, Walter F., 483–484, 649, 847n, 1792, 1834–1835, 1837–1840, 1843–1849, 1851
- Germany, Democratic Republic of, 639
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 11, 32–33, 35, 530
- East-West trade, 840, 842–843, 926, 1158n
- Emigrants from, 1561–1562, 1578–1579
- France, relations with, 16, 27
- Military production in, 16, 693–694
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, membership in, 532, 686–688
- U.S. air service to, 388–389, 397–398
- U.S. Congressional factfinding tour of, 1453–1457
- U.S. economic assistance, 639, 668, 773
- U.S. prestige in, 1502, 1529
- Gibson, Hugh, 1560, 1565, 1617, 1626, 1627n, 1636–1637, 1639, 1642, 1645–1648, 1650–1652, 1654
- Gilcrest, Huntington, 1394
- Gillette, Guy M., 483, 487
- Giusti del Giardino, Count, 1565–1566, 1568–1569, 1620–1621
- Gleason, S. Everett, 592n, 740n, 780n, 939n, 981n, 988n, 991n, 994n, 1032n, 1073n, 1108n, 1117n, 1143n, 1153n, 1159n, 1167n, 1197n, 1218n, 1227n, 1232n, 1235n, 1346n, 1351n, 1375n, 1458n, 1462n, 1545n, 1757n, 1760n
- Glendinning, C. Dillon, 240–241, 315n, 334n, 337, 359n, 376
- Glick, Philip, 258–263
- Godley, G. McMurtrie, 818–819
- Gold, 1101–1102
- Gold, Joseph, 311n
- Gold, Ruth S., 230n
- Gold Coast, 823, 827
- Gonzáles Videla, Gabriel, 1522
- Goodkind, Louis W., 943–945, 1039n, 1070n, 1230n
- Goodrich, Carrington, 1394
- Goott, Daniel, 1581–1582, 1584–1585, 1611
- Gordon, Lincoln, 163, 168, 170–171, 203, 461–466, 468, 484n, 1039–1049, 1086
- Gordon, Thomas S., 484
- Gore, Albert, 92, 211
- Gorrie, Jack O., 854n, 1302–1303, 1342
- Graham, Michael, 1729
- Grains 924–925
- Gray, George O., 1581–1585, 1628, 1634n, 1641n, 1768n, 1792–1794
- Greece (see also under Mutual Security Program: Economic and military assistance, etc.), 122–123, 126, 533, 544, 1515–1517, 1529
- Green, Theodore F., 483, 488–489, 498–499, 500n, 847n, 1392
- Greenhill, D. A., 1268–1269
- Greenwald, Joseph A., 203
- Grew, Joseph C., 1394
- Griffin, Col. Robert A., 1394
- Griswold, Edwin N., 1832
- Gross, Ernest A., 40
- Groves, Robert G., 657
- Gruber, Karl, 1503
- Gruenther, Gen. Alfred M., 470, 737, 742
- Guatemala, 202, 203n, 557–558, 803, 1257
- Gudmundsson, Kristinn, 1703–1704
- Gulf Oil Corporation, 1351
- Gurney, Chan, 455
- Hagerty, James, 814, 1837–1838, 1843–1846, 1851
- Haiti, 803
- Hakin, George, 231n
- Hale, William H., 1447n, 1448, 1453
- Hall, Edward B., 303, 374, 383
- Halleck, Charles, 112–113, 218–219, 682n
- Hall-Patch, Edmund, 338
- Hammarskjold, Dag, 99, 231n, 271, 359, 1726, 1730
- Hand, E. J., 1183
- Hand, Learned, 1369
- Hanes, John W., 1556n, 1738
- Hansen, Kenneth R., 945, 989, 1039n
- Harmony, Brig. Gen. John, 1446
- Harriman, Averell W., 22n, 28, 247–248, 834–847, 868–869, 876, 895–896, 910n, 911, 913–932, 1263, 1267, 1342, 1440
- Harris, Reid, 1548
- Hart, Parker T., 34n, 1306n
- Haskell, John, 911
- Hauge, Gabriel, 50, 198, 214, 295n, 1060
- Hayden, Carl, 34
- Hays, Brooks, 483, 488
- Hazlitt, Henry, 648
- Health, Education and Welfare, U.S. Department of, 806–807
- Heffelfinger, Elizabeth, 275, 276n
- Henderson, Joseph S., 97n
- Henderson, Loy W., 25, 39
- Hendrickson, Robert C., 1625, 1777n
- Heneman, H. T., 492–493, 497
- Hennings, Thomas C., Jr., 1274
- Hensel, H. Struve, 740–741, 746, 783, 810, 813, 1213
- Herod, William R., 1395
- Herrington, William C., 1667, 1705–1708, 1710–1711, 1726–1732
- Herter, Christian A., 484
- Hickenlooper, Bourke B., 483, 489
- Hickerson, John D., 39, 227–229, 237, 273, 510n
- Hildreth, Horace A., 657
- Hill, Joseph L., 1274–1275
- Hill, Robert B., 1060
- Hill, W., 1620
- Hilliker, Grant G., 1733n, 1735n, 1737n, 1738–1739, 1741n, 1764n
- Hindenburg, Paul von, 1552
- Hinman, Carroll S., 248n
- Hitler, Adolf, 1134, 1390, 1463, 1472, 1487, 1536
- Hobby, Oveta Culp, 225
- Hoffman, Paul, 1567, 1828
- Holcombe, Arthur N., 1395
- Holland, Henry F., 84, 201n, 203n, 205–206
- Holland, Spessard L., 1696
- Hollis, Walter, 138n, 168, 210
- Holman, Eugene, 986
- Holman, Frank E., 1777, 1808, 1818, 1830–1831
- Holmes, Julius C., 1388
- Hong Kong, 839–840, 842, 922, 931, 1005, 1038, 1099, 1210, 1243
- Hoofnagle, James, 1454
- Hooker, John S., 317n
- Hoover, Herbert, 1383, 1409
- Hoover, Herbert C., Jr., 224–226, 298, 455–459, 747, 752–753, 783, 785, 788n, 789, 798n, 804n, 1377, 1764–1765
- Hoover, J. Edgar, 1386
- Hope, C. P., 866–868, 1078n
- Hopkinson, Daniel, 588n
- Hornbeck, Stanley K., 1394
- Hotchkis, Preston, 92n, 104n, 295
- Hughes, Charles Evans, 1335
- Hughes, Emmet John, 1795n
- Hughes, John C., 1067–1068, 1147–1148, 1158–1159, 1213–1216, 1230–1232, 1469
- Hughes, Rowland R., 82, 104, 108, 110, 423, 426–427, 435n, 458, 1020n, 1367n, 1739, 1743n
- Hulten, Charles Morris, 1437
- Humelsine, Carlisle, 1n, 248–254, 497n, 1400–1403, 1406, 1408–1412, 1415–1421, 1423, 1428n, 1434–1436, 1588–1590, 1610n
- Humphrey, George M., 109, 1234, 1377, 1684n, 1795
- Antarctica, U.S. policy re, 1743n, 1758
- East-West trade, 945, 1111, 1113–1114
- Economic defense policy, 990, 1165, 1202, 1220
- Export-Import Bank, U.S. policies re, 263, 296, 298, 355–358
- Foreign economic policy, 175n, 190–194, 321–324, 1016, 1030, 1071–1074
- International petroleum cartel, 1347–1348, 1367n
- Mutual Security Program, 632, 648, 678n, 679, 681, 733, 734n, 735, 740, 750, 752–753, 781–784, 797–798
- National security policy:
- Humphrey, Hubert, 1587n, 1588, 1615, 1617
- Hunter, Clarence E., 365
- Hutchinson, Edmond C., 90, 282
- Hutuktu, Dilowa, 1396
- Ibéñanez del Campo, Gen. Carlos, 1522–1523
- Iceland, 1097, 1697, 1701–1704
- Ilgenfritz, Carl A., 1017
- Immigration and migration policy of the United States (see also
Intergovernmental Committee for European
Migration; Immigration legislation
Congress, U.S.):
- Barriers and quotas, 1578–1579, 1581–1598, 1624
- Conference on Migration, Brussels, 1951, 1572–1577
- Emergency Immigration Program, 1624–1625, 1627–1631, 1637–1638
- Escapee Program. See under Mutual Security Program.
- European émigrés, 1560–1569, 1586, 1622–1623
- Exclusion and deportation, 1598–1603
- Foreign criticism of, 1626–1627
- Meetings with émigré countries, 1572–1577, 1617–1621
- Naturalization, 1604–1607
- Organization of, 1607–1608
- Policy Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, 1560, 1570–1571, 1580–1586, 1608–1615
- Refugee Relief Program, 1631–1634, 1638–1639, 1649–1650
- Registration and security measures, 1604, 1641–1655
- State Department position, 1609–1617
- Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1608
- India (see also under Mutual Security Program: Economic and military assistance, etc.), 24, 420–421, 552, 823, 1099, 1518–1520, 1530
- Indochina (see also under Mutual Security Program: Economic and military assistance, etc.), 27, 525–526, 551–553, 1189–1191, 1213, 1219–1221, 1229–1230
- Indonesia, 24, 472, 552–553, 652, 776, 1098, 1513–1514, 1530
- Indrambarya, Boon, 1730
- Information Agency, U.S., 629
- Information Service, U.S., 1441, 1445, 1447, 1452, 1460–1462
- Institute of Inter-American Affairs, 252
- Institute of Pacific Relations, 1390, 1391n
- Intelligence Advisory Committee, 1070–1071
- Interagency Committee on Agricultural Surplus Disposal, 91, 220–222
- Inter-American Economic and Social Council, Fourth Extraordinary Meeting, 72n, 73n, 287, 303
- Interdepartmental Committee on Trade Agreement, 115, 118, 128, 139, 213
- Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration, 507, 515, 583, 587, 609, 620, 634, 671, 672n, 1565, 1567–1568, 1572, 1575, 1617–1621, 1626–1627, 1634–1637, 1639–1655
- Interior, U.S. Department of the, 139, 987, 993, 1003, 1031, 1049, 1057, 1116, 1289, 1293, 1304, 1314, 1318–1329, 1341, 1788
- International Air Transport Association, 430
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 30, 69, 84, 93–94, 240–248, 263–266, 269–273, 297, 306–308, 314–320, 322–323, 355–358, 727, 1620–1621
- International Chamber of Commerce, 125
- International Civil Aviation Organization, 389–390, 414, 428, 430–431, 433–434
- International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1952, 1669
- International Cooperative Petroleum Association, 1269
- International Court of Justice, 10, 1656–1657, 1660–1663, 1686–1687
- International Development Advisory Board. See Rockefeller Committee.
