398.18 PICMME/1–2852

The Director of the Bureau of German Affairs (Byroade) to the United States High Commissioner for Germany (McCloy)1


Dear McCloy: Bob West, Special Assistant to the Secretary on Migration Affairs, came in the other day to discuss the effort in which the Department is participating to secure special legislation at this session of the Congress which would permit entry into the U.S. of numbers of immigrants substantially in excess of those permitted under the quotas. This effort follows somewhat along the lines of Displaced Persons legislation which, as you know, has been fulfilled. The effort deals particularly with the admission of people from certain areas in Western Europe where acute problems of over-population exist and, of course, Western Germany has been considered one of the principal areas. We have felt that, even after taking into account the utmost that might be expected from the expanding economy of Western Germany, there still would remain substantial numbers of people who have little chance of satisfactory resettlement within Western Germany and consequently we should support efforts which would help create possibilities of resettlement for voluntary emigrants. This consideration has been basic to the position which the U.S. has taken in several international conferences dealing with the subject and is one of the factors underlying the effort now being made to secure special legislation as to immigration into the U.S.

West told me that Mr. Harry Rosenfield, Displaced Persons Commissioner, on returning from his recent trip to Europe, reports that you do not feel that Western Germany needs such help as might be afforded by the promotion of possibilities of emigration. I was somewhat surprised at this report because it reflects a view contrary to my understanding of the situation which has developed in Western Germany as a result of the influx of the refugees and expellees. You will recognize the difficulty of promoting this matter of special legislation here in the U.S. if you think that efforts to promote possibilities of emigration are unnecessary or undesirable from the point of view of the interests of the Federal Republic. I cannot help but wonder whether Mr. Rosenfield did not receive an impression in his conversations with you which does not fully reflect your views of the situation and it would be very helpful indeed if you would give me your appraisal of the usefulness of endeavoring to provide an outlet for some of these people here in the U.S.

Sincerely yours,

Henry A. Byroade
  1. Drafted by Robert West and Geoffrey W. Lewis, Deputy Director, Bureau of German Affairs.