222. Telegram From the CIA Station in Guatemala to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida1
Guatemala City, June 22, 1954, 2004Z.
929. Ref LINC 4165.2
- 1.
- No indication ref true at this moment.
- 2.
- Reports from ESCONSON 2 and 7 indicated Commies and Commie dominated workers claim they intend attack embassies of unfriendly govts and especially PBPRIME embassy where expect seize documentation proving ODYOKE–Calligeris collaboration.
- 3.
- Strafing attack morning 22 June described by competent PBPRIME observer as pathetic. One small oil tank on outskirts of city hit but fire out in 20 minutes. Flak not suppressed. Plane apparently did not come lower than thousand feet at anytime. ESAGE, ESPERANCE.
- 4.
- Public impression is that attacks show incredible weakness, lack of decision, and fainthearted effort. Calligeris efforts widely described as farce. Anti Commie anti govt morale near vanishing point. ESPERANCE, ESQUIRE, ESTIMATOR, ESCONSON.
- 5.
- One lone plane attacking half heartedly at this stage of game gives impression weakness. If Adam targets to be attacked, suggest some show real strength. Display this morning far more damaging our cause than to govt and Commies. Govt widely accusing ODYOKE of being involved in this insurrection and the people believe this to be so. Weakness and lack of decision is attributed to ODYOKE and will be reflected in attitude of people and especially of Commies and pro govt irregulars toward lives and property of PBPRIME residents in WSBURNT. Only force and decision will be respected. Words are useless.