Memorandum by the Special Assistant to the Secretary of State (Battle)1
Senator Tydings telephoned the Secretary to say that his Committee is interested in having the Secretary to come up to testify and get some affirmative statements before the Committee. He said all they have now is the charges and denials and they think it would be well to have something to counteract that. The Senator said they were also interested in having Mr. Snow, head of the Loyalty Board,2 testify. They wanted him to describe the process used by the Committee in determining loyalty, etc. Senator Tydings emphasized that the Committee is concerned only with loyalty and not with homogeneity, and Mr. Snow’s testimony should steer clear of the latter.
The Secretary said he thought first off it might be a very good idea for him to come up, and that he was sure Mr. Snow could come. He said he would like to discuss the matter with Mr. Webb and Mr. Peurifoy and would probably be in touch with the Senator early tomorrow.
Senator Tydings mentioned that they were also interested in getting Richardson of the Loyalty Board, and then said it would be a good idea to have the entire board come up, with Snow as spokesman for the group. He said they would introduce each one, indicating briefly his background, and that would make a good impression. The Secretary agreed with this suggestion and Senator Tydings said they would probably like to have them on Wednesday.
It was then agreed that if the Secretary were to testify it would be next week, because he already has another appearance on the Hill this week.
[Page 1392]Senator Theodore Green then came on the line and told the [Secretary?] he was anxious to have the process of screening of Department employees described to insure their loyalty, and then see if there appeared to be any way to improve on the methods, etc. He said that is one useful purpose the Committee might serve.
- Handwritten notations on the source text indicate that this memorandum was sent to Peurifoy, Adrian Fisher, and Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs Edward W. Barrett. A typewritten notation on the source text reads: “Copy to Mr. Peurifoy for action on 4/4/50.”↩
- For information on the Loyalty Security Board of the Department of State, see the memorandum by Conrad E. Snow to the Secretary of State, dated Jan. 8, 1953, p. 1428.↩