- International Finance Corporation, 91, 93–94, 106, 240–248, 255–256, 269–273, 279–280, 285–288, 293–295, 298–305
- International Geophysical Year, U.S. program for, 1739, 1741, 1762, 1764
- International Information Agency, 1441–1442
- International Labor Organization, 96–97, 1576
- International Law Commission, 1664–1668, 1677, 1679, 1681–1684, 1689–1691, 1693–1695, 1697, 1699, 1716–1718, 1726
- International Materials Policy Commission. See Paley Commission.
- International Monetary Fund, 30, 67, 243n, 308–320, 334–340, 345–346, 348, 359–369, 1102
- International petroleum cartel:
- Antitrust laws regarding, revision of, 8, 1366–1378
- Antitrust suit against:
- British position, 1282, 1295, 1323–1324, 1349n
- Communist reaction to, 1272–1273, 1316–1317, 1363–1364
- Companies charged, 1351
- Criminal us. civil suit, 1304–1306, 1309–1313, 1326–1328, 1335–1336, 1338, 1348, 1352–1353
- Foreign reactions to, 1293–1298, 1323–1326, 1336–1337
- Industry recommendations re, 1282–1285, 1288–1289, 1315, 1353–1356
- Middle Eastern attitude toward, 1306–1309, 1360–1363
- Netherlands position, 1285–1288, 1296, 1324, 1349n
- Omission of foreign petroleum companies, 1348–1351
- Proposed, 1276
- Termination of, possible, 1298–1304, 1314–1315, 1328–1329
- U.S. national security, effect on, 1289––293, 1298–1304, 1318–1329, 1356–1365
- Business practices of, 1332–1334
- Federal Trade Commission report re, 1259–1281
- Iranian petroleum consortium, establishment of, 1354–1355
- U.S. commission to investigate, proposed, 1282–1285, 1288–1289, 1315, 1328, 1331, 1338–1344, 1353–1354
- International Radio Consultative Committee, 392–393
- International Refugee Organization, 1565, 1568, 1572n, 1573
- International Rubber Study Group, 847, 932–936, 946–948, 1018, 1028, 1154n, 1157
- International Strategic Affairs Committee, 460–462
- International Tin Conference, 1060, 1071, 1075–1077, 1084–1085
- International Tin Study Group, 1084
- International Trade Organization, 128n, 142–144, 146, 148
- International transportation policy of the United States:
- Air service to the Middle East, 408–415, 439–441
- Air service to the Soviet bloc, 405–408, 434–435, 438–439
- Airline certification, 395–398, 402–405
- Airline competition, 419–420
- Airline fares and rates, 430
- Airline routes, direct and indirect, 398, 402, 405
- Airline subsidies, 432–433
- Associated airline contracts, 409–412, 415
- Bilateral aviation agreements, 429, 430
- Navigational aids, development of, 414–415
- North Atlantic route pattern, 385–389
- Round-the-world air service, 420–421, 456
- Trans-Pacific Certificate Renewal Case, 419–423, 455, 457–459
- U.S. aircraft, sale of, 412–415, 431–432
- Iran (see also under Mutual Security Program: Economic and military assistance, etc.), 409, 411, 984–985, 1099–1100, 1141, 1256, 1360–1361
- Iraq, 74, 398, 702, 705, 1260, 1361–1362
- Iraq Petroleum Corporation, 1269
- Irwin, Lt. Gen. LeRoy, 1560, 1563–1564
- Israel, 35–36, 372, 465, 467–469, 523–524, 634, 645, 706–707, 732
- Italy, 11, 124, 126, 136, 477, 530–531, 541, 640, 737, 773, 803, 823, 1097, 1159, 1500–1501, 1529, 1565–1569, 1622–1623
- Iverson, Kenneth R., 253
- Izvestia, 1389
- Jackson, C.D., 84, 295, 1007, 1463, 1467, 1527–1528, 1546–1547, 1633n
- Jackson, Donald L., 484, 657
- Jackson, Henry M., 1670n
- Jackson, Robert H., 1386
- Jacobsen, Cdmr. Glen, 1763
- Jacobsen, Pierre, 1621
- Jacques, Sidney B., 1039n, 1060, 1185
- Jamaica, 1022
- Japan (see also under
Mutual Security Program: Economic and military assistance, etc.):
- Australia, relations with, 173, 204
- China, People’s Republic of, relations with, 116, 884–886, 918–919, 1038, 1251–1252
- Coordinating Committee of the Paris Consultative Group of nations, membership in, 834, 886, 918–919
- East-West trade, 1098, 1507
- Economic situation, 108, 199–200, 471
- France, relations with, 129–131
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, participation in, 115–119, 124–125, 127–132, 155–159, 162–163, 166, 172–173, 213–214
- Strategic materials, 823, 825, 838–839
- United Kingdom, relations with, 117, 119, 173, 203–205
- United States, relations with, 58, 60, 64, 199n, 218, 1506–1508, 1530, 1587
- Jarvis, Francis G., 1071–1073, 1074n, 1173–1176
- Javits, Jacob J., 236, 242, 244, 247, 317–319, 483, 487
- Jean Arch K., 1415n, 1416
- Jenner, William D., 1433, 1808
- Jernegan, John D., 34–37, 86, 581n
- Jessup, Philip, 1388–1390, 1394, 1399, 1810
- Johnson, Ade M., 295
- Johnson, Charles F., 158n
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 112, 483, 812, 1820, 1840, 1843
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 4, 156–158, 562, 564n, 565n, 649–652, 1526
- Johnston, Eric, 237, 250
- Johnstone, James R., 1415n, 1416
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 464, 781, 949, 982, 998–999, 1026, 1053, 1088n, 1112, 1121n, 1201, 1303, 1667, 1756–1757
- Joint United States-Canadian Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs, 198
- Jonkman, Bartel J., 1435
- Jordan, 411, 545, 706–707
- Judd, Walter H., 483, 487
- Justice, U.S. Department of, 1003, 1057, 1376–1378, 1598–1599, 1603, 1785, 1788
- Kaghan, Theodore, 1454–1456
- Kalijarvi, Thorsten V., 45, 57–63, 65n, 226n, 282, 423, 648–649, 1029, 1030n, 1049–1052, 1070n, 1087, 1257, 1355n, 1792–1794
- Kallis, Selma G., 118n
- Kansas City Star, 1400
- Katz, Julius, 830n
- Kean, John H., 831–832
- Kean, Robert W., 87, 821n
- Kefauver, Estes, 1588, 1781n, 1851
- Kellogg, Edmund H., 273n
- Kelly, Edna F., 484, 489
- Kelly, H.H., 1612
- Kem, James P., 470, 847n, 848n, 853
- Kem amendment, 470, 505–506, 847–849
- Kemper, James S., 657
- Kennan, George F., 864–868
- Kennedv, John F., 2n
- Kennedy, Robert F., 945
- Kenney, Roland W., 493, 498
- Kerry, Richard J., 1582–1584, 1586, 1609–1611, 1613–1614
- Kersten, Charles J., 514n, 1581n
- Key, David McK., 104n, 288
- Keyserling, Leon H., 516n
- Kilgore, Harley M., 1781n
- Killen, James, 1446
- Kimball, Dan A., 1659n
- King, Nat B., 92–104
- Kirk, Allen G, 910n
- Kissick, Harold G., 119
- Kitchen, Jeffery C., 1282, 1827
- Kizer, Benjamin H., 1395
- Klemmer, Harvey J., 389
- Knight, George, 1580, 1582, 1585
- Knight, Ridgway, 499–503
- Knoertzler, Capt. H.A., 1667
- Knowland, William F., 113, 218–219, 483, 739, 810, 812, 1464, 1551, 1812, 1814, 1819, 1822, 1824–1825, 1830–1831, 1837–1838, 1840, 1842n, 1843–1849, 1851–1852
- Koepfli, J.B., 1764n
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of, 126, 922, 1078–1079
- Korea, Republic of, 12–13, 422, 651–652, 678, 745, 776–777, 1508–1509, 1530
- Korean conflict, 24–25, 31, 480, 602, 1483
- Kraft, Ole B., 15
- Kroll, Hans, 883
- Kurylchek, William, 1563–1564
- Kuwait, 400
- Kyes, Roger M., 680, 681n, 683n, 730, 733, 734n, 740, 990, 992n, 998–1002, 1154–1155, 1480n
- Labor, U.S. Department of, 139, 1788
- Labouisse, Henry R., 1060
- Lambert, William S., 46n, 1610
- Landis, James M., 1393
- Landon, Kenneth P., 1581, 1583–1584, 1609, 1611
- Langer, William, 1625, 1780n, 1781n, 1789–1790, 1812, 1815
- Lanham, Henderson, 484
- Lapham, Roger, 1394
- Lasky, Victor, 1400
- Lasswell, Harold, 1393
- Latin America (see also under Mutual Security Program: Economic and military assistance, etc.):
- Latourette, Kenneth S., 1394
- Lattimore, Owen, 1392–1397
- Law of the Sea:
