711.00/3–3154: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Dillon) to the Department of State


3623. Limit distribution. Depcirtel 53, July 23,1 and my despatch 469, August 4, 1953,2 in reply thereto on subject of decline of French confidence in United States leadership.

I desire at this time to reaffirm my conclusions of last summer to effect that French confidence in American leadership has declined since beginning of 1953. Upon my return to Paris early this month after absence of over three months I am struck with fact that American prestige here and French confidence in our leadership of free world seem to have further deteriorated.

Embassy’s daily press despatches have reflected rising tide of French concern over “McCarthyism,” but I think it necessary at this time to supplement these routine reports with following summation of indications, not merely in press but in official and other circles, of serious proportions situation has reached. (Despatch is in preparation.)

1. Paris Press.

Until comparatively recently non-Communist and friendly to US French newspapers were speaking of McCarthyism as representing lunatic fringe in America. These same papers are now saying that perhaps 50 percent of all Americans are in favor of McCarthy’s ends and methods.

“McCarthyism” is presently and for several weeks has been No. 1 American story in all sections of French press, and in particular since Stevens–McCarthy–Peress affair commenced. Typical recent headlines chosen at random mainly from pro-American newspapers have been:

“Great Fear of McCarthyism Paralyzes Progressively Administration of USA,” “American Army Surrenders To McCarthyism,” “Confusion In Washington Due To McCarthy–US Government Conflict,” “Avenging Archangel Of American Conformism To Whom Eisenhower Is Now Paying In Full Blank Check He Gave Him During Election Campaign,” “McCarthy Dominates American Political Scene—Prestige Of Wisconsin Senator Grows Constantly Before Weakness Of President Of US—Press Now Treats Both Men As Equals,” “Eisenhower—Another Hindenburg.”

Editor of largest Paris evening paper, France-Soir, which is violently anti-Communist and generally pro-American, recently stated privately to us: “Damaging attacks against American free institutions [Page 1553] are also attacks against democracy and freedom in France.” One of principal political writers of solidly pro-American and pro-EDCFigaro expressed to Embassy officer his concern about progress McCarthyism in America and said how difficult it was becoming convincingly to support American leadership of Atlantic community in face of McCarthyism. Totalitarian police-state methods behind iron curtain in one pro-American paper were characterized as “Communist McCarthyism.”

Influential Le Monde and other anti-American and neutralist newspapers and magazines are implying with increasing boldness and plausibility that Washington is “just as bad as Moscow.”

Communist propaganda for past several years has made sustained effort to draw parallel between Americans and Nazis with object of firing French with neo-resistance spirit. Although themes used to portray Americans as neo-Nazis such as so-called American military occupation, bacteriological warfare (analogy with Nazi gas chambers) and Rosenberg execution (anti-Semitism) produced little popular effect here, progress of McCarthyism has proved unexpected windfall for this type of Communist propaganda by providing it with specifically American phenomenon to equate with fascist threat. Communists of course, have exploited it to utmost in this sense and peace movement has begun create local committees to combat “McCarthyism in France” as American inspired menace to civil liberties everywhere.

2. French Government and Anti-Communist Action.

We have had countless personal inquiries from French officials including Prime Minister’s office and members of Parliament, as to real strength of McCarthy’s following in US and prospects of administration being able to control him.

High-placed government officials responsible for anti-Communist action here have repeatedly told Embassy officers confidentially that rise of McCarthyism partly accountable for decline such action in recent months. While recognizing it as only one element in local picture, they say it has gone far to discredit anti-Communist action in France generally. Notably it has destroyed popular discrimination between what is sound action to protect national security and what is witch-hunting and has created increasingly unfavorable climate for effective anti-Communist action. Always sensitive to any suggestion of American pressures in such matters, French officials have become increasingly so of late and are increasingly reluctant to initiate anti-Communist measures for fear public censure of aping McCarthyism.

3. Business Community.

Prominent French manufacturer with excellent resistance record, violently anti-Communist and sincerely pro-American, recently [Page 1554] told Embassy officer he did not dare to go on legitimate business trip to Russia in connection with his perfume business because if he did he would be under suspicion and never again receive American visa. Many of our French business contacts state they are finding it increasingly difficult to maintain and defend before unfriendly critics their pro-American sentiments. Other intelligent and friendly Frenchmen are now saying they do not desire to go to US “even if I could get a visa” for fear of receiving rude treatment and perhaps being under suspicion.

