255. Telegram From the CIA Station in Guatemala to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida1
Guatemala City, June 28, 1954, 2254Z.
992. Re: GUAT 990.2
- 1.
- We have been double-crossed.
- 2.
- [3 names not declassified] formed junta and announced it over TGW at 1145. [name not declassified] renounced presidency, kept chief armed forces. [name not declassified] Min Defense. [name not declassified] Minister of Gobernacion. [name not declassified] asked [name not declassified] remain. This complete violation agreement 7 hours earlier.
- 3.
- With [name not declassified] failure, issue became readiness of junta negotiate with Calligeris. JMBLUG, JMBLUG 1, ESQUIRE, Bannister, Nutting spent from 1200 to 1415 with junta. [name not declassified] spoke for junta. They refused give yes or no to JMBLUG question whether they would meet Calligeris. Evaded all issues, praised their own anti-communism, slandered Calligeris, cried have beaten army retain power in nation.
- 4.
- Urgently recommend bombing Adam this afternoon.
- 5.
- Next mtg 1730, same participants. Bombs would persuade them fast.