- Continental shelf:
- Fishing rights:
- Freedom of the seas, U.S. policy re, 1697–1699, 1720–1726
- International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1952, 1669
- Territorial waters:
- U.S. policy, 1656–1664, 1667–1669, 1673–1674, 1685–1691
- State us. federal claims, 1669–1672, 1674–1684
- U.N. debate re, 1697, 1699–1701, 1705, 1719, 1726–1732
- Lawrence, David, 1393
- Lawton, Fredrick J., 2, 516n, 566, 1268, 1590–1592
- Lay, James S., Jr., 3, 175, 407, 434, 516n, 788n, 822, 1459n, 1527, 1532n, 1546, 1743, 1756n, 1758
- Le Monde, 1500, 1553
- Leach, Paul, 1398
- Lead, 203, 206, 1030, 1222
- Lebanon, 409, 707, 1515
- Leddy, John M., 45–49, 168, 818
- Lee, Frank, 203–204
- Leemans, Franz, 1577
- Lehman, Herbert H., 1587–1588, 1615, 1617
- Lewis, Geoffrey W., 1578n
- Lewis, James H., 203
- Lewis, Orme, 1049
- Lewis, W. Arthur, 231n
- Li Mi, 1511
- Liaquat Ali Khan, 545
- Libya, 567, 775, 1141
- Liebesny, Herbert J., 1356–1365
- Lincoln, Francis F., 83–86
- Linder, Harold F., 132, 155, 227n, 236–238, 263, 265–266, 581n, 1622–1623
- Lindley, Ernest K., 1393
- Linville, Francis A., 197n
- Lisle, T. Orchard, 1673
- Lloyd, David D., 1267, 1582, 1590
- Lloyd, Glen, 684
- Locke, Edwin Allen, Jr., 249, 468n, 473n, 513
- Locker, Melville E., 332
- Lockhart, Oliver C., 1394
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 2n, 4–5, 7, 20, 23, 25, 39, 229, 236, 295, 483, 568, 1382, 1823
- Loftus, Victor H., 1214
- London, Jack, 1450
- London Daily Mirror, 1550
- Long, Russell B., 483, 1657n
- Longanecker, David E., 567
- Loos, Karl, 161
- Lord, Mary P., 295
- Lory, Hillis, 1571, 1609
- Lourie, Donold B., 39, 156–161, 656, 1434, 1436–1437, 1440n, 1780–1781
- Lovett, Robert A., 1–2, 19, 21n, 28, 31, 416, 463n, 518, 566, 1263, 1267, 1275, 1288, 1292, 1658
- Lower, Elmer, 1455
- Loyalty and security investigations, U.S. (see also
Foreign relations of the United States):
- Communist infiltration of the State Department, charges re, 1379–1382, 1389–1390, 1432, 1434–1436
- Congressional factfinding tours regarding the U.S. Information Service, 1437–1453, 1460–1462
- Congressional investigations:
- Army–McCarthy hearings, 1548–1551
- Benton–McCarthy case, 1426n, 1427n
- Central Intelligence Agency, testimony of, 1424–1428
- Foreign reaction to, 1388–1389
- National Security Council security, 1458–1460
- Public commentary re, 1398–1400
- State Department cooperation and testimony, 1392–1397, 1417–1421, 1434–1439, 1440n
- Executive department files, 1382–1388, 1400–1402, 1412–1415
- Federal Employees Loyalty Program, 1383–1386, 1412–1415
- Federal laws re, 1409
- Loyalty Review Board, 33, 1382n, 1387–1388, 1400–1403, 1405–1406, 1409–1412, 1429–1432
- Loyalty Security Appeals Board, 1406–1407, 1416
- Loyalty Security Board, 1391, 1399–1406, 1408–1409, 1415–1416, 1421–1424, 1428–1433
- State Department investigations, 1402–1406
- State Department morale, effect on, 1433
- U.S. foreign relations, effect on 1467, 1472–1473, 1477, 1486–1487, 1499–1500, 1536–1537, 1552–1559
- Western European attitude toward, 1472–1473, 1477, 1486–1487, 1499–1500, 1536–1537
- Lubin, Isador, 229, 237–238, 239n, 360
- Lucas, Scott W., 1381
- Luce, Claire Booth, 1469, 1501
- Ludden, Raymond P., 872
- Luns, J.M.A.H., 1286
- Luxembourg, 11, 121, 541, 823, 846
- Macao, 841–842, 1005, 1038, 1210, 1252–1253
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 86, 645, 648, 1465n, 1480n, 1526–1527, 1532n, 1543, 1544n, 1545
- McCall-Judson, J.A., 1084, 1087
- McCardle, Carl W., 39, 41n
- McCarran, Pat, 428, 1417, 1419–1420, 1569–1570, 1587, 1630n, 1639–1640, 1768, 1777n, 1779
- McCarthy, Joseph R., 579, 943n, 1168, 1826
- Army–McCarthy hearings, 1548–1550, 1552
- Benton–McCarthy case, 1424, 1426n, 1427n
- Information program, investigation of, 1439–1441, 1454, 1456–1457, 1460–1461
- Loyalty and security investigations, foreign reaction to, 1463–1464, 1467n, 1472–1473, 1486–1487, 1496, 1498, 1500, 1502, 1505, 1516, 1520, 1536–1537, 1548–1555, 1557–1558
- National Security Council security, 1458–1460
- State Department, investigation of, 1379–1383, 1385, 1387–1392, 1398–1399, 1403, 1408, 1410, 1417–1421, 1432–1437
- McCarthyism. See Loyalty and security investigations, U.S.
- McChesney, Earl, 1437n
- McClellan, John D., 641
- McClelland, Roswell D., 1285n
- McCleod, Scott, 1434n, 1445, 1550, 1624, 1627, 1631–1634, 1637–1639, 1641n
- McCloy, James A., 33
- McCloy, John J., 1560–1564, 1578–1579, 1833, 1834n
- McConaughy, Walter P., 562n, 866
- McCormack, John W., 1587
- McCormic, Anne O’Hare, 1395
- McFall, Jack K., 237, 239n, 1380, 1664, 1777
- McFarland, Ernest W., 1587
- McGranery, James P., 1271, 1276, 1301, 1304, 1315, 1318, 1331, 1333, 1343–1345
- McGrath, J. Howard, 1385–1388, 1656, 1657n
- Mcllvaine, Robinson, 1649
- McKay, Douglas, 202n, 986–987, 1002, 1116, 1684n, 1743n
- McKinnon, Wylie, 1073
- McMahon, Brien, 483, 485, 1381
- McMaster, William J., 1268–1269, 1276
- MacNaughton, Ernest B., 1395
- McNeill, Charles R., 88, 810
- McWilliams, William J., 5, 13, 22n, 39, 471, 581n, 1380–1382, 1780n
- Macy, Robert M., 577, 579–580, 665–668
- Mahoney, Charles W., 295
- Makins, Roger, 207, 211
- Malan, Daniel F., 475
- Malaya, 1076
- Malenbaum, Wilfred, 231n
- Malenkov, Georgiy M., 76, 239
- Malik, Charles, 1515
- Mallory, Walter H., 1394
- Manchester Guardian, 1549–1551
- Manderson, Inez M., 1586
- Maney, Edward S., 1628
- Mann, Frederick J., 1627–1629
- Mann, John W., 1720
- Mann, Thomas C., 936n
- Mansfield, Mike, 229, 236, 483, 486, 649, 737, 739, 1393
- Marget, Arthur W., 87, 287, 332–333, 382–383
- Marshall, Charles Burton, 18–21
- Marshall, George C., 1395, 1428, 1429, 1493
- Martin, Edward M., 504, 509–514, 562n, 577–584, 588, 847n, 1204–1206
- Martin, I. Jack, 1738, 1852–1853
- Martin, William McC., 243–244, 247, 303, 319, 323
- Mason, Lowell B., 1268, 1279
- Matsumoto, Shunichi, 166
- Matteson, Robert E., 1480n
- Matthews, H. Freeman, 1n, 34, 37n, 1658–1660, 1733
- Maudling, Reginald, 1067–1068, 1087
- Mayer, René, 945
- Mayerson, G., 1565
- Mead, James M., 1260n, 1261, 1264, 1266–1268, 1275, 1276n, 1278–1281
- Meade, Everard K., 1417n, 1423n, 1434n
- Media, U.S. governmental use of, 42–44
- Mendès–France, Pierre, 1189, 1499
- Merchant, Livingston T., 10, 15–16, 39, 85–86, 203n, 423–427, 463, 468, 936, 1075, 1204, 1213, 1465n, 1468–1469, 1543n
- Merrow, Chester E., 484, 489–490
- Merzagera, Cesare, 1567
- Metzger, Stanley D., 120n, 138–155, 164, 1261n, 1276, 1287, 1304–1306, 1314–1315, 1348–1351
- Mexico, 151n, 205–206, 396, 558–561, 823, 825, 1525
- Meyer, Clarence E., 682n
- Meyer, Eugene, 1393
- Micocci, Antonio A., 1649–1650
- Middle East (see also under
Mutual Security Program: Economic and military assistance, etc.):
- British interest in, 441, 1359
- Countries of, 1356n
- Economic and political situations, 543–546, 705–712
- International petroleum cartel, 1259–1263, 1265–1266, 1272–1274, 1295, 1306–1309, 1357–1363
- Petroleum production, 905, 1320–1321
- Soviet bloc, trade with, 1099–1100
- U.S. air service to, 408–415, 439–441
- U.S. relations with, 36–37, 473, 1490–1493, 1514–1518, 1529, 1531
- Middle East Defense Organization, proposed, 36–37, 702
- Migration policy of the United States. See Immigration and migration policy of the United States.
