031.1102/9–3054: Circular telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in New Zealand1
170. Joint State–USIA message. Text release sent Circular 1642 revised without change substance. Draft can be used as basis informing governments and press but should not be released as White House statement.3
In reply questions from officials and press you may say icebreaker will be USS Atka (AGB–3) commanded by Cdr. Glen Jacobsen. Ship is now Boston after two month cruise Arctic waters on routine operations. It will depart US about Dec 1 and return not later than May 1, 1955. Planning not yet completed but USS Atka will initially enter Ross Sea and revisit Little America, base of four previous US expeditions. Thereafter expedition will call several other points briefly, probably including vicinity Palmer Peninsula.
Should you be questioned by officials or press concerning US position re Antarctic claims you may state you understand there are no present plans for announcing official claim. US recognizes no other national claims and reserves all its rights in Antarctic based on past activities and claims made in its behalf. Therefore important that no room be left for impression U.S. would ask permission visit Antarctic areas claimed by other countries. On other hand you may reiterate US willingness examine with seven present claimants named Circular 164 possibility of early resolution of conflicting claims. You should point this connection Dept’s 1948 proposal to seven countries for discussion of internationalization of Antarctic which met with little positive response. (FYI This no longer US position.) USIS output could also stress within limits connection this expedition International Geophysical Year. (Buenos Aires and Santiago refer Policy Info Statement ARA–3 April 13, 1954.)