Three reputable Jewish business establishments in Paris were recently approached by official of France–Etats-Unis organization for annual contribution. Top officials of all three houses stated they would not this year contribute and each gave following reasons: (a) McCarthyism is fascism and oppression of minority groups; (b) this will inevitably lead to anti-Semitism.

4. Friendly Intellectuals.

Director of University of Lyon, notably and outspokenly pro-American, states many of his friends see in McCarthyism in US the dashing of their best hopes for survival of freedom and liberty in free world. Leading Parisian publisher who has been militantly friendly to US now decries what seems to him and to many of his associates progressive development of intolerance in America. He says: “There is nothing new in McCarthyism except the fact that this time it is happening to you Americans.”

Intelligent and pro-American secretary general of Marseille Chamber of Commerce recently asked: “Do you realize one of greatest menaces in world today is McCarthy? President Eisenhower has gone down in estimation of myself and many of my friends because he takes no action against him. Why doesn’t he do something? Doesn’t he realize what’s happening? Doesn’t he remember Italy and Germany?”

Professor of English at Aix-Marseille University tells us teachers and students are following “l’affaire McCarthy” with sort of horrified fascination. “You Americans seem to be politically inconsistent and now that it has come to a showdown you don’t really seem to believe in freedom of speech, constitutional rights of persons suspected of treason,” etc.

American Fulbright students report that willingness of French students to learn facts about US greatly reduced these days because they feel little good can lie under surface that looks so bad.

These are but a few of typical reactions we are receiving from our friends. Public affairs officers attached to Consulates in principal French cities recently here for conference confirm these reactions are almost universal among responsible and friendly Frenchmen in their various districts.

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Just as most Frenchmen before war looked hopefully to us for support and protection against forces of totalitarian Nazism and Fascism, non-Communist Frenchmen since war have looked to and counted upon US as their ultimate protector against totalitarian Communism from east. We have long stood in minds of great majority of Frenchmen as bulwark and symbol of representative government, free institutions and tolerance. To the extent it is believed here that we no longer unitedly and resolutely stand for these values, and that forces attacking them in our country are gaining in strength, French opinion tends to start looking elsewhere for protection of their national security. Elsewhere is, of course, towards east, which means neutralist search for “reinsurance” by better relations with USSR and loosening of relations with US.
For reasons suggested in foregoing paragraphs, American prestige in France, and particularly in influential non-Communist intellectual circles, has deteriorated to lowest point we can remember. Fulfilling this missions basic task of keeping France a strong, healthy and willing ally is becoming increasingly difficult. Operations in important field of public information and cultural affairs are particularly affected. Spectacle of McCarthyism in US is increasingly playing into hands of Communists and neutralists who, if they succeed in instilling in French minds that American “Fascism” is just as bad as totalitarian Communism, will have won tremendous propaganda victory which can only undermine French attachment to and confidence in western defensive coalition.
Confidence in our leadership, in American steadiness and our attachment to freedom and basic liberties has undoubtedly suffered serious decline during past year. Although this is an undeniable and discouraging fact, setbacks we have suffered in this country are not beyond repair. French public opinion has not accepted and never will accept Senator McCarthy’s apparent idea of America, but is eager to accept and follow lead of President Eisenhower’s America. Our prestige here is directly related to and a function of success administration has in dealing with and defeating what are regarded here as being forces of totalitarianism and conformism at home.
French press and French public opinion react instantly and enthusiastically to every evidence that McCarthyism is successfully being countered, exposed and controlled. President’s endorsement of Senator Flanders’ recent Senate speech and recent evidence that American public opinion is finally being aroused against Wisconsin Senator’s extremism has been greeted here with relief and feeling that perhaps after all McCarthyism is manifestation of personal [Page 1556] ambition, demagogy, superstition, anti-intellectualism and ignorance which good sense of American people will relegate to its proper position as unsightly and embarrassing rash on American body political rather than as symptom of serious and perhaps chronic disease.3
  1. Ante, p. 1465.
  2. For text, see volume vi.
  3. Special Assistant to the Secretary of State John W. Hanes summarized this telegram for Secretary Dulles in a memorandum of Apr. 3, 1954. (611.00/4–354)