- Military assistance, U.S. See Mutual Security Program.
- Military Sea Transport Service, 1001, 1057
- Miller, Edward G., 5, 236–237, 510n
- Miller, Frank, 1455
- Millikan, Max, 84
- Millikin, Eugene D., 92, 138n, 143–144, 218–220, 1812, 1822, 1830–1831, 1838, 1840, 1844–1846, 1851
- Mims, Elizabeth, 1268n
- Minerals, 857, 1116, 1145–1147, 1221–1223, 1257–1258
- Minerals Policy Committee, 59, 61, 65, 202, 1116, 1257
- Minnich, L. Arthur, Jr., 63n, 108, 809n, 811–814, 1781n, 1794n, 1806n, 1813n, 1823n, 1829–1832, 1842n
- Minor, Harold B., 408
- Minot, George, 1399
- Mitchell, Sydney, 1385
- Moffatt, Col. C.M., 1039n
- Moffly, Charles K., 1441
- Moline, Edwin G., 830n, 1276
- Monnet, Jean, 32
- Moore, Ben T., 427, 1172
- Moore, Maurice T., 1396
- Moore, Wallace, 1394
- Morgan, George A., 910n, 1480n, 1526
- Morgan, Gerald D., 219
- Morgan, Thomas E., 484
- Morocco, 8, 401
- Morris, Gouverneur, 1797
- Morris, Lawrence S., 1441
- Morrison, Herbert, 1549
- Morse, True D., 193
- Morse, Wayne, 483, 504n, 1393
- Morton, Gerald, 1784
- Morton, Thruston B., 39, 199, 747–749, 751, 752n, 1634, 1640, 1642, 1672, 1780
- Mosadeq, Mohammad, 544–545, 703, 985
- Moscow Economic Conference, 1952, 833–834, 858–860, 894–895, 1093
- Moyer, Lawson A., Jr., 1429
- Moyer, Raymond, 655
- Murphy, Charles S., 18n, 22n, 1267, 1274–1275, 1277–1278
- Murphy, Gardner, 1393
- Murphy, J. Morden, 1395
- Murphy, Robert D., 32, 131–132, 203n, 428, 457, 605n, 1172, 1559n, 1616, 1741
- Murray, Robert B., 419, 1032
- Mutual Assistance Advisory Committee, 462, 463n, 510–511
- Mutual Defense Assistance Program. See under Mutual Security Program.
- Mutual Security Agency (see also Foreign Operations Administration; Mutual Security Program), 262, 332, 465–466, 471–484, 562–566, 568–569, 844, 948, 1332, 1788
- Mutual Security Program (see also
Foreign Operations Administration; Foreign relations of the United States; Mutual Security Agency):
- Act for International Development included in, 731
- Administration and organization of, 460–463, 490–492, 648, 664, 676–677, 682, 730–731, 733–736, 740–744, 746–753, 755–756, 790–792, 797–800, 804–807, 815–816
- Categories of assistance, 760–762
- Coal Procurement Fund, 803, 804n
- Colonies, policy re, 500–503
- Congressional interest in, 470–471, 484–490, 498–499, 503–504, 576–581, 594, 625–626, 630–631, 737–738, 809–814
- Cost-cutting in:
- Counterpart funds, 738
- Country-level administration, 492–498, 807
- Economic and military assistance, areas and countries
- Afghanistan, 670, 709–710
- Africa, 465, 467–469, 506, 583, 587, 600–601, 603, 634, 641–642, 669–670, 701–705, 710, 745, 774–775
- Arab states, 465, 467–469, 525, 644–645
- Austria, 477, 521, 695–696
- Bolivia, 671
- China, Republic of, 465, 467, 469, 471–472, 526, 527, 553, 556, 634, 640–641, 652, 777
- Denmark, 475–476
- Egypt, 372, 473, 704, 707, 802
- Ethiopia, 473, 704
- Far East, 583, 599, 601, 603–604, 640–641, 649–652, 670, 678, 712–714, 775–778
- France, 476, 633–634, 640, 667–668
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 639, 668, 773
- Greece, 372, 522–523, 546–547, 603, 644–646, 668, 706, 775
- India, 372, 474, 632, 634, 646–647, 670, 708–709, 775
- Indochina, 84–86, 465, 467–469, 472, 526, 553–556, 634, 640–641, 649–650, 677, 745, 777
- Indonesia, 472, 652, 776
- Iran, 372, 473, 522–523, 549–551, 634, 644, 702–704, 708, 744, 802
- Iraq, 702, 705
- Israel, 372, 465, 467–469, 523–524, 634, 645, 706–707, 732
- Italy, 477, 640, 773, 803
- Japan, 71–72, 580–581, 650–651, 777
- Jordan, 706–707
- Korea, Republic of, 651–652, 678, 745, 776–777
- Latin America, 84, 252–253, 466–467, 469, 474, 506, 515, 528, 561, 583, 587, 599, 601, 603, 634, 671, 678, 727–729, 745, 777–778
- Lebanon, 707
- Libya, 567, 775
- Middle East, 465, 467–469, 506, 515, 583, 587, 598, 600–601, 603, 632, 634, 669–670, 678, 701–705, 745, 774–775
- Nepal, 670, 709–710
- Norway, 476
- Pakistan, 474, 545, 634, 645, 670, 702, 775, 802–803
- Philippines, 527, 551, 553, 641, 652, 670–671, 720, 776
- Saudi Arabia, 704–705, 707
- South Asia, 465, 467–469, 583, 587, 598, 601, 603, 670, 678, 701–705, 745, 774–775
- Spain, 481, 522, 640, 668, 695–696, 772–773, 803
- Switzerland, 476–477
- Syria, 707
- Thailand, 551–552, 554, 641, 652, 776
- Turkey, 645–646, 668, 706, 775
- Union of South Africa, 475
- United Kingdom, 474–475, 632–634, 639–640, 677
- Uruguay, 560–561
- Western Europe, 465, 467, 469, 506, 515, 598–600, 603, 632, 634, 639–640, 667–669, 678, 686–701, 771–.774
- Yugoslavia, 372, 521–522, 668–669, 677, 695–696, 773, 803
- Economic assistance program:
- Development assistance programs, 84–86, 256–258, 765, 797, 798n, 806
- Development Loan Corporation, proposed, 662–664
- Emergency assistance, 261–262
- Grants and loans, 231–239, 260, 281–282, 372, 647–649, 662–664, 675–676, 769–771
- Investment corporation to oversee, proposed, 793, 795–796
- Surplus agricultural commodities, use of, 637, 641, 675–676, 682–683, 743, 766, 768–769
- Transfer of funds, 636, 801–804
- Escapee Program, 583, 586–587, 806
- European Technical Exchange Program, 772
- Foreign Operations Administration reports re, 684–729, 753–778
- Funding:
- International organizations, support for, 97, 528–530, 620, 634–635, 671, 678, 683, 806
- Kem amendment, effect of, 847–849
- Legislative proposals re, 625–626, 630–631, 730–736
- Military assistance program (see also Mutual Defense Assistance Program below):
- Mutual Assistance Advisory Committee, 462, 463n, 510–511
- Mutual Defense Assistance Program (see also Military assistance program above), 464, 475, 666–667, 677, 682, 688–691, 693, 695–696, 704, 734, 810
- National Security Council study re, 516–561
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization force goals, 517–521, 533–537
- Objectives of, 510–514, 756–760, 788–790
- Palestine Refugee Program, 634, 707, 774–775
- Technical Cooperation Administration Program, 107, 248–254, 259–263, 389–392, 610, 613–614, 619, 639, 663, 707, 728–729, 768, 797, 798n, 806
- Water projects, 711–712, 803
- Mutual Trade Security Advisory Committee, 836
- Myer, Ben, 1461
- Myers, Paul, 1379n
- Myerson, Jack, 1185
- Naguib, Maj. Gen. Muhammad, 544, 704, 802
- Nash, Frank C., 426, 497, 576–581, 642n, 945, 947n, 1808
- Nash, James Philip, 295
- National Academy of Sciences, 1762
- National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial
Problems, 30, 82–83
- Currency convertibility, 363–366
- Establishment and function of, 306n, 339n
- Export-Import Bank, interest in, 322–323, 329–333, 355, 357–359, 369, 380–384
- Foreign Operations Administration, interest in, 281–283, 373–376
- Interest rates on foreign loans, 321–324
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, interest in, 306–308, 322–323
- International Finance Corporation, interest in, 240–248, 286–288, 302–305
- International Monetary Fund, recommendations re, 308–313, 320, 359–363, 368–369
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation, position on, 366–368
- National Association of Foreign Student Advisors, 1557–1559
- National Intelligence Estimates:
- National Science Foundation, 1739n, 1741–1742, 1762
- National Security Council, 3,
- Documents:
- NSC 15/3, 405–408, 434–435, 438–439
- NSC 20, 12n
- NSC 29, 822–828
- NSC 68, 12n
- NSC 91/1, 883–884
- NSC 97, 823, 963–967, 982–987, 991–993, 995–1003, 1052–1060
- NSC 104/2, 834–837, 876–896, 913–932, 939–942
- NSC 114, 12n
- NSC 135, 2, 12n
- NSC 135 No. 3, 516–561
- NSC 138, 1289–1293, 1318–1336
- NSC 142, 588n
- NSC 149/2, 588n
- NSC 152, 968–981, 988–991, 1004–1009
- NSC 152/2, 1009–1014, 1038
- NSC 152/3, 1207–1213, 1239–1255
- NSC 163, 1008–1029, 1034–1038
- NSC 171/1, 1074
- NSC 5407 Part 3, 684–729
- NSC 5414, 175–196
- NSC 5417, 1154–1158, 1226–1227
- NSC 5424, 1743–1761
- NSC 5435, 778–780, 786–788
- Meetings re:
- Agricultural surplus, disposal of, 189–196
- Aluminum stockpiling, 1032–1034
- Antarctica, 1757––759
- Antitrust laws, revision of, 1365–1366, 1375–1378
- East-West trade, 939–942
- Economic defense policy, 988–991, 1004–1009, 1234–1239
- International petroleum cartel, 1263–1264, 1293, 1298–1304, 1338–1344, 1346–1348, 1351–1353
- McCarthy inquiry, 1458–1459
- Mutual Security Program:
- Petroleum program, 981–987, 994–1003, 1052–1054
- Tin purchases from Indonesia, 1074–1075
- U.S. prestige abroad, decline in, 1462–1463, 1466–1468, 1545–1548
- U.S. rubber policy, 1153–1156, 1227–1229
- Special committee for atomic energy matters, 19
- Documents:
- National security policy of the United States (see also
International petroleum cartel: Antitrust suit against: U.S.
national security):
- Alliances, importance of, 66–68
- Aluminum stockpiling, 1020–1027, 1032–1034
- Aviation mobilization planning, 433
- Communist influence in Western Europe, 135–138
- Foreign industrial operations, security of, 822–828, 1028–1029, 1034–1038
- Merchant shipping, wartime control of, 416–419, 423–428
- Mineral stockpiling, 58–59, 61–62, 64–65, 857, 1116, 1145–1147, 1221–1223, 1257–1258
- Petroleum program, 901–910, 963–967, 982–987, 991–993, 995–1003, 1052–1060, 1139–1142, 1256–1257, 1319–1323
- Rubber buffer stock, 932–936, 946–948, 1027–1028, 1174
- Stockpiling of strategic materials, policies re, 80, 195–196, 202–203, 621
- Telecommunications, 392–395, 435–437, 441–454
- Tin stockpiling, 1072–1075
- U.S. rubber policy, 1154–1158, 1173–1176, 1226–1229
- National Shipping Authority, 416, 418, 425
- Navy, U.S. Department of the, 949, 983, 996, 1003, 1088n, 1121n, 1316n, 1739–1740, 1762
- Neal, Alfred C., 46
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 647, 1492, 1518–1520
- Nenni, Pietro, 1501
- Nepal, 552, 670, 709–710
- Netherlands, 11, 392–393, 541, 823–824, 1036–1037
- New Republic, 1399
- New York Post, 1399
- New York Times, 39n, 99n, 1388n, 1427n, 1808n
- New Zealand, 74, 122, 160, 166, 186, 476
- Newman, George S., 582n, 584n, 730n
- News Chronicle, 1548–1551
- Newsweek, 648
- Nichols, Clarence W., 1049n, 1071–1072, 1077n, 1084n, 1086
- Nicholson, Donald L., 1409, 1415n
- Nickel, 1036–1037
- Nicolson, Harold, 1481–1482
- Nigeria, 823, 827
- Nitze, Paul H., 1, 4, 238, 510n, 1282–1285, 1289, 1781
- Nixon, Richard M., 111, 170, 225, 593–594, 1002, 1050, 1466–1467
- Nolting, Frederick E., Jr., 284n, 643, 646–647, 651, 656n, 658–677, 730–733, 737–739, 740n, 748–753, 759, 779, 783, 788n, 794–800, 804–807, 1733n
- Norstad, Gen. Lauris, 1442
- North Atlantic Petroleum Planning Board, 824
- North Atlantic Planning Board for Ocean Shipping, 416–418, 425–427
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 462, 478–479, 481–482, 531–533, 772
- Council, 10, 13–18, 26–27, 30, 32n, 417
- European Defense Community, relation to, 11–12, 532
- European expenditures, 691–694
- Force goals, 14–18, 517–521, 533–537, 666–667, 686–687, 1526
- Germany, Federal Republic of, membership, 532, 686–687
- Greek membership, 533
- Merchant shipping agreements, 416–419, 423–427
- Mutual Defense Assistance Program effect on, 688–691, 693
- Turkish membership, 533
- U.S. funding of, 464, 577–578, 587, 600, 609, 677
- Western European attitude toward, 16, 1476, 1540
- Northwest Airlines, 419n, 420–421, 456–457, 459
- Norway, 123, 160, 476, 541, 1097, 1656, 1661–1662
- Norwood, Bernard, 168
- Nunley, William T., 499–503, 1468n, 1545n
- Nyrop, Donald W., 395
- Oakley, Raymond K., 161–162, 275–276
- The Observer, 1550
- O’Connor, Edward M., 1560n, 1565n
- O’Connor, Roderic L., 203n, 274n, 582n, 659n, 733, 788n, 946n, 1230n, 1433n
- O’Conor, Herbert R., 1777n
- O’Day, Burnita, 1433n, 1436n, 1812n, 1815n, 1822n, 1824n
- Odria, Brig. Gen. Manuel A., 724
- Office of International Trade, 620–621
- Ohly, John H., 468–469, 484n, 566n, 572n, 576–579, 581, 588–592, 605n, 627n, 642n, 677n, 783, 796n, 807n, 968
- Olin Industries, 1022
- Oliver Corporation, 380
- Omaha World Herald, 1399
- O’Melia, Richard J., 1460–1461
- Operations Coordinating Board (see also Psychological Strategy Board), 1526–1543, 1556–1557, 1743
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation, 55–56, 70, 343, 344, 364–368, 508, 700–701
- Organization of American States, 507, 620, 672n, 678
- Orwick, Dana B., 656n
- Overby, Andrew N., 87, 89, 91, 132, 134–135, 244, 247, 282, 286–287, 304, 317n, 319, 322–323, 332–333, 374–375, 381, 383
- Owens, Hamilton, 1393
- Pakistan, 74, 124, 372, 474, 545, 634, 645, 670, 702, 775, 802–803, 1099, 1530
- Palestine refugees, 634, 707, 774–775
- Paley, William S., 857, 1319n
- Paley Commission, 857, 1319n, 1333
- Panama, 557–558, 1022, 1524–1525
- Pan-American World Airways, 385–386, 388, 395n, 397, 400–406, 419n, 439, 441, 457
- Pandit, Vijaya Lakshmi, 1520
- Papagos, Field Marshal Alexander, 1516
- Paraguay, 557
- Parelman, Samuel T., 562–566, 778–779
- Parker, Cola G., 92, 217, 1080
- Parker, John J., 1385, 1816
- Parsons, J. Graham, 13n, 14n
- Patman, Elmer, 1331
- Pedersen, Richard F., 92n
- Peffer, Nathaniel, 1395
- Penfield, James K., 817–818
- Peress, Maj. Irving, 1552
- Perkins, Dexter, 1393
- Perkins, George W., 13, 39, 497–498, 510n, 847n
- Perón, Juan Domingo, 557, 561, 1521–1522
- Perón, María Eva Duarte de, 557, 1521
- Persons, Wilton B., 581, 631–632, 1638, 1778, 1784, 1790, 1795, 1814, 1837
- Peru, 560–561, 1523–1524
- Petroleum (see also International petroleum cartel), 822–826, 901–910, 963–967, 982–987, 991–993, 995–1003, 1037–1039, 1050–1060, 1139–1142, 1256–1257, 1319–1322
- Petroleum Administration for Defense, 823, 901–910, 998, 1056n, 1291, 1304
- Peurifoy, John E., 1379–1383, 1391n, 1392–1397
- Pheiffer, William T., 657
- Philippines, 126, 527, 551, 553, 641, 652, 670–671, 720, 776, 1511–1512, 1530
- Phillips, Joseph B., 1557, 1558n
- Phleger, Herman, 39, 258, 298n, 323, 1348–1349, 1353n, 1355n, 1674–1675, 1684n, 1696, 1720–1721, 1722n
- Pinay, Antoine, 1499
- Platt, Edward G., Jr., 1695n
- Player, William O., 1379
- Pleven, René, 33
- Point Four Program, 248–254, 258–263, 515, 524
- Policy Committee on Immigration and. Naturalization, 1560, 1570–1571, 1580–1586, 1608–1615
- Portugal, 400–421, 542, 823, 841–842, 1158n
- Potter, Margaret, 135n
- Prewitt, Roy A., 1278–1279
- Price, Leonard H., 471–482
- Prio Socarrás, Carlos, 545, 557
- Provisional Intergovernmental Committee for the Movement of Migrants from Europe. See Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration.
- Psychological Strategy Board (see also Operations Coordinating Board), 830, 833n, 1467–1468, 1480–1525, 1526n, 1581
- Public Advisory Board for Mutual Security, 134
- Pyun Yung Tai, 1509
- Quarles, Donald A., 1739–1741
- Quigley, Harold S., 1395
- Rabb, Maxwell M., 105n, 221n, 1626n, 1628
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W., 740, 781–782, 784–785, 1020, 1112, 1161, 1234–1235, 1754, 1756–1757, 1759
- Radio Free Europe, 911
- Radius, Walter A., 455n, 1557, 1559n
- Rand, William M., 267, 627, 681, 984, 1053, 1526
- Randall, Clarence B., 49, 57, 63–65, 87–91, 105–110, 112–113, 163n, 199, 214, 218–220, 227n, 282, 1354n, 1378n
- Randall Commission, 49–61, 65, 86–92, 105, 172, 174, 183, 340–348, 1066–1067, 1078–1080
- Rankin, J. Lee, 110
- Rayburn, Sam, 112–113, 813, 1428, 1663n
- Raynor, G. Hayden, 170, 1737–1739
- Reading, Marquess of, 1134
- Reber, Samuel, 32, 1380, 1444, 1454
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 948, 1073, 1226n, 1788
- Reed, Chauncey W., 1634, 1636, 1640
- Reed, Daniel A., 49, 199, 200n
- Reese, B. Carroll, 484
- Regis, Peter, 1443n
- Reinert, Henry, 1449
- Reischauer, Edwin O., 1394–1395
- Remón, Jose Antonio, 1525
- Reston, James, 39
- Rhee, Syngman, 13, 713, 1484, 1505, 1508–1509
- Ribicoff, Abraham A., 483, 488
- Richards, C. A., 1394
- Richards, James P., 481, 483, 485–486, 737, 813
- Richardson, Seth, 1383, 1391, 1409
- Rickett, Dennis, 1086–1087
- Riddleberger, James W., 5, 936n, 1793
- Ridgway, Gen. Matthew B., 33, 39, 577–578, 913
- Rine, William E., 1379n
- Rio Economic Conference, 72n, 73n, 287, 303
- Robbins, Laurence, 1228
- Robbins, Thomas H., 1155
- Robertson, Walter S., 155–156, 665, 778, 1075, 1394
- Robertson, William S., 1395
- Robinson, Hamlin, 255–256, 298n, 348–354
- Rockefeller, John D., III, 1395
- Rockefeller, Nelson A., 82, 231n, 236, 435–437, 615
- Rockefeller Committee, 231n, 236–237
- Rogers, William P., 1812
- Roling, B. V. A., 1728, 1730
- Ronne, Finn, 1734–1738, 1751
- Roosevelt, Eleanor, 228, 1393, 1831
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1390, 1494, 1525, 1833
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr., 483
- Rooth, Ivar, 309, 314, 316, 360–361
- Rosa, Joseph, 256
- Rose, H. Chapman, 135
- Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel, 1496, 1503–1504, 1547, 1553
- Rosenborg, Ansgor, 1730
- Rosenfield, Harry N., 1560–1570, 1578–1579
- Rosinger, Lawrence K., 1394–1395, 1450
- Ross, Emerson A., 273n, 1174–1175
- Ross, Michael, 1396
- Rostow, Walter W., 84
- Rothschild, Louis S., 419
- Rowe, Chauncey O., 253
- Rowe, James, 1394
- Royal Dutch Shell, 1286, 1287, 1350
- Royer, Jean, 168
- Rubber, 847, 853, 916–917, 932–936, 946–948, 957, 1018, 1027–1028, 1154–1158, 1173–1176, 1226–1229
- Rudolph, Walter M., 1741n
- Ruiz Cortines, Adolfo, 1525
- Russell, Francis, 482
- Russell, Richard B., 483–485, 812, 1843
- Rutter, Peter, 1580–1581, 1583–1584, 1609, 1614
- Ryan, Oswald, 419, 455n
- al-Said, Nuri, 1260
- Salisbury, Lord (Cecil, Robert A. J. C.), 993
- Salomon, Irving, 275, 276n
- Salt, Barbar, 1675
- Saltonstall, Leverett, 503–504, 1696, 1779, 1830–1831
- Saltzman, Charles E., 748, 749n, 792n, 800
- Sandifer, Durward V., 4
- Santa Cruz, Hernán, 237
- Sargeant, Howland H., 40–44, 656n, 1433
- Saudi Arabia, 409, 704–705, 707, 1361
- Sauer, Walter C., 331–333, 350, 352–354
- Sawyer, Charles, 243, 416, 516n, 884, 1288, 1301–1302, 1318, 1340–1342, 1344
- Schaetzel, J. Robert, 199n, 229n, 830n, 946n, 1016n, 1276
- Schechter, Edmund, 1455
- Schelling, Thomas C., 639–642
- Scheyven, Raymond, 292–293
- Schine, G. David, 1437–1439, 1441–1457, 1460, 1484, 1498, 1503
- Schneider, J. Thomas, 242–245, 247
- Schram, Emil, 92
- Schratz, Cmdr. Paul R., 1739
- Schultz, Theodore W., 231n
- Schuman, Frederick L., 1393
- Schuman, Paul, 167n
- Schuman, Robert, 27, 33, 873–874, 877, 880, 901, 1499
- Schuman Plan. See European Coal and Steel Community.
- Schumann, Maurice, 131, 1136–1139, 1150, 1153, 1177, 1181, 1189, 1213
- Schwartz, Abba P., 1626n
- Scott, Edward, 1460
- Scott, Walter K., 310–311, 643, 1408n, 1421, 1423–1424, 1839n
- Sears Roebuck and Co., 353
- Securities and Exchange Commission, 241, 1789
- Service, John S., 1399, 1403, 1432
- Shanley, Bernard M., 1791
- Shearer, Warren W., 365
- Shepheard, Rear Adm. H.C., 1720
- Sheppard, William J., 460–463, 490n, 568n, 572n, 576n
- Shields, Marcellus, 1385
- al-Shishakli (Shishikli), Col. Adib, 545
- Short, Joseph, 1267, 1268
- Short, R. E., 333
- Simpson, Richard M., 49, 92, 211n
- Sinclair, Upton, 1450
- Sipes, John W., 1406–1407, 1415n, 1421, 1423, 1428n, 1429
- Skillman, John F., 1185–1187
- Skornia, Harry, 1449
- Smedley, Agnes, 1439, 1450, 1452
- Smith, Bromley K., 405n
- Smith, Dan T., 348–351, 353–354
- Smith, H. Alexander, 295, 483, 487–488, 737, 847n, 1467n, 1790
- Smith, Rear Adm. Harold P., 1526
- Smith, Lawrence H., 483n, 484, 489
- Smith, Marshall, 1183
- Smith, Walter Bedell, 37–38, 290–294, 358n, 407–408, 843n, 895, 1480n, 1695
- Antarctica, U.S. policy re, 1758, 1762–1763
- Bricker amendment, 1781, 1796, 1808–1810, 1837, 1839–1841, 1842n, 1845, 1847–1850
- East-West trade, 910n, 942, 1111–1112, 1114, 1149–1150
- Foreign economic policy, 50–57, 64, 135–138, 163, 1084–1085
- Foreign Operations Administration, 656n, 681–684, 730, 733, 734n, 740
- International petroleum cartel, 1264, 1268, 1270–1274, 1278, 1300, 1303, 1316, 1355–1356
- Loyalty and security investigations, 1424–1428, 1439, 1441, 1453, 1551, 1556
- Mutual Security Program, 581n, 594–595, 643, 665, 737n, 748, 751n, 752–753
- National security policy:
- Smith, Willis, 1777n
- Snow, Conrad E., 1391, 1400–1406, 1409, 1415n, 1416, 1418–1423, 1428n, 1571, 1582–1586
- Snowdon, Henry T., 405n, 438n
- Snyder, John W., 2, 19, 23, 29–31, 243–244, 246–248, 311, 317, 319–320, 463n, 516n, 1318
- Socony-Vacuum Oil Company, 1351, 1355
- Sokolsky, George, 1399–1400
- South Asia (see also under Mutual Security Program: Economic and military assistance, etc.):
- Southard, Frank A., Jr., 308–310, 314–316, 317n, 319–320, 332, 337–339, 364, 383
- Southeast Asia. See Indochina.
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 776
- Southern Rhodesia, 126, 823, 827–828
- Soviet bloc:
- Council of Economic Mutual Assistance, 1091
- Countries of, 949
- East-West trade, 949–963, 1093–1096, 1121–1132
- Far East, trade with, 1098–1099
- Imports of, 953–956
- Latin America, trade with, 1100–1255
- Merchant fleet, 952, 959–961
- Middle East, trade with, 1099–1100
- South Asia, trade with, 1099
- Trade policies and organization, 1088–1102
- U.S. air service to, 405–408, 434–435, 438–439
- U.S. trade policy re, 69–70, 936–938, 974, 976, 978, 980, 1249–1250
- Western Europe, trade with, 889–891, 923–925, 961–962, 1046–1047, 1097–1098
- Soviet Union, 16,
24, 67
- Agricultural shortages, in, 193–194
- China, People’s Republic of, military assistance for, 922–923
- East-West trade, policies re, 76–77, 101–102, 830, 833, 858–860, 888, 921, 931–932
- International petroleum cartel, 1272–1273, 1297, 1324
- Telecommunications, use of, 435, 445, 448
- Trans-Siberian Railway, 922–923, 960
- Underdeveloped countries, technical assistance for, 102–103
- U.N. programs, funding of, 288–289
- U.N. trade proposals, 99–102
- Western Europe, trade with, 846, 850, 852, 925, 1045–1047
- Western European attitude toward, 1471–1472, 1474, 1485–1486, 1535–1536, 1538
- Spain, 372, 481, 522, 640, 668, 695–696, 772–773, 803, 823, 1505, 1529
- Spalding, Hobart A., 1610
- Sparkman, John J., 229, 236, 483, 485, 1277, 1281n, 1315, 1820n
- Spaulding, E. Wilder, 1450, 1452
- Special Committee on Foreign Operations Administration, 734–736, 740–741
- Special Estimates:
- Special Interagency Committee on Foreign Sources of Critical Materials, 822n, 823–824
- Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development (SUNFED). See under United Nations: General Assembly.
- Spiropoulos, Jean, 1689n
- Spofford, Charles M., 830n
- Sprague, Robert, 783, 785
- Springarn, Stephen J., 1264–1268, 1274–1275, 1277–1279, 1281n
- Spruance, Raymond A., 657
- Staley, Eugene, 1395
- Stalin, Iosif V., 39, 76, 289, 1101, 1484
- Stambaugh, Lynn U., 303
- Standard Oil Company of California, 1351, 1355
- Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, 1315
- Stassen, Harold E., 64, 408n, 569, 1395, 1434n,
1440n, 1496
- Antitrust laws, revision of 1377–1378
- Bricker amendment, 1789, 1791n, 1795, 1808, 1824
- East-West trade, 939–942, 945, 971, 1064–1065, 1067–1068, 1070, 1087, 1110–1111, 1114, 1118, 1132, 1134–1139, 1144–1145, 1148–1153
- Economic defense policy, 989–990, 1005–1008, 1234
- Foreign economic policy, 192, 303, 1072, 1074
- Foreign Operations Administration, 640–643, 653, 655–656, 659n, 678–681, 684n, 730–733, 734n, 735, 788–792, 810
- Immigration and migration policy, 1628
- International investment policies, 111, 267
- Mutual Security Program:
- National security policy, 995, 999, 1155–1156
- U.S. prestige abroad, decline in, 1468, 1480n
- State, Department of, public confidence in, plan for restoration, 40–44
- Steelman, John R., 1288
- Stein, Herman, 1447
- Stennis, John, 504n
- Sterling, J. E. Wallace, 1396
- Steuart, George H., Jr., 1611, 1614
- Stevens, Francis B., 1650
- Stevens, Robert, 1548–1550, 1552
- Stevenson, Adlai E., 37, 1425, 1427, 1484, 1498
- Stewart, Gen. George C., 576, 578, 581
- Stibravy, William J., 279n
- Stockpiling of strategic materials. See under National security policy of the United States.
- Straus, Roger W., 295
- Strauss, Adm. Lewis L., 19
- Streibert, Theodore C., 1556, 1559n
- Sukarno, Achmed, 1490
- Summerfield, Arthur E., 1425
- SUNFED. See Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development under United Nations: General Assembly.
- Supple, William J., 1452
- Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers, Europe, 17, 33
- Surinam, 823, 826, 1036–1037
- Surine, Donald, 1459–1460
- Sutherland, Arthur J., 1785
- Sweden, 185, 1097, 1503, 1529
- Sweeney, Joseph M., 1674n, 1716n
- Swihart, James, 417
- Swing, Joseph M., 1633
- Switzerland, 476–477, 1097, 1504–1505, 1529
- Symington, Stuart, 1442
- Syria, 409, 474, 545, 707
- Taber, John, 113, 580, 735, 812, 1645
- Taft, Robert A., 1464, 1497, 1624n, 1779, 1792, 1812, 1815, 1819–1820
- Taiwan. See China, Republic of.
- Talbot, Phillips, 1395
- Talbott, Harold E., 781–782, 785
- Tannenbaum, Frank, 1393
- Tannenwald, Theodore, Jr., 482–484, 577, 579
- Tarchiani, Alberto, 853n, 879
- Tarczynski, John T., 1563
- Tariff Commission, U.S., 56, 65, 77, 88, 90, 148, 152–153, 201–203, 948
- Tate, Jack B., 120n, 138, 258, 1673–1674, 1685
- Taylor, Frank D., 1039n
- Taylor, George E., 1395
- Taylor, Henry J., 1399–1400
- Taylor, John W., 1442
- Taylor, Wayne Chatfield, 273n
- Technical Cooperation Administration Program. See under Mutual Security Program.
- Telecommunications, 392–395, 435–437, 441–454
- Teletypewriter Exchange System, 453
- Tello, Manuel, 205–206
- Tenth Inter-American Conference, 72
- Tesize, Philip H., 1356n
- Texas Company, 1351, 1355
- Textile machinery, 330–333
- Thailand, 551–552, 554, 641, 652, 776, 1076, 1512–1513, 1530
- Thayer, Robert A., 389–392, 408–415, 439–441
- Thibodeaux, Ben H., 207n, 1453
- Thomas, Wallace S., 986
- Thompson, Charles, 354n, 1442
- Thompson, Llewellyn E., Jr., 1439, 1444–1445, 1447–1448, 1453
- Thompson, Ruth, 1625
- Thompson, Virginia, 1394
- Thorneycroft, John E., 1134, 1149–1153, 1176–1177, 1188–1189, 1213, 1215, 1216n, 1221, 1224, 1225, 1229–1230
- Thorp, Willard L., 4, 45, 114, 118–119, 227–235, 241, 243–244, 246–247, 510n, 818, 854n, 1259–1262, 1276
- Thorpe, Capt. Wakeman B., 90–91
- Times of London, 1548–1550
- Tin, 1016–1017, 1030–1031, 1060, 1071, 1077, 1084–1085
- Tito, Josip Broz, 1566
- Tobey, Charles W., 483n, 484
- Tobin, Irwin, 1580–1581, 1583–1586, 1610–1615
- Togliatti, Palmiro, 1569
- Tollefson, Thor C., 1738
- Trade Agreements Committee, 88
- Trans-Ocean Airways, 441
- Trans-Pacific Certificate Renewal Case, 419–423, 455, 457–459
- Transportation policy of the United States. See International transportation policy of the United States.
- Transtrum, Orville H., 1444n, 1452
- Trans-World Airlines, 385–386, 388, 395n, 397, 402–404, 410–411, 419n, 420–421, 441, 456–457, 459
- Treasury, U.S. Department of the:
- Antitrust laws, revision of, 1378
- Customs administration, 88–89, 132–135, 155
- Economic defense policy, 838, 846, 893
- Foreign economic assistance program, 374, 806
- Foreign economic policy, 229, 296–298, 310–311
- Foreign policy, role in, 29–30
- International Finance Corporation, position re, 299–301
- Mutual Security Program administered by, proposal re, 792, 798n, 800
- Strategic materials, 1001, 1003, 1226n
- Tax policies, 30, 89, 348–354
- Treaties, conventions, agreements, etc. (see also
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade):
- Agreement Between the United States and Mexico Respecting Reciprocal Trade, 1942, 151n
- Bretton Woods Agreement, 1944, 243, 360–361, 363
- Contractual Agreements between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States, 1952, 32–33
- Convention between the United States and Other Powers to Suppress the Slave Trade and Slavery, 1926, 1769
- Friendship, commerce and navigation treaties, 91
- International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1952, 1669
- International Wheat Agreement, 1050, 1051
- Restitution Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and Israel, 1952, 35
- Security treaty between Australia, New Zealand, and the United States, 475
- Tripartite Declaration of 1950, 37
- Treatymaking powers of the Executive branch. See Bricker amendment, etc.
- Trinidad, 823, 827, 1037
- Trout, Maurice E., 1452
- Trulock, Walter, 644–649, 1132n
- Truman, Harry S., 28, 1260n, 1483
- Administrative transition, 1–4, 18–23, 29, 31, 37–38, 41
- East-West trade, 834, 857, 913–914, 926
- Foreign economic policy, 45, 115, 117, 123n, 138, 151
- Immigration and migration policy, 1566, 1570, 1581, 1584, 1587, 1589–1590, 1609–1611, 1613, 1615–1616
- International transportation policy, 386, 402–404, 405n
- International petroleum cartel, 1261, 1263–1264, 1266–1268, 1270–1271, 1275–1281, 1288, 1292, 1300–1304, 1332, 1335, 1338–1345
- Law of the Sea, 1663n, 1664n, 1669
- Loyalty and security investigations, 1382–1386, 1388n, 1397, 1412–1415, 1424, 1426–1427, 1428n, 1431
- Mutual Security Program:
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 482, 518
- Tudor, Ralph A., 1053, 1228
- Tunisia, 2, 8
- Turkey, 122–123, 265–266, 474, 533, 544, 645–646, 668, 706, 775, 1097, 1100, 1140, 1517–1518, 1529
- Turnage, William V., 197
- Twain, Mark, 1450, 1452, 1567
- Tydings, Millard, 1382–1383, 1388n, 1391–1392, 1397–1398, 1400
- Tyson, Leonard S., 1075n
- Underdeveloped countries, 51, 68–69, 97–99, 102–103, 231n, 232, 277–278, 1077
- Union of South Africa, 2, 9–10, 475, 823
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Soviet Union.
- United Kindom, 24, 393, 933
- Aircraft sales, 412–413
- Army–McCarthy hearings, press reaction to, 1548–1551
- China, People’s Republic of, relations with, 938–939, 1020
- Continental shelf, policy re, 1665–1666, 1693–1694, 1704–1714
- Currency convertibility, 55, 338, 342–348
- Defense expenditures, 542
- East-West trade policy, 480, 852–853, 926, 1061–1064, 1067–1069, 1081–1084, 1086–1087, 1103–1120, 1132–1135, 1142–1145, 1148–1153, 1160–1166, 1176–1181, 1198–1201, 1206, 1213–1215, 1219–1221, 1223–1225, 1229–1230, 1243–1245
- Economic and political situations, 530, 539
- Fishing rights, policy re, 1691–1693, 1704–1714
- Foreign trade, 74, 100, 326
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 123–124, 160, 166–167, 173
- International Monetary Fund, 365
- International petroleum cartel, 1268–1269, 1276–1277, 1282, 1295, 1323–1324, 1349n
- Iranian petroleum industry, nationalization of, 2, 7–8, 25–26, 1117–1118
- Japan, relations with, 117–119, 173, 203–205
- Loss of empire, 1481–1482
- Middle East, interest in, 441, 1359
- Territorial waters, policy re, 1675, 1685–1691
- U.S. economic and military assistance, 474–475, 632–634, 639–640, 677
- U.S. economic defense policy, 817–820, 1014–1015, 1018–1020, 1039–1049, 1081–1084, 1086–1087
- U.S. prestige in, 1497–1498, 1529
- United Nations:
- China, People’s Republic of, economic sanctions against, 867–868, 921–922
- Covenant on Human Rights, 1769–1770
- Economic and Social Council, 92–104, 142–143, 148–149, 227–231, 234–236, 240–248, 270–274, 276–279, 285–288, 291–294, 359–363
- General Assembly:
- Colonialism question, 8–9
- Committees:
- Eight–Power Resolution on Palestine, 35
- International Finance Corporation, debate re, 293–295, 299–300
- International Law Commission, creation of, 1664
- Korean conflict, debate re, 6, 24–25
- Law of the Sea, debate re, 1697, 1699–1701, 1705–1719, 1726–1731
- Private investment, debate re, 294
- Resolutions:
- South African racial policies, 9–10
- Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development, debate re, 91, 93, 99, 102, 227–239, 273–274, 277–279, 292–293
- U.S. policy in, 289–290
- Group of Experts on unemployment, 231n
- International Development Fund. See Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development under General Assembly above.
- International Labor Organization, 96–97, 1576
- Technical assistance program, 275–276, 279, 288–290, 529, 583, 609, 613, 620, 635, 672n, 678
- World Health Organization, 96–97
- U.N. Commission on Human Rights, 93–94, 1770
- U.N. Commission on International Commodity Trade, 93, 95
- U.N. Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, 713
- U.N. Expanded Program of Technical Assistance, 93, 96–97, 102–103
- U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, 96–97, 1709, 1726
- U.N. International Children’s Emergency Fund, 505, 507, 515, 529–530, 609, 613, 620, 635, 671, 678
- U.N. Korean Rehabilitation Agency, 465, 468, 583, 602, 609, 613, 620, 635, 651, 671, 678, 745
- U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, 529, 620, 671, 678
- Unyon, C.P., 1397n
- Uruguay, 126, 186, 560–561
- Utley, Freda, 1452
- van Heuven Goedhart, 1576
- van Hollen, Christopher, 38n
- van Roijen, J.H., 1286–1287
- Vandenbosch, Amry, 1394
- Vanech, A. Devitt, 1264
- Venezuela, 74, 557–561, 1296, 1324–1325
- Vernon, Raymond, 50n, 57n, 114n, 120, 132–135, 936n, 943–945, 1018n
- Veterans of Foreign Wars, 1399–1400
- Vinacke, Harold M., 1395
- Vincent, John Carter, 33, 1432
- Viner, Jacob, 1393
- Voice of America, 911
- Voorhis, Jerry, 1393
- Vorys, John M., 229, 236, 238, 470, 483, 486–487, 630–631, 682n
- Vyshinsky, Andrey Y., 6, 24
- Wadsworth, James J., 295
- The Wall Street Journal, 1400
- Wallner, Woodruff, 1446–1447
- Walsh, Edmund A., 1393
- Walter, Francis E., 1427, 1567, 1568n, 1570, 1593, 1605, 1644–1645
- Warren, Avra M., 25, 39
- Warren, George L., Jr., 1563, 1572n, 1573–1575, 1577, 1581–1586, 1617n, 1623, 1626n, 1641n, 1642, 1645–1646, 1648–1649, 1651, 1654n
- Warren, J. Ed, 983, 1301, 1332
- Watkins, Arthur V., 1640, 1779, 1817
- Watt, Robert, 1393
- Watts, Philip H., 1288n
- Waugh, Samuel C.:
- East-West trade, 1087, 1113, 1172, 1204, 1213
- Economic and military assistance programs, 273–274, 284, 374–375, 647–650, 652, 656n, 753n
- Foreign economic policy, 45, 89–90, 170–171, 203n, 279, 287, 296–301, 303–305, 331–332, 350–352, 382–383, 1049n, 1075, 1077
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 158n, 161–162, 166, 169, 171–174, 203–204, 208, 213–214
- International petroleum cartel, 1353–1354
- Petroleum program, 1139–1142
- Trans-Pacific Certificate Renewal Case, 457–458
- Webb, James E., 310, 475, 822–828, 1260n, 1261, 1285–1288, 1382, 1391
- Wedemeyer, Lt. Gen. Albert C., 1260n
- Weeks, Sinclair, 202n, 1684n, 1743n, 1795
- Economic defense policy, 941–942, 971, 1005, 1007
- Foreign economic policy, 59, 62, 64, 175n, 225n, 323
- International strategic export control lists, revision of, 1160, 1162, 1168–1172, 1181–1183, 1219–1221, 1236n, 1237–1238
- Merchant shipping, wartime control of, 416–417, 423
- Petroleum program, 984–986, 995–997, 999, 1001, 1053
- Weiss, Leonard, 91, 132n, 208–211, 256–258
- Wellde, George, 1565
- West, Robert, 1578
- Western Europe (see also under
Mutual Security Program: Economic and military assistance, etc.):
- Communism in, 135–138, 530–531
- Defense expenditures and production, 540–543
- East-West trade, 1487–1488
- Economic situation, 70–71, 537–540, 697–701
- International petroleum cartel, 1317
- Korean conflict, attitude toward, 1483
- McCarthyism, attitude toward, 1472–1473, 1477, 1486–1487, 1499–1500, 1536–1537
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, attitude toward, 1476, 1540
- Soviet bloc, trade with, 889–891, 923–925, 961–962, 1046–1047, 1097–1098
- Soviet Union, attitude toward, 1471–1472, 1474, 1485–1486, 1535–1536, 1538
- U.S. economic defense policy, 896–900, 925–927, 969
- U.S. foreign aid, attitude toward, 1474–1476, 1539–1540
- U.S. prestige in, 1465, 1468–1480, 1483–1488, 1497–505, 1529–1531, 1534–1543
- Western Hemisphere Trade Corporation, 349, 351–353, 354n
- Westfall, Virginia C., 97n
- Wheland Company, 1022
- Wherry, Kenneth, 1399
- Whipple, Clayton E., 287
- White, C. Thayer, 127n, 155n
- White, Eric Wyndham, 166, 168
- Whiteman, Marjorie M., 1657n, 1735n, 1741n, 1764n, 1768n
- Whitin Machine Works, 331–333
- Whitney, John Hay, 89, 1080
- Wiggins, Lee, 1385
- Wilber, Edward B., 1415n
- Wilcox, Dean Francis, 1467n
- Wiley, Alexander, 4, 112, 483, 485, 804n, 812–813, 847n
- Wilkes, Charles, 1751
- Williams, John H., 340–348
- Williams, Walter, 990
- Willis, George H., 45–46, 308, 311–315, 330, 375, 578
- Willoughby, Woodbury, 126n
- Wilson, Charles Erwin:
- Antarctica, U.S. policy re, 1756
- Antitrust laws, revision of, 1377
- Bricker amendment, 1782, 1843
- East-West trade, 1005–1008, 1114, 1145, 1199–1202, 1220–1221, 1238
- Ethiopia, U.S. military assistance for, 704
- Foreign economic policy, 193–194, 225, 941–942
- Merchant shipping, wartime control of, 416–417, 423
- Mutual Security Program:
- Petroleum program, 983, 985–986, 991, 995–997, 1053
- Territorial waters, U.S. policy re, 1684n
- Wilson, Col. James K., Jr., 375
- Wilson, Woodrow, 1482
- Wittfogel, Karl A., 1394
- Wolf, Morris, 679
- Wolfe, Glenn, 1454
- Woltman, Frederick, 1400
- Won Yong-duk, 1509
- Wood, C. Tyler, 245, 484n, 499n, 500n, 578–581, 847n
- Wood, John S., 1428
- Woods, Lewis, 1424
- Working Group on Review of American Economic Foreign Policy, 46
- World Health Organization, 96–97
- Wormser, Felix E., 1029–1031, 1049
- Wright, Mary, 1394
- Yarnell, Adm. Harry E., 1394
- Yingling, Raymund T., 1675n, 1686–1695
- Ylitalo, John Raymond, 1443n
- Yorty, Samuel W., 1657n, 1658, 1660
- Yoshida, Shigeru, 200, 650
- Young, John P., 935
- Young, Kenneth T., 118–119, 562n
- Young, Gen. Willard C., 910n
- Yugoslavia, 372, 406, 478, 521–522, 544, 668–669, 677, 695–696, 773, 803, 1446–1447
- Zablocki, Clement J., 484
- Zahedi, Fazollah, 1354
- Zinc, 203, 206, 1030, 1222
- Zook, Donovan Q., 1588n
- Zwicker, Brig. Gen. Ralph W